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The Largest On Record

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The Atnerioau Tobaooo Co. bslieves ia advertising. The Amerioao Tobacco Co. believes in newspaper advertising. The American Tobaoco Co. is a vast commercial concern, and its recent appropriation of $750,000, to be spent in newspnpers in the advertising of one of its branca- "Battle Ax" flug Tobacco - is wortby of more than passing comment. To expend this amonnt of money judioionsly is a problem. This will be obvious to any advertiser. lts solotion is therefore instruotive to every mercbaut and produoer who has need of publicity for his business welfare. Tbis, then, was the determination flnally reached. The detail uecessary to the handling of this volnme of business demanded the experience and equipment of an advertising agency of the first class. The Q. H. Haalenbeek Advertising Agency, of New York City, was therefore selected, and estimates were ptepared to cover the entire country for sueh mediums as were thonght to be desirable to bring qoick and sure returns. In this oonneotion it is certainly pardonable for the Argus to oall attention to the fact that it was inoluded in the liet. There is a point to be made jut here, and it is that if tne "foreign" advertiser, having ptaotioaliy unlimited meaus and exeroising a judgment bom of yeats of experience, deoides upon a given medium, it is becanse of the excellence of tbat particular medium, fot the field that it oovers. Local advertisers will do well to reflect on this point. It is pregnant with meaning to every one of tbem. The mode of presentation waa the question to be settled after the meanB of presentation had been decided, and heie again the smaller merchanc will find a "tip." There was no nibbling at the proposition. With broad-guage business views, backed with splendid btisiuess ooorage, the first "oopy" callea for an entire page. Tbis served to rivet attention, and the contraot then requires that the lesson shall be driven home every other day by convincing argumeuts oconpying sixteen inohes of space, spleudidly illnstrated and displayed. Iu oonoeptiou and execution tbis busness is nnique. The Amerioan Tobacco Co. has taken the dnll seaaon, whioh was made duller by the timid who teared the war as a factor in business, and it has given a colossal order as au iodication that, if times are dull, the thing to do is to make them brighcer, and the right way to ïnake them brighter is throngh jndioious advertising. Newspapei advertising is the best way to make good times if yon have anything really good to offer, and the way to use newspaper advertisiug is with generons space and proper display. It was P. T. Barnum who said : "Ir you only have $10 capital to begin your business, and want to make money, be sure to spend $5 in advertising in the newspapers. " A feature of tbis stupendous "order" has been the perfeotion of its manipulation, due to the airangements made by the G. H. liaulenbeek Agenoy.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News