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Sensational Divorce Suit

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The Detroit Tiibnne of last Saturday bad the followiug artiole ia its columna relative to divorces tbat were granted in Jndge Donovau's oourt in tbat city to tbree severa! oonples wbo were foitnerly resideuts of Wasbtenaw ooonty, the prooeedings in whioh up to tbat time bad beeo oarefnlly suppressed. At least ene of tbe paities, Rev. James Lester Hndaon, was well knowu to rnany around bore: "Tbere was a deoided sensation in Jarige Donnovan's oonrt yesterday wben Mrs. Jeunie Soott Hudson. vife of Rev. James Lester Hadsou, appeared in tbe role of oomplainant in a snit for divoroe. The seusation was intensified wben it beoame apparent that tbere was anotber woniao in tbe oase, and that the prooedings were likely to be spioy in obaraoter. "Rev. Hndson was formerly among tbe most prominent Methodist Episcopal divines in tbis section, and eigbt or ten years ago was presiding eider of tbe Detroit district, He was also at one time pastor of a Detroit jihuroh. "Airs. Hudsou was accorupaniad by her eld6st son, now 25 years old, wbo is a student at tbe state nniversty. The bil! was flled on Maroh 80 last. " 'Wo were married at Manchester, Washtenaw oonnty, in 1869,' said Mrs. Hndson. 'We lived togetber uutil Peb. 1, 1898. Oor troobles began in 1893. Thai year, my busband was sent to Alpena, aj pastor of tbe Methodist Episcopal cbnrob tbere. We retnained there anti] May 1, 1897, wben my hnsbaud, after a trial by the ohnrch authotities, was removed. " 'An nntnarried woman, 25 years of age, was tb ti canse of the tronble. The obarge against hiru was maintaining olandestine and improper relations witb this woman. My hnsband oarried on a clandestine correspondenoe with her, onder an assuined name. I first learned of the tronble aboot May 1, 1896, long after it bad beoome oommon scandal. In Jannary, 1897, I got bold of some letters wbioh my busband had written to the girl. One day, he tried to make me give them np, and pnshed me down on tbe pnblio street. My hnsband made olandestine appointments with tbe girl in the evening and disguised himself in a slonobed hat and old coat wben he went ont to meet her. They took long baggy rides into the conntry. " 'My hnsband often promised me to do better, bnt did not keep bis promises. He continned to lead a of Iife dnplioity nntil Feb. 1, 1898, wben he told me that he no longer bad any affection for me or onr cbildren, and left ns. Be has remained away from ub ever sinoe. I have always gone in tbe best society and tbe shanie and disgrace bave oompletely ruiued my health.' "A deoree was granted, on the nominal gronnd of extreme crnelty. Mrs. Hudson said sbe owned a home in Detroit, but was foroed to rent it and live in bired rooms on Gieenwood ave., in order to support herself and family. Her hnsbaud, it is said, is now working for some insuranoe company in Detroit." "Charles Yale Smith informed tbe oonrt tbat he was married to Lena M. Biasell at Ypsilanti on Oot. 8, 1888. He removed to Detroit tbree years ago, bnt bis wife positively refnsed to leave her parents and come with biro. Sbe bas persisted in her refusal ever sinoe. They have one ohild. Desertion." "Phoebe J. Handley testified tbat she married Joseph Handley at Ann Arbor and tbat bö deserted her on July 4, 1896. Tbey have two cbildren, 14 and 13 years of agn. Alimony, $3 per week for five years." At tbe YpsilaDti oity caucuses last nigbt tbe Judson foroes oaptared 26 ont of 31 delegates to tbe republican county convention oartying fonr ont of five war ds. Ann Arbor Cbapter, No. 122, O. E. S., last Wednsdaay eveoing eleoted tbe following offloers: W. M., Mrs. TiJlie Granger; W. P., Charles E. Hisoook; Asso. M., Eva Ooodriob; seoretary, Dr. O. E. Fitzgerald; treasorer, Mrs. Mary Mingay; condnotress, MrB. Dora Vandawarker; assoo. condnotress, Mrs. Cora Brown .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News