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i A new flag floats over Fireman'sj, hall. ) The bicycle of Mrs. John P. Kirk, of i Ypsilanti, was stolen from in front of an i Ypsilanti store, Tuesday evening. Alexander J. Nulan and Miss Genevieve Gunn, of Ypsilanti, were mar lied by Rev. Fr. Kennedy, Wednesday. Ernest Bnrden, of Plymooth, and Miss Emma Meyer, of this city, were married Wednesday by Rev. B. L. McElroy. The mammoth straw stack of Will Boyden, of Webster, contains the straw from whioh 4,000 bushels of wheat was threshed. Mrs. Minnie Elizabeth Eastman, of New York city, a sister of Mrs. E. S. Dunster, of this city, died in Toledo Wednesday. The Washtenaw Fair News is out and is an excellent publication this year which should induoe every reader of it to visit the fair. Carey E., son of William E. Howe, of W. Huron st, died Wednesday of kidney trouble, aged 12 years. The funeral will be held at 3 :30 o'clock this afternoon. The new pavement is very slippery and as many as three horses have been injured on it in one day. It behooves drivers to be very careful until their horses beoome used to it. The goods and ohattels of the Salvation Army have been attached by Clay Green for f60 back rent. The army has moved into the upper story of the Maynard building on Ann st. A car was derailed on the D., Y. & A. A. eleotric line the other eveninf by getting mixed up with a flat car a the Grand Rapids and Western railroad crossing, in Detroit, but no one was injured. Edward Lambert died at his home on N. Asbley st, Wednesday, of consumption, leaving a wife and two children He was a wagonmaker by trade. The funeral will be held from the house a 2 o'olook this afternoon. Charles Kyer, of Co. A, 31st regiment returned from Knoxville, Ten. Tuesday with Walter Seabolt. He ba been very siok with malarial fever ant has lost 40 pounds in weight. He i still very weak but is improving i healtb. The paving on Main st, betwee Catherine and Huron has been oompleted and those two blooks are open t traffio. The oement has been laid t William st. and the brick is now being laid on the blook between Washington and Liberty. Cleary's business college in Ypsilanti shows a large increase in attendanoe tbis year. Don H. Stark has reoeivod $500 from tbe Home Forum Benefit Association for injuries received during the war. There were 785 students enrolled in the Ypsilanti Normal Wednesday aa against 770 on the same date last year. The Bach school will not open until a week from iwxt, Monday, when the new addition i expected to be completed. O. F. Lutz this week purchased a three year old heifer of John Campbell, weighing 1,160 pounds, wbiob dressed 690 pounds. Justin R. Whiting, the demooratio oandidafce for governor, will address the demooratio county oonvention next Thursday afternoon. Would-be Congressman Smitb, when here Wednesday, said the boys aocused him of violatiog the thirteentb oommandment, "Thon shalt not jolly." Tbis evening tbe A. O. U. W. Lodge No. 27 will give a social in their hall for tbe benefit of Jacob Gutekunst, who is bere on a farlongh from the 31st regiment, Knoxville, Tenn. All are invited. Hentzmann & Laubengayer last week sold 118,000 ponnds of wool to Eastern parties, the aooumulation of 1896 and 1897 purchases which had been held in the expectation of bigher prics this year under the Dingley bill, whioh failed to materialize. Captain Parker, of the Salvation Army, will speak at the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Sunday at 2 :45 p. m. As a special musical attraction the captain will sing several [ solos with guitar acoompaniment and all men are invited to oome up and hear him. Some people think the getting ont of , a live looal paper a snap. Let them think of these figures. Week before last's Argus contained 358 local, personal and county items which mentioned the narnee of 616 persons. Last week tbe Argus oontained a few less ;ems in number, bnt many more ames. Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Ore, of Syranse, N. Y., who travel through the onntry in a wagon labeled in big letters Stop Sinning" were in the city Tuesay. Tbey have been in nine states isifcing jails and county houses. They reported that the Washtenaw county lonse excels in cleanliness anything ;hey had seen in Miohigan. Mis. Naroena Hart Bassett died 8aurday at 326 William st., of pneurnonia, aged 91 years. She was the mothr of Leonard Bassett and Mrs. Nelson Booth, of this city. She was one of he pioneers of the oounty, coming here in 1836. Tbe funeral servioeb . were held Tuesday afternon frora the lottse and intermeut was in the Lodi oemetery. A. A. Pearson.oity editor of the Ann Arbor Coorier, was ruarried 1 ;erday at West Milton, Ohio, to Miss Bertha M. Hoover by Rev. Joseph Pemberton, an ucole of the bride. The bride and groom attended the West Milton high school together, both graduating in '87. They will be at home at 510 [E. Ann st. , after Oot. 1. They have the heartiest congratulatious of the Argus. Justioe Childs, of Ypsilanti, while attending the repnblican convention this week found some diffloulty in retnruing to bis Beat and said it had always been an unexplained problem in soienoe why the man with the biggest feet always stood in the aisle. The justice was to have nominated Cook, but Sheriff Judson got in ahead of him, whioh oaused him to remark sotto vooe, that it was an awful thing to bave a speeoh written on the pomrnel of your saddle oorked up in you that you couldn't get out. Art Lee and Wah Lee, who negleoted to register in time are not yet out of their trouble. The government has ruled that tbe U. S. distriot oonrt iu'nst find that they are legally entitled to remain in this oonntry, the colleotor must forward a oertified oopy of this deoree to Washington, when the ootaruissioner of internal revenue will issue a oertificate whioh will be forwarded here and when the two Lees' photographs are attaohed thereto, they oan return to their laundry with the full knowledge that this is a great oonntry with plenty of red tape as well as many white shirts in need of washing. The Bethlehem church mission fesival netted 1 184. 72 for foreign niissions. Willard Stearns, of Adrián, has deoliaed the populist nomination for oonjrese. John R. Miner bas been examining the books of the oity treasurer and oity olerk as expert aooonntant. Dog Catcher Blackburn olaims to lave impoonded over 400 dogs last year for not having tbe proper lioense tag. The Knights of the Maooabees last Friday paid Mrs. Caroline Tessmer pi, 000, the amount of ber husband's nsurance. Sergeant Dean Seabolt has reoeived an honorable disoharge from tbe army as he is very ill with malarial fever. He is in Detroit. Mrs. Mary Mayo, of Battle Creek, will speak at the Washtenaw Fair, Thnrsday afternoon, Sept. 29, on the subject of "Farmers' Homes." The Dixboro farmers have united in posting notioes probibiting trespassing or bnnting on tbeir lands. They oomplain of hnnters from this oity. In spite of rnmors tbat J. T. Jacobs & Son had sold ont the balanoe of tbeir shoe stook, such is not the oase, and tbey are still doing bnsiuess at 121 S.. Main st. The Sist Miobigan gave a dress parade at Knoxville Sunday whioh was witnessed by 6.000 people. The offlcers appeared in their blunses and white gloves. At a meeting of the board of eduoation Tuesday evening the old offlcers were re-eleoted as f ollowe : President, Mrs. Anna B. Bach; seoretary, E. F. Mills; treasurer, J. E. Beal. A 60 day Btay of prooeedings has been enterad in the Mollie Bennett will oase in order to settle a bilí of exoeptions looking towards an appeal of the oase to the suprerne oourt. The delegates froto Ann Arbor town to the deraooiatio oonnty oonvention are Charles Brauu, John J. Jet'ter, W. L. Bunting, John O'Hara, Walter Bilbie, John Q. Pisoher and George J. Staeb. M. C. Peterson and William Brown investigated a case on behalf of the humane sooiety Satnrday night of a six months old child, which it was claimed had not been given proper nourishment. The child weighed bnt five ponnds and was taken to the hospital. A voter at tbe republioan caucns in the third ward last Monday evening took exception to being termed a "Moranite" by the daily papers. He says he wanted to see Sawyer delegates eleoted to the legislativo convention and was slated as one of them, bnt it does not follow tbat he is a follower of Mr. Moran on that acoonnt. All of whioh goes to show that tbere are a great many differenoes of opinión in the republioan ranks. Davey Robison, a well known oolored boy of this oity, ia oovering biinself with glory at Island Lake. Wbeu Col. Irish's wooden house burned last Priday night, the Evening News of Detroit, tbus desoiibes the soene. "All tbe colored belp tarned out witb pots and pans and oans. They rnshed at the house, with Davey Robison in the lead, as daringly as the gallant oolored 24th rnshed np tbe hills of San Juan. They braved the flames and soattered the clothes and furnitnre in all directíons whooping and yelling the wbile. " Tha Michigan hospital train wbich left Knoxville yesterday morning broaght 80 of thesiok of tbe 31st Michigan home. The Free Press of yesterday says: "It was a pitifnl sight this moming. when tbe ambulance oame to take them to the train. Men that have been so sick that they were hardly able to help themselves at all, braced up under the exoitement and made brave attempts to set ready for the trip home. Their tent mates stood around doing everything possiblé for them, with no wórd of regret tbat they were to be left behind, to spoil their siok friends' joy. The following is a complete list of Co. A : William Walz, Adam J. Bross, Philip R. Öberman, William L. Kiinmel, Clarence B. Hurrey, Oscar F. Burkhardt, Cari S. Kennedy. Samuel F. Nichols. Willis G. Johnson." The train reaohed Detroit at 1 o'clock last night, but the Ann Arbor boys were not to be allowed to leave it until this moming when they arrived home at 9:18 o'olook. The Independent Donglass olnb now numbers 70 raembers. C. W. Alexander bas been appointed postmaster of Delhi Mills. Rev. W. L. Tedrow preached at tbe unión services in the Baptist chureh last Sunday eveaing. The democratio ward oanonses are held next Monday night. Every dernoorat sboald attend thein. Edward Neithammer and Miss Clida A. Randall were married on Tbnrsday of last week by Rev. J. M. Gelston. The season at the Athens Theater will be opened next Friday with tbe oomedy "Si Plunkard. " Look out f or tbe band. Private Willain A. Murray, of the 31st Miohigan, will probably be one of tbe democratie nominees for oircuit oonrt commissioner. Julius R. Pnnke, of the north side, has been sent to the Lansing reform sohool on oomplaint of his mother. His offense was traanoy. Charlea L. Corrao has retnrned from St. Clair Flats and bas opened his restanrant in this oity. He reports business at the Flats as dnll this year. Harvey Andrews, of Manchester, will appear before Justioe Duffy next Fiiday to answer to the obarge of the larceny of a watoh froin his emplayer, Edward H. Gosmer. The carnival of arts and sports, to take place at Jaokson Sept. 20, 21, 22 and 23, will be an innovation in tbe way of street fairs. There will be fnn fcr everybody. Allis Austin, for the past year and a half on the Marblehead, is home on a furlough. He was strnok by a pieoe of a shell in the naval engagement in Guantanamo Bay. The Ann Arbor Fruit & Vinegar Co. is now running its evaporators uight and day, giving employment to 30 people. Óver 300 bushels of windfal) apples are being evaporated each day. A large street oar barn will be built in Ypsilanti 105x110 feet in size witb a central tower three Btories high. It will be oonstruoted of brick with Berea stone trmmings and will oost $15,000. Mayor Hiscook has vetoed the appropriation of $200 for graveling Geddes ave., and also an appropriation for a gutter on Mosley st. He bas also vetoed the building of ten brick orosswalks. "Jaok" Hillman of the división hospital corps at Camp Poland, is in the oity on a short furlougb. He enlisted with the Ypsilanti oompany but was soon detailed to the hospital service. He is considerable thinner than he was, bnt is yet nale and hearty, thongh he has many tales of tbe hardsbips the soldiers have endured. Times: Friday inorning a little child was severely injured near Sheldon by a D., Y. & A. A. oar. The ohild, a mere baby of four years, was playing around the track and, becoming tired, lay down between the ties, wbere the dirt nad been washed out. The little thing feil asleep and was only awakened by the sound of the swiftly moving car. The baby raised its head and on tbe inBtant reoeived a terrible blow from the oar fender. Medioal aid wa3 at once sumtnoned and it was found that the child still lived, although its condition is cxoeedingly preoarious. Absolutely no blame attaobes to the motorman or conductor. The child was very small and was oompletely hielden between the two ties where it lay. It was only when it raised its head that the trainmen saw it, and then the intervening distanoe was so short that it was absolutely impossible to prevent the acoident.