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Meeting of Board of Review. Notioe is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Arm Arborwill meet at the counci] chamber on Tue3day, the 27tb day of September, 1898, at 9 o'clook in the forenoon, at whioh time and plaoe, sitting as a Board of Raview, it will prooeed without adjourning, to review the speoial assessment rolls of Paving Districts Nos. 1 and 2, as certified to said Counoil by the speoial assessor. GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. Dated, Ann Arboc, Mich., Sept. lOth, 1898. Choice Wines and Liqnors for fainily ose. JOHN C. BÜRNS, Arlington Place, N. Fourth ave. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. TO RENT- Uni'urnished rooms, in suites of two oi' more, suitable for light housekeeping. Enquire at 439 S. División st. 3B-38 FOR SALE- Eight room house 209 Packard St, on easy terms. Enquire G. M. Shelmire, care of Ann Arbor Organ Co. 30-38 PIANO FOR SALE- A Boardman & Grey for $5Ü cash. A burgain. Apply at 415 S. Fifth ave. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. The undersigned haring been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commiasioners to reoeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons afrainst the estáte of Geo. E. Seymour, late of said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of J. Q. A. Sessions in the City of Ann Arbor in said County, on Saturday, the lOth day of December, 1898, and on Frlday, the lOth day of Maren, 1899, next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to reeeive, examine and adiust said claims. Dated, September. lOth, 1898. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, CARL G. WRENTMORE. Commissioners. WE HERZ, Painterand Decorator And dealer in All Painters' Supplies. Phone 80-2 R. 112 W. Washington St. 11 V_ BONNER'S II II l Jffih HORSE 1 M Icleaner 1 l MAKES M A COAT LIKE VELVET No Brush or Comb. Removes dandruff and dirt. Snre ) preveutive against Flies, Fleas, } ( Mosquitoes and Lice. Keeps hair (( fine, soft and silky, A tonic, hair) y '-rower. a'ds sheddiug. Cures Manpe, ? v Scratches, stops irritatiou aud rub{ yM hing, Saves Time, Feed and Money. y Used for Horse, Cow and Dog. Calí 011 dealer, or will ship half gallon on y) yyy receipt of $1.00. Will clean horse (ï yyy over 100 times. Satisfactioii Guaran ( teed or cash returned. ?$. W?TOLEDO SPECIALTY CO., Toledo, Ohin.(s f Bonner's r, y) Barn Dust -Gn )linlnfectunt ivVs ''' j'v ' N )Keep8 barn frash CxAi poöï' J) 00' Dressing 1 I f %S Orower and -riLm U Condltloner, 3J%?I"'C The Oíd Way S


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News