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Chelsea has a sports day toruorrow. Fish ladders have been placed in the three darns at Manohester. There were 342 pnpils enrolled in the Ohelsea schools last week. W. E. Stevenson, of North Lake, sows 100 acres of wheat this f all. Mrs. John Koeruig, of Bridgewater, -was badly bitten by a dog last wefik. There are five more non-resident pnpils in the Saline high sobool this year than last. Webster Logan is boilding a new Jjonse on nis farm a müe south of Manchester. Walter Wirtb, who has retnrned to Hilan from Santiago, has lost 51 ponnds in weight. The Milan sohools cost $3,865.81, including $500 paid on their indebtedness and $195.57 interest. Game Warden Watkins, of Manobester, bas arrested two men for shooting squirrels oat of seasou. George Nisle is traantjDfficer and he if expected to see that every ohild in Manchester attends school. Sbeldon B. Ford, of Chelsea, was advanoed from the third year class to the fourth year class at the Methodist conference in Lansing, Monday. The republicana of the second district of this county uominate their oandidatp for the legislatare at Saline next Tuesday. Joseph B. Haylow, who was bom in Scio, and was a telegraph operator in Dexter before going to Alabama, died Jn Birmingham, Ala.; Ang. 23, aged 72 :years. Arthnr Carter, of Saline, had bis nose broken by bis bicycle coming iDto too endden and close, contact with another bicycle, goirjg in an opposite dirrection. Two former Chelsea young people were made happy when Merle B. Moon was married to Miss May Sparks, Sept. .14, at the residence of the bride's mother in Detroit. Tbe Augusta township Sunday sohool ;association have elected tbe following officers : President, Willis Derbyshire; vioe president, H. E. Fullington; secretary, Mrs. Ried Darling; treasnrer, Mrs. J. M. Breining. While a party of yonug people were bioycle riding on Main st. . Grasa Lake, ■on Friday evening, a large dog collided ■with Miss Cora Bnsb, v?bo was seriously hnrt. In trying to save herself from a fall her foot slipped between tbe pedal and the wheel in snoh a manrer as to give it a bad wrenoh and dislocation. Whooping oongh is prevalent at Delbi. Miss Hattie Lucas, of Dester, is teachiug tbe Delbi schools. The nitmibers of the Ypsilanti fire department bave been uniforcned. The uew house of Williatn Reiser íd Bridgowater has been oompleted. Mitohell Bros., of Bridgewater, have bnilt a new baru, 36x60 feet iu size. Tbe best time made at the raoes at the Plymontli fair last week was 2:2914. Johu Hamilton, of Ypsilanti, has had bis peusion iuoreased from $t to 8 a month. Mis. Charles Spoor, wife of aDundee farmer, gave birth to two sons and a daughter last week. Archie B. Clark, of Chelsea. and Miss Emily F. Bronsou, of ïpsilanti, 7ere marriod Sept. 14. The Dixbora cieauiei-y has been leased by the Ypsilanti Creamery Co., who will open it for business. A large bine racer was killed in front of the Catholio oüurch Ypsilanti, Sunday. It was over five feet long. W. E. Boytien, of Webster, has been appointed suprintendent of the horse departinent of the Miohigan state fair. The speoial mission servioes at the Germán church, Ypsilauti, Suoday, were well attended and a fiaanoial success. Allie Hongh, of Manchester, who enlisred as a private in Co. C, 31st Michigan, has been promoted to be a corporal. Webster T. Logan and Miss Enima Koffberger, of Manchester, were married in that village Sept. 14, by Rev. D. R. Shier. Mr. Charles Cady and Miss Velt Waidner were ma'rried Tuesday morning at the home of the bride's parents in Ypsilanti. The following are the offioers of the Manchester sohool board : Moderator, N. Schmid; director, Geo. J. Hausser ; assessor, C. W. Case. The Dexter school board has eleoted the followiug offioers: President, S. L. Jenney ; director, R. S. Copeland ; treasurer, O. C. Bostwiok. Mr. Arthnr Blagdon, of Jackson, and Miss Veda Jones, of Ypsilanti, were ruarried at the home of the bride's sister in the latter city on Tnesday evening. Mr. Fred O. Smith, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Ida Gwinner, of Manchester, are to be married üct. 18, at the home of the bride's sister, JVIrs. Wilbur Short, of Bridgewater. A gasoüne stove at 110 Perrin st, Ypsilanti, got uurnly Monday afternoon. Lnckily the damage it did was ooufined to scorching the blankets and qnilts nsed to extinguish its flames. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Van Hom, of Grass Lake, celebrated the 25th auniversary of their married; life on Friday evening and rficeived many handsome presents from their assembled friends. Ypsilanti Presbyterians worshipped for the last time in the old chnrch whioh has been a landmark in the city for the past 40 years on Sunday last. The old building will now ondergo a process of rebuilding and remodeling which will make it a handsomer and more modern ohuroo edifice. Fred Anderson, of Ypsilanti, who stabbed Fred McCurdy in a quarrel, the latter having sinoe died, and who is in jail on suspieion that the wounds Were the cause of McCurdy's death will still stay there. The examination was to have been held Saturday, but wasadjourned until Oot. 10, to await the arrival of Prosecnting Attorney Kirk. Gar Fat is a lean little Chinaman from Ypsilanti where he is employed in the laundry of Quong Lee. He claims to have been born in San Francisco, where be resided for ten years. Then he went to China with his parents and remaiued nine years. Last Jannary he and his father retnrned from China via Vancouver tbrough Canada. He was taken before Conimissioner Graves in Detroit last Friday to determine his right to reside in this country and bound over until Deo. 20. Saline Observer: H. M. Russell last Saturday handed ds two large apples. These two specimens of fruit thongh large and perfect are not so rnucb in themselves as their history woold include. When Mr. Rnssell oame to Michigan in 1837 the flrst apple he ate was a sweet bongh, and so delighted was he at the taste of the fruit, that he planted the seeds of the apple, which grew and developed iuto an ordinary tree which today bears a very oommon flavored sonr apple. This is one of the contradiotions to the saying. "what a man sows that shall he also reap. " Manchester Enterprise : Oor townsmau, Esquire Kelly, has a bicyole and is learning to ride it, but Rays that he finds it more contrary than a bnoking mnle. At present he is making a special effort to present a dignified appearacC'j when alighting. He has not appeared on the front streets yet, though he is liable to the flrst time he gets the thing to running in a straight line. He told the Enterprise, - not for publication, - tbat a bioycle is the qneerest thing he ever taokled. It will rnn straight into a tree, spite of anytbing, and a few daysago it made for a hitchiug rail. The bike could go onder all right but the judge cauld not. They separated at once. One street has a ditch on either side; 'he gets along all right nntil he gets there, then the thing is bonnd to go into one or the other of those ditohes and it seems hard to make up its miud which one to flop iüto flrst. Sometimes he has a notion to jnnip off and throw the blamed thing iv the ditcb, but no, he mnst conquer or die. Times: Ypsilauti bas qnite a sprinter. Herbert Benedict, of that city, cently gave to the Times a list of reoords whieh, if authentio, are faardly to be snrpassed by looal talent. Aocording to Mr. Banediot, he rau írom the switoh below Ann Arbor to this city, a distance of flve miles in exaotly 30 minutes. In the afternooD be repeated the perfornianoe and socoeeded in knookiug off two minutes f rom the time. Two years ago he rau around the triangle iu 4 hours and 5 minutes, and at tue grouuds of the Atbletic Assooiatiou of Ann Arbor he covered a distance of 10 miles iu 1 hour and 5 minutes. Some time ago Mr. Bendeict oflered to run five miles against a relay of any five men iu Washtenaw couuty. He was uüable however to find men to take him up. Mr. Benedict did not give oflioial proof of his reoords but said if ueoessary he could look tbem up and get the testimony of responsilile wituesses. Mr. Benedict is at present employed at the waiting room of the D. , Y. & A. A. road.


Ann Arbor Argus
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