Real Estate Transfers
Andrew H. Martin and wife to ; lie C. MartiD, Ypsilanti, $1,000. J. M. B. Sill and wife to O. L. Yost, : Ypsilanti, $1,000. J. M. B. Sill and wife to O. L. Yost, Ypsilanti, $1. Wm. Gotts and wife to Frank G. Gotts, Augusta, $1,000. Cbantle Reiohersaker to Eliza Reicher, AnD Arbor, $500. Arthur Brown and wife to E. D. Brooks, Ann Arbor, $500. George A. Warner and wife to Geo. W. Towler and wife, Ypsilanti, $325. R. B. Lytle and wife to Ada E. Lytle, Ypsianti, $420. Lucy A. Batohelder to Linus Hisoook and Wife, Ypsilanti, $2,300. Olara Kappto Wm. F.Kidd and wife, Anu Arbor, $750. Pred W. Gotts and wife to Marshall W. Bullinger, Ypsilanti, $25. Willard C. Manning to Marshall W. Brillinger, Ypsilanti, $300. James E. Harkiuts to Charles Andrews arad wiffl, Ann Arbor, $300. John Gunn et al to Samuel Graham, Ypsilanti, $1,250. Rice A. Beal, by exeoutor, to C. E. Godfrey, Aun Arbor, $1,000. George A. Oullen and wife to Charles Isbell, Lodi, $500. Kezia W. Terhune to Enooh Terhune, Ann Arbor, $1. Charles Griffen and wife to George Bartlett, Ypsilanti, $350. James Wade and wife to James Osborn and wife, Chelsea, $550. Joshua W. Wheeler and wife to Edwin Voroe, Ypsilanti, $300. Edwin Voroe to Hannab C. Voroe, Ypsilanti, $300. MaroiaSkidmore toElla H. Babcook, Chelsea, $600. Amanda Ellis to IraW. Moore, York, $1,100. Wm. W. Whitlark to George A. Peavey, Ann Arbor, $50. Leo D. Camp and wife to Henry Perkins and wife, Ypsilanti, $500. Martha Cobble to George Wm. Heller, Fittsfield, $1,500. Robert C, Huntoon to Eagene Gregory and wife, Ann Arbor, $1.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Andrew H. Martin
Nellie C. Martin
J. M. B. Sill
C. L. Yost
William Gotts
Frank G. Gotts
Chantle Reichersaker
Eliza Reicher
Arthur Brown
E. D. Brooks
George A. Warner
George W. Towler
R. B. Lytle
Ada E. Lytle
Lucy A. Batchelder
Linus Hiscock
Fred W. Gotts
Marshall W. Brillinger
James E. Harkins
Charles Andrews
John Gunn
Samuel Graham
Rice A. Beal
C. E. Godfrey
George A. Cullen
Charles Isbell
Kezia W. Terhune
Enoch Terhune
Charles Griffen
George Bartlett
James Wade
James Osborn
Joshua W. Wheeler
Edwin Vorce
Hannah C. Vorce
Marcia Skidmore
Ella H. Babcock
Amanda Ellis
Ira W. Moore
William W. Whitlark
George A. Peavey
Leo D. Camp
Henry Perkins
Martha Cobble
George William Heller
Robert C. Huntoon
Eugene Gregory