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The Banker's Daughter

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Neither rich nor foor are exemfit front catarrh's attack. - Dr. Hartman' 's unfailing remedy. JilD HBHTi 1 A B_ ■ "% I fy A ís cursed with ''ÍSEeEE?$í #Sk lr I F 1% I B ƒ% eatarrh. Mea j2f$5m S fBBm ■ and womeii ' mmmQf&%l''' lÊI WB 'cte(i with it. Catarrh frequent?-- ívfflBEKÍ J lB -' mniiests itself by offensiva Í 1. -Xv y#R treath. A catarrhal breath is 3 '■w rR lll xfBh horror. Especially is this so - ií j-S1fch V wih a beautif ui woman. How HJ sJroê'kVw-wc JB many women have failed of ?Vv?mlK&-' y JBt their proper destiny through y fMUJfwk SUSfti Catarrh comes to the banker's daughter 'fa ' lwüSr s& ESmmkVvE as Vy as to the working' girl. We all hJcr oBVmO5" know some pitiful instances among the . vLT jSfri(IilUvw'"fa'r womcn f our acquaintance. Every fflmilHMm IlIrlmRfi efEort to rid themselves of catarrh seems "iÊjM nalmi i' llïl Ilift l a' et tle'r caarrh can surely be ÁlM flSmSñllilEwWm cured and cured permanently by the J 'II I lilHIInÈ remedy that has been curing catarrh for áPo nMíEfiEEMÍl l'his remedy is Pe-ru-na, Dr.Hartman'sgreat 'nJflJfjfÈWMÊl prescription for all phases of catarrh. If the ytajifMyffjfj, I lllltfËÊÏ reader knotvs any woman with a catarrhal X! iJIkA wfa rea1 e her to secure Pc-ru-na and take it rljiffi?MMÈlrfffJwk mi acoordin8' to directions, and the result will be LrM WmfnW wn a Permanent curet for Pe-ru-na heals the memjMWMjfJmMfm branes all through the organs of the body and sffiffMl I ffffutfl Bm -r' Hartman's books on chroric catarrh are it!L&g$ffl flyWflllmh TOailed frt'e on application to the Pe-ru-na MediS0ïï&j5y7y?cgji cine Co. , Columbus, O. These books throw new LMvJSnM+M&ïïrniIn Lht ou catarrh. Pe-ru-na's cures are historical. ÍM?wJw7ffWltSllml IiIIukÍi whole book full of letters from people cured !l tSucl jr ■ of catarrh hy. this &reat remedy wil1 be IIJII1 ' 1 yvÖl g)' niailed to any interested person. 7fc"" Here is a letter from Mrs. S. B. Ëryant, Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, O. Deab Sib:- " I suffered about six years with catarrh of the head. I took two bottles of your Pe-ru-na and am now entirely well. It has been two years since I took the Pe-ru-na and I cannot say too much for it. " Special book for women mailed to women only. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na.


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