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Local Brevities

There are 931 students in the Normal.

The new Presbyterian chapel is being plastered.

The Hay & Todd Mfg. Co. is crowded with work.

Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Parsons have a very young son.

The addition to the Ypsilanti post office is being pushed.

There are 40 members of the Normal College Catholic Club.

Lafayette memorial exercises were held at the Normal Wednesday.

The Ypsilanti high school has a strong football team this year.

The bicycle case against Prof. D'Ooge has been adjourned until tomorrow.

The Epsilon Tan Delta give a dance at the Ladies' Library this evening.

Master John Deubel sprained his wrist recently while playing on a stone pile.

George Staffins bas been a benedict for three weeks, the bride beiug a Detroit lady.

The students are patronizing the Normal Lecture Course better than usual this year.

County teachers examinations are in progress in this city, commencing yesterday and closing today.

Sheriff Judson has been instructed to arrest Charles Eaton for being absent from Co. G, without leave.

Tbe Congregational church society meets at the parsonage Monday evening to discuss ways and means.

Civil service examinations, for positions in the post office here, will be held in Cleary's college tomorrow.

The Ladies' Aid Socety of the Congregational church meet at Mrs. Herrick's on Ballard st, this afternoon.

The democrats will hold their big rally after Major Kirk returns, when sorne big guns are expected to be present.

An effort is being made to get up a dancing club of prominent society people to give a series of five dances this winter.

Fred L. Ingraham is the president of the Michigan Association of Elocutionists who hold their annual meeting in Detroit, Oct. 28.

There are 35 students in the Normal from St. Joseph county and they have organized a club which will meet every two weeks.

The Redpath Grand Concert Co. will furnish the first entertainment of the Normal Lecture Course tomorrow, Saturday evening.

The council at its meeting Monday evening approved of the marshal's course in endeavoring to keep the sidewalks clear of bicycles.

Arthur Graves had his eye injured slightly last Thursday by a nail which he was endeavoring to drive striking it and cutting the eye ball.

Five employees of the Scharff Tag, Label and Box Co. went out on a strike Monday on account of reduced wages but two of them came back the same day.

The Modern Woodmen of America, of Ypsilanti, have invited the camps of Ann Arbor, Saline, Denton, Whitmore Lake and Cherry Hill to be present at an initiation, Oct. 28.

Miss Julia Wright, of Congress St. , recently fell down a flight of 19 stairs but fortunately no bones were broken, though she was very severely bruised and her face badly cut.

The Normals and the Toledo Y. M. C. A. football team play a game on the fair grounds today. At the game in Toledo last Saturday between these clubs Toledo won by 16 to 0.

Justice Childs, when he found the board of supervisors had cut $10 out of his bill, said they had put his bill in the soup and he now understood how they got their name of soup-ervisors.

The high school football team lost a game Satnrday morning to the Irvings, of Detroit, by a score of 12 to 0. In the afternoon they went to Ann Arbor and won a game from an eleven there by a score of 6 to 0.

Miss Carrie Haywood, of this city, left Saturday for Jacksonville, Fla., where she has an appointment as a nurse in the regular army hospital. Her application for such a position has been on file for nearly a year.

The Baptist church elected the following delegates to their state convention now in session at Owosso. Rev. Jas. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sweet, W. J. Canfleld, Mrs. S. E. Howe, Miss Josephine Druiy and Mrs. Forsythe.

Seventeen birds were entered in the 100 mile race of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Homing Club between Dunkirk, Ohio, and Ypsilanti, Sunday, The race was won by a bird belonging to E. P.Hall in 3 hours and 8 minutes. ,The last bird traversed the 100 miles in 4 hours and 30 minutes.

The Baptist Woman's Missionary Society on Friday elected the folowing officers: President, Mrs. James A. Brown; vice president, Mrs. Daniel Putnarn ; home secretary, Mrs. Glen C. Lawrence; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Engeno Hodge; treasurer, Mrs. A. M. Wannan and Mrs. W. E. Scott. Why do they have two treasurer? Can it be that so much money is taken in that one treasurer will not suffice.

A Golf Club is being formed to play on a two mile course on the Hewitt farm, a mile from the city on the motor line, the course to have nine holes.

Miss Genevieve M. Walton was elected treasurer of the Michigan Library Association at their meeting in Bay City Wednesday. The association decided to meet in Ypsilanti next year.

Captain Edward Ryan, of the Ypsilanti fire department, and Miss Ella Conway, of Detroit, were married Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents. They will arrive in Ypsilanti Sunday.

Arrested Charles Perrin.

Charles Perrin was arrested in Jackson Taesday afternoon. It will be remembered that Perrin is the man who on the afternoon of Oct 7, entered the residence of Theodore Whitford and relieved him of a valuable collection of coins and old bank notes and of considerable jewelry. Tbe arrest was made by the merest chance and was occasioned by hearing the remark, "Say, can you change this quarter, no matter if you haven't quite enough. I want to weigh myself on the scales here?" The remark was made by a rather suspicious looking character to the proprietor of a news stand and when the stranger produced a Canadian quarter, received the change after some slight demur on the part of the newsdealer and then proceeded across the road to a saloon and tried to borrow money on an English coin, a policeman who had chanced to overhear both conversations took a hand, and on search found a large number of coins and bank notes in the man's possession. The man gave his name as George Johnson, but two letters addressed to Charles Perrin gave the authorities a clue, as they had been asked some time ago to hold Charles Perrin on the charge of threatening the life of Miss Anna Luce, of Ypsilanti. Deputy Warner was at once summoned from here, and without a hitch proved that the captured man was Charles Perrin and that the coins and jewelry in his possession were probably stolen from Mr. Whitford. Perrin is now being taken care of at the Ann Arbor jail. It is believed that he is implicated with others in the numerous burglaries which have been recently committed.

Upon a second examination of the coins upon Perrin 's person it was seen that they belonged to a lot stolen from Nicholas Max's plaoe one night some time ago. The extreme penalty for this offense is 15 years.

Home Seekers' Cheap Excursions.

On October 18, November 1, 15, December 6 and 20, the Western Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information apply to W. H. Guerin, 67 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich. ; or W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, IL. 42-47

Opening of Sanitarium. T

The new sanitarium, Dr. Yeman's medical director, was thrown open to the public last evening. Large number of Ypsilantians, together with many from out of town, were present and inspected the handsomely furnished apartments. On the ground floor is a neatly furnished office, reception room and bath house, cooling rooms and dining rooms, while the second floor contains bedrooms, hospital and operating rooms. In the basement is the laundry and gymnasium.

At 6 o'clock this evening supper was served by the board of directors to invited guests, among whom were Messrs. S. F. Angus, W. J. Chittenden, Thomas McGraw, Dr. Leonard and wife, Dr. J. E. Clark and wife, Dr. Gilman and Mrs. Yemans, of Detroit, and Dr. Nanorede, of Ann Arbor. The reception lasted until 10 o'olock, after which lunch was served to the out-of-town guests.

To All Democrats.

Every democratic speaker, every party leader, should obtain at once a copy of the "DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN BOOK'" for 1898. It is a work of 275 pages, and is tbe most valuable and instructive book ever published by the party. It contains the most unanswerable facts and arguments on the money and banking question, the tariff and has everything pertaining to the American Spanish war. Don't fail to send for oopy.

Single copy, 50 cents; 1 dozen copies, $4.00; 20 copies, $6.00; 50 copies, $12.00.

Address: Democratic Congressional Committee, 726 13th st, N. W., Washington, D. C.

A New Diving Bell.

An improved diving bell of great capacity, moving along the sea bottom by means of screws moved by electricity, is on exhibition in Paris. It can be worked at very great depths, and holds air enough to supply the screw for forty-eight hours without renewal. It is lighted by electricity, which also furnishes motive power for any tools that may be used. On tipping over the cases of ballast, the bell rises to the surface itself.

Springtime Precaution. Browne- "Why did you refuse to shake hands with Smith?" Towne- "He's a great secret society man, and I was afraid I'd get the grip." - New York World