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Milton Clark is home frora Delta, ühio. Brooe Pullen is visitiog friends ia Romulus. Miss Lucy Cnrtis is serioasly ill with nialarial fever. Elon Qauntlett is spending a few weeks in Delta, Oiho. Preston Roose, of Saline, viaited Milán friends Suuday. Mr. Ball has a fine lookiog residenoe on First st. nearly oomplete. The Presbyterian sewing oirole meets with Mrs. Ward on ïoleo st., Tnesday. Asa Whitehead was home frum Detroit over Sunday. Mr. and Mts. J. C. Rousa entertaiued guests at tea Tuesday. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs.Mell Barnes, a son, Oot. 29, at Elkhart, Ind. Mr. Orion, of Holly, Mich., was the guest of M. A. Palmer Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith spent Sunday with friends in Darand. Mr. Otto Bennett, of Ann Arbor. is in Milán on bnsiness this week. W. F. Stimpson has gone into the nianufaeturing bnsiness in Detroit. Mrs. Geo. Tanner is able to be on the street again after a severe siok spell. Mrs. Boardman, of New York, is the gnest of her sister, Mrs. Ü. A. Kelly, this week. Mrs. Calboun will move into Mrs. Chester Wiloox's house on County at. this week. Mrs. Bertha Allen will leava in a few days for her home at Williamsport, Nebraska. W. S . Jookett and family are moving into Mrs. Wallaoes' house on County st. Snow feil in Milan Saturday and Sunday but in exoeedingly atajll quantities. Prof. and Mrs. Carriok entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. Oarr, of Dundee, the last of the week. Mr. Bond, east of Milan, who was seriously hnrt i-y aa infuirated buil, is somewhat In fier. H. C. Marl. ba a, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of Auurney aud Mrs. Gr. JR. Williams the first of the week. Misse8 Etina Ziromerman and Agnes Stewart were the guests of Miss Lelia Kelley over Suuday at Ann Arbor. Mrs. Frank Cassraet and son have left for their hoine in AshJey after a few weeks visi witb friends in Milan, Saline and York. Hf.llowe'en for '98 has rolled into the past but has left, as a memorial, torn up walks, misplaoed sigus, etc The goblins are still at large. A. B. Smitb wrote a short, but rignt to tha pnint, valedictory ia his last issue of the Milau Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are toremain in Milan for some time. Wm. Housernanof Hanover, suocessor to A. B. Smith, has takeu possession of the Leader and the Milan people extend to him and his family a hearty weloome. Hon. Henry Stumpenhusen, of Ypsilauti, oandidate for repr9sentative to the legislature from the second distriot, was in town Saturday looking over the politioal field and shaking hands with his numeróos friends. Miss Otis, of Ann Arbor, sang at the M. E. churoh in the morniug and the Presbyterian ohuroh in the evening, and on Monday sbe was looking over the village witb a view to oiganizing a olass in voice oulfrure. Her voioe is very sweet with a good range. Wm. R. Murray, who is a candidate for citcuit conrt commissiouer, is at home with his parents resting from oamp life. He is a promising yonng lawyer, has a host of friends in this vioinity and is sure of a vote from a large number of his Milan friends.