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Threw Out The Northfield Delegation

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The Harmonious Republican Convention Has a Real Old Fashioned War Dance.


And Col. Dean Will Be Obliged to Receive the Support of His Political Enemies.

Lawrence Wins by a Vote of 131 to 83. --Judson and Butterfield Are Delegates. --The Convention is Instructed for Dean and Kinne.--The Squabble Was a Lively One Worth Coming Miles to See.

That a republican county convention was to be held in Ann Arbor was in evidence Wednesday when delegates from the country commenced to arrive. Early yesterday their number increased also the ardor of the many quiet little confabs that were held on street corners and in offices. It was evident that the convention was regarded as of more than ordinary importance and perhaps decided the future supremacy in county politics. Be it as it may there was very much restrained feeling. The lobby of the court house presented a most animated scene. From man to man was pressed the question how is it going. It was some minutes after 11 o'clock before County Chairman Butterfield called the convention to order in the court room. He said it gave him great pleasure in carrying out the wishes of the county committee by calling Hon. E. P. Allen to the chair.

Mr. Allen took the chair and made an eloquent appeal for harmony. He said: "Mr. Chairman, fellow republicans and I will even include the democrats standing np against the walls," (laughter), "it is no mean honor to preside even temporarily over any political convention. In all conventions of the people are the foundation stones of future legislation. Therefore no good citizen would thoughtlessly do anything regardless of party that was not for the best interests of his country. You and I represent the republican party of the county and we should rise above all personal feeling and faction. If we believe the republican party was best for the county we should stand by that party. When I cannot agree with my party I will leave it. As long I can stand by the main principles of the party I will stand by it. It don't pay to have factions. We can't afford to tomahawk any one. , We can't afford to have two wings of the great republican party. If we have six men in one wing and one on the other, the great bird of freedom will list. I prefer to be pretty near the center or near the breast bone. Our duty today is to elect 19 delegates to the state convention to be held March 1, in Jackson, a school commissioner for the county and 19 delegates to the judicial convention. Of course it is expected bat our Monroe brethren will acquiesce in the choice of the learned judge now on the bench. "

On motion of Peter Lehman G. Frank Allmendinger was made temporary secretary of the convention. On motion of Hon. George S. Wheeler, a committee of five were appointed on credentials. They were: Hon. George S. Wheeler, Salem; A. J. Waters, Manchester; Joseph Jedele, Lodi ; John Ziegler, Ann Arbor; D. C. Batchelder, Ypsilanti.

Although H. G. Prettyman was first on his feet, Deputy Railroad Commissioner Judson secured the eye of the chairman. On his motion a committee of five on permanent organization and order of business was appointed and consisted of A. F. Freeman, Manchester; J. L. Gilbert, Chelsea; H. G. Prettyman, Ann Arbor, and William Campbell, Pittsfield.

On motion of Peter Lehman the following committee on resolutions were appointed : viz : Peter Lehman, Ann Arbor : B. F. Savery, Ypsilanti; S. S. Bibbins, Augusta; P. W. Carpenter, Ypsilanti, and J. H. Fish, Saline.

Archie Wilkinson, Chelsea; Fred Freeman, Manchester, and John Rawson, Augusta, were appointed tellers.

All of the parties named were then sworn to do their duty by Hon. A. J. Sawyer. The convention then adjourned until 1 o'clock p.m..

It was nearly 2 o'clock before Temporary Chairman Allen called the convention to order. The music of the day started with the report of the committee on credentials. Chairman Wheeler reported 219 delegates legally entitled to be seated in the convention. He further reported that the committee unanimously rejected the credentials of the delegates from Northfield as no caucus had been held and they were not legally elected.

Hon. A. J. Sawyer remarked that he recollected when the distinguished gentleman had represented his township under the same circumstances. He drove in on a wagon and brought in two or three neighbors and they formed a delegation, no caucus having been called, and they were permitted to sit on the convention. He therefore moved to amend the report by admitting the delegates of Northfield.

Mr. Wheeler became hot at the intimation as regards the township of Salem. So far as his memory went it was false. He defied the gentleman to produce the evidence that Salem ever came down in the manner described, since the law requiring caucuses to be held in a certain manner was passed. It might have been years ago before the law was adopted. The Northfield delegates had nothing to show. The question was whether the Northfield caucus had been held under the law. He understood that in Northfield three men were there and went away and the men that came here to the convention were prejudiced in favor of a certain clique. Were they going to establish a precedent. If the republicans of Northfield did not take enough interest to attend a caucus they should not be represented.

Frank E. Jones said it was worth something to be a republican in Northfield or Lodi. He did not think they should be excluded because there were not enough at the caucus to fill the offices.

Andrew Campbell said the committee had done perfectly right under the statute, but he thought now that the convention had power to receive the delegates.

A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, thought differently. If the committee could not recommend the delegates of Northfield, it followed logically that the convention could not receive them. It was far reaching in its consequences if this precedent was established.

J. C. Knowlton said he was surprised that Mr. Freeman laid down the proposition that the convention had not the power to receive delegates. It was a principal that all bodies like that were the judge of their own members. If the proposition of Mr. Freeman must be swallowed why were they here. He was pained that the fair minded man that he knew so well and loved so much should object and claim that the delegation from Northfield represented a certain clique. If there was one clique it meant there were two. Would this gentleman have been so solicitous if the Northfield delegates had represented his clique. Mr. Wheeler said he had only stated the facts. Some very foolish arguments had been made. He did not know if it was not a scheme to spring on the convention certain delegates to represent certain interests.

A. C. Schumacher, of Ann Arbor, asked what would be the effect if there were two contesting delegations. If they adjourned the convention for a short time they could probably find another delegation.

Emory Leland, of Northfield, said he wanted to state the facts. The caucus was legally called five days before the convention in the town hall for 3 o'clock p.m. There were only two men present as everybody was away at Whitmore Lake cutting ice. The two men agreed upon the delegates and that they would fill up the credentials when they came to Ann Arbor. They

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did not belong to any clique, they had no rings in their noses. No one from Salem or Ann Arbor came over to them and said they must have a delegation no matter what it cost.

Mr. Sawyer said he was not offended at any man for not agreeing with him. He remembered when the chairman of the convention and himself were contesting in a republican convention. Mr. Wheeler came with a delegation under similar circumstances. The delegation was allowed to be seated. The general rule in case of a contesting delegation was to split the delegations and give them both seats. Mr. Sawyer then proceeded to analyze the credentials and show how irregular they were. He called attention to what he termed the God and morality ward, the Sixth ward in Ann Arbor. There was his friend Johnson who could run the ward when he desired to. There was the townships of Lyndon. The caucus had been called for 7 o'clock, and when many republicans appeared, they were told the caucus had elected delegates. These were admitted. When Mr. Sawyer read the certificate from Salem, Mr. Wheeler seemed quite annoyed. The credentials from Northfield, said Mr. Sawyer, on their face appeared more regular than those from Salem. The Northfield certificate contained all that was required. He asked if they wanted to go back of the returns.

Mr. Sawyer's motion to amend the report of the committee so as to admit the Northfield delegates was then put. The chairman decided that the motion seemed to have carried. Mr. Wheeler called for a division to which Mr. Sawyer objected as the result had been announced. Considerable confusion arose and after the chairman once thought the motion lost, on motion of Deputy Railroad Commissioner Judson, a ballot was taken. Many delegates had to ask for an explanation of what was being voted upon. At last the tellers announced the vote which was 105 yes, 112 noes, 1 blank. Mr. Judson from the committee on permanent organization and order of business read a long report in so low a tone that many could not hear it. H. G. Prettyman tried to get in a minority report which the chairman would not entertain. On motion of Mr. Freeman the report was adopted with a whoop.

A. J. Sawyer made an impassioned speech before the convention during which he said : "There is a gentleman in the convention who wants to aid in removing the university to Detroit." Ex-sheriff Judson shouted from the floor: "That's a falsehood. There is not a grain of truth in it. It's false as hell."

Hon. A. J. Sawyer said there was already $25,000 raised in Detroit towards securing the removal of the university there. John F. Lawrence, declaring himself for Col. Dean, raised a point of order which took Mr. Sawyer from the floor.

Prof. Springer came to the rescue with the following resolution which was unanimously adopted.

''The republicans of Washtenaw in convention assembled believing that faithful officials should be rewarded by a renomination, hereby instruct the delegation from this county to the state convention to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the renomination of Col. Henry S. Dean a regent of the university of Michigan. They also instruct the delegation from this county to the judicial convention to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the renomination of Hon. Edward D Kinne as circuit judge for the 22d judicial circuit. "

The ballot for delegate at large resulted John F. Lawrence, 131, Henry P. Glover 83, Johnson, 1.

In the first district Judson had things all his own way. A resolution was passed that Judson should name the delegates. This he did as follows: William Judson, O. E. Butterfield, Chas. E. Hiscock, P. J. Lehman, George S. Wheeler, Emanuel Jedele, H. S. Holmes, A. W Wilkinson and Henry Schieferstein. The second district delegates are A. F. Freeman, Grove Rouse, A. C. Hathaway, John Lawson, Frank Creech, E. P. Allen, W. M. Osborn, Frank Galpin, Matthew Keeler.

A. J. Sawyer was named as delegate at largo to the judicial convention.

The names of the delegates to the district convention were selected by a committee, consisting of A. F. Freeman, D. C. Griffin, John F. Lawrence and Chas. E. Hiscock. The district delegates were as follows :

First district - John Lawrence, Chas. E. Hiscock, Frank Jones, Frank Stevens, Emery Leland, James Gilber, Robt. Walker, Arlington Guerin, Andrew Braun.

Second district - D. C. Griffin, A. F. Freeman, E. P. Allen, Herbert W. Childs, J. K. Campbell, Mortimer Raymond, James P. Bemis, Geo. Burkhardt, Chas. Gauntlett.

The delegation to the state convention was instructed to use all honorable means to secure the nomination of Claudius B. Grant for justice of the supreme court.

Dr. Boone, of the Ypsilanti Normal, placed in nomination Wm. N. Lister, of Saline, the present school commissioner and he was unanimously renominated.