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Ann Artist In Crime

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[Copyright, 1895, by G. P. Putnam's Sons.]



The train was just approaching Stamford, and from the window in the section which he occupied Mr. Barnes was watching the sun glowing red over the hilltops, when he heard approaching him the guard who had assisted him to jump aboard the night before. Tho man was making mysterieus gestures, from which Mr. Barnes understood that he was wanted. He arose and followed the porter to the smoking room.

"I think you called yourself Barnes, " said the man, "as you jumped aboard last night. "

"Ycs; what of it?"

"Are you Mr. Barnes, the detective?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because, if yon are, the conductor wants to see you. there was a big robbery committed on the train during the night. "

"The devil!"

"Exactly, but will you come into the next coach?"

"Wait a minute. " Mr. Barnes went back into the main part of the coach and tiptoed toward No. 8. Gently moving the curtains, he peeped in and looked long and earnestly. He saw two men undoubtedly sleeping soundly. Satisfied, therefore, that. he could leave his watch for a brief period, he followed the porter into the nest coach, where he found the conductor waiting for him in the smoking room.

"You are Mr. Barnes, the detective?" asked the conductor. Mr. Barnes assented.

"Then I wish to place in your hands officially a most mysterious case. We took on a lady last night at Boston, who had a ticket to South Norwalk. As we were approaching that point a short time ago she was notified by the porter. She arose and dressed preparatory to leaving the train. A few minutes later I was hurriedly summoned, when the woman, between hysterical sobs, informed me that she had been robbed. "

"Of much?"

" She claims to miss a satchel containing $100,000 in jewelry. "

"You have stated that adroitly. She claims to miss! What evidence have you that she has met with any loss at all?"

"Of conrse we cannot tell about the jewelry, but she did have a satchel, which is now missing. The porter remembers it, and we have searched thoroughly, with no success. "

"We have stopped at New Haven and at Bridgeport. How many persons have left the train?"

"No one has left the sleepers. "

"When you say that no one has left the sleepers, I suppose you mean you saw no one leave?"

"No! I mean just what I said. I have sent the porters through the coaches, and they report that. all our passengers are in their berths. But here we come to a point. If no one has left the train, then the thief must be aboard?"


"The woman when she discovered her loss concluded to remain aboard and go on to New York. All the other passengers save one are booked for New York. That one is a man, and he is now dressing, as his destination is Stamford. If he leaves, he may take the jewels with him, yet what am I to do?"

"State the facts of the case to him. If he is innocent, he will willingly submit to being searched. If, however, he refuses - well, we can be guided by circumstances. Call him in here now. "

A few minutes later a foreign and distinctly French appearing man entered. In speech he disclosed his origin, but the accent was slight. He was of fine appearance, dignified and gentlemanly.

Mr. Barnes sat at the window looking out. The conductor with considerable hesitancy explained the case, concluding with : "You see, my dear sir, this is an awkward business, but we are so sure that the thief is still aboard that"

 "That you hesitate to allow me to leave the train, eh, monsieur, is it not so? Yet why should there be any trouble? An honest man must never be hurt in his feelings when he is asked to assist the law, even though for the moment he is himself a - what yon call it - suspect? In this case it is so simple if only the honest men will make no trouble. They will 'say to you, 'Search me!' You do so, and at last one comes who says, 'You insult me!' That one is of course the thief, eh, monsieur? Do you not agree with me?" He turned toward Mr. Barnes, addressing this last remark to him. The detective looked at him a moment steadily, as was his wont when he meant to remember a face. The Frenchman returned the gaze undisturbed.

"I said almost the same thing to the conductor before you came in, " said Mr. Barnes. "

Exactly so. Now, then, with your permission I will disrobe. Look, if you please, most carefully. My honor is at stake. The more carefully you examine the less suspicion can attach to me hereafter. "

The conductor made a thorough search, emptying every pocket and taking every precaution. He did not expect to find anything, but it was essential that extreme care should be observed. Nothing was found, and the man resumed his clothing.

"Now, if you please, I have with me but two small satchels. If the porter will bring them, I will unlock them for you. 'I have no trunk, as I only went to Boston for a day's trip. "

The satchels were brought, examined and nothing found.

"Now, gentlemen, I suppose I am free, as we are at my station. I shall only remain here a few hours and will then go on to New York. If you should wish to see me again, I shall stop at the Hoffman Hcuse. Here is my card. An revoir !"

Mr. Barnes took the card and scrutinized it.

"What do you think?" asked the conductor.

"Think? Oh, you mean of that fellow. You need not worry about him. There is not a shadow of suspicious against him - at present. Besides, should we ever want him I could find him again. Here is his name - Alphonse Thauret - card genuine, too, of French  make and style of type. We can dismiss him now and turn our attention to the other passengers. Do you suppose I

"You shall have it if you wish. We Will not consult her wishes in the matter. The affair is too serious. "

"Very well, then, send her in here and let me have a few words with her alone. Don't tell her that I am a detective. Leave that to me. "

A few minutes later a tall woman, apparently about 45 years of age, entered. She was not handsome, yet had a pleasing face. As she seated herself she looked keenly at Mr. Barnes in a stealthy manner, which should have attracted that gentleman's earnest thought. Apparently he did not notice it. The woman spoke first.

"The conductor  has sent me in here to see you. What have you to do with the case?"


"Nothing? Then why"-

"When I say I have nothing to do with the case, I mean simply that it rests with you whether l shall undertake to restore to you your diamonds or not. I look after such things for this road, but if the loser does not wish any action taken by the road, why, then.we drop the matter. Do you wish me to make a search for the stolen property?"

"I certainly wish to recover the jewels, as they are very valuable, but I am not sure that I desire to place the case in the hands of a detective."

"Who said that I am a detective?"

"Are you not one?"

Mr. Barnes hesitated a moment, but quickly decided on his course. "I am a detective connected with a private agency. Therefore I can undertake to look up the thief without publicity. That is your main objection to placing the case in my hands, is it not?"

"You are shrewd. There are reasons, family reasons, why I do not wish this loss published to the world. If yon can undertake to recover the jewels and keep this robbery out of the newspapers I would pay you well. "

"I will take the case. Now answer me a few questions. First, your name and address. " "My name is Rose Mitchel, and I am living temporarily in a furnished flat in East Thirtieth street, New York. I have recently come from New Orleans, my home, and am looking for suitable apartments. "

Mr. Earnes took out his note book and made a memorandum of the address. "Married or single?"

"Married, but my husband has been dead for several years. "

"Now about these jewels. How did it happen that you were traveling with so valuable a lot of jewelry?"

"I have not lost jewelry, but jewels. They are unset stones of rare beauty - diamonds, rubies, pearls and other precious stones. When my husband died, he Ieft a large fortune, but there were also large debts, which swallowed up everything save what was due him from one creditor. This was an Italian nobleman - I need not mention his name - who died almost at the same time as my husband. The executors communicated with me, and our correspondence culminated in my accepting these jewels in payment of the debt. I received them in Boston yesterday, and already I have lost them. It is too cruel - too cruel!" She gripped her hands together convulsively, and a few tears coursed down her face. Mr. Barnes mused a few moments and seemed not to be observing her.

"What was the value of these jewels?"

"One hundred thousand dollars."

"By what express company were they sent to you?" The question was a simple one, and Mr. Barnes asked it rather mechanically, though he was wondering if the thief had come across the ocean - from France, perhaps. He was therefore astonished at the effect produced. The woman arose suddenly, her whole manner changed. She replied with her lips compressed tightly, as though laboring under some excitement.

"That is not essential. Perhaps I am telling too much to a stranger anyway. Come to my apartment this evening, and I will give you further particulars if I decide to leave the case in your hands. If not, I will pay you for whatever trouble you have in the interim. Good morning!"

Mr. Barnes watched her leave the room without offering to detain her or making any comment on her singular manner. Without rising from his seat he looked out of the window and strummed on the pane. What he thought it would be difficult to tell, but presently he said aloud, though there was no one to hear him :

"I think she is a liar!"

Having relieved himself thus he returned to his own coach. He found two gentlemen in the toilet room allowing themselves to be searched, laughing over the matter as a huge joke. He passed by and entered his own compartment, which the porter had put in order. One after another the few passengers arose, heard of the robbery and chewfully passed through the ordeal of being searched.

At last his patience was rewarded by seeing the curtains of No. 8 moving, and a moment later a fine looking young man of six and twenty emerged, partly dressed, and went toward the toilet. Mr. Barnes sauntered after him, and entered the smoking room. He had scarcely seated himself before a man entered, Who was evidently the other occupant of section 8. While the second man was washing, the conductor explained to the other about the robbery, and suggested that he allow himself to be searched. By this time the conductor was becoming excited. They were within a few minutes of New York, and all his passengers had been examined save these two. Yet these two looked more aristocratic than any of the others. He was astonished, therefore, to observe that the young man addressed seemed very much disturbed. He stammered and stuttered, seeking words, and finally in a hoarse voice addressed his companion :

"Bob, do you hear, there's been a robbery ! "

His friend Bob was bending over the water basin, his head and face covered with a stiff soap lather and his hands rubbing his skin vigorously. Before replying he dipped his head completely under the water, held it so submerged a moment, then stood erect with eyes shut and reached for a towel. In a moment he had wiped the suds from his eyes, and looking at his friend he answered most unconcernedly :

"What of it?"

"But - but - the conductor wants to search me. "

 "All right. What are you afraid of? You are not the thief, are you?"

"No- but"

"There is no but in it. If you are innocent, let them go through you." Then with a light laugh he turned to the glass and began arranging his cravat. His friend looked at him a moment with an expression which no one but Mr. Barnes understood. The detective had recognized by their voices that it was Bob who had made the wager to commit a crime, and it was plain that his friend already suspected him. His fright was occasioned by the thought that perhaps Bob had stolen the jewels during the right and then secreted them in his clothing, where if found the suspicion would not be on Bob.

Mr. Barnes was amused as he saw the young man actually searching himself. In a few minutes, with a sigh of intense relief , having evidently discovered aothing foreign in his pockets, he turned to the conductor who stood waiting and expectant.

"Mr. Conductor," he began, "I fear that my conduct has seemed suspicions. I can't explain, but nevertheless I am perfectly willing to have you make a search. Indeed I am anxious that it should be a thorough one. " The examination was made, and, as with the others, nothing was fouud.

"Here is my card. I am Arthur Randolph, of the firm of J. Q. Randolph & Son, bankers. " Mr. Randolph stood a trifle more erect as he said this, and the poor conductor felt that he had done him a grievous wrong. Mr. Randolph coutinued: "This is my friend, Robert Leroy Mitchel I will vouch for him."

At the name Mitchel Mr. Barnes was a trifle startled. It was the same as that which had been given by the woman who had been robbed. At this point Mr. Mitchel, a man of 43, with a classic face, spoke :

"Thanks, Arthur, I can take care of 'myself !"

The conductor hesitated a moment, and then addressed Mr. Mitchel :

"I regret very much the necessity which compels me to ask you to allow yourself to be searched, but it is my duty. "

"My dear sir, I understand perfectly that it is your duty and have no personal feeling against you. Nevertheless I distinctly refuse. "

"You refuser" The words came from the other three men together. It is difficult to tell which was the most surprised. Randolph turned pale and leaned against the partition for support. Mr. Barnes became slightly excited and said:

"That amounts to a tacit acknowledgment of guilt, since every other man has been searched " Mr. Mitchel's reply to this was even more of a surprise than what he had said before.

"That alters the case. If every one else has submitted, so will I. " Without more ado he divested himself of his clothing. Nothing was found. The satchels of both men were brought, but the search was fruitless. The conductor glanced at the detective helplessly, but that gentleman was looking out of the window. One who knew Mr. Barnes could have told that he was angry, for he was biting the end of his mustache.

"Here we are at the Grand Central," said Mr. Mitchel. "Are we at liberty to leave the train?" Receiving an acquiescent nod, the two friends walked to the other end of the coach. Mr. Barnes abruptly started up, and without a word jumped from the train as it slowly rolled into the great depot. He went up to a man quickly, said a few words in an undertone, and both went back toward the train. Presently the woman who had been robbed came along, and as she passed out of the building. Mr. Barnes' companion followed her. He himself was about to depart, when, feeling a light tap upon his shoulder, he turned and faced Mr. Mitchel.

"Mr. Barnes," said the latter, "I want a few words with you. Will you breakfast with me in the restaurant?"

"How did you know that my name is Barnes?"

"I did not know, though I do now," and he laughed in a complacent manner which ?ed on Mr. Barnes. The detective felt that this man was getting the best of him at every turn. But for all that he was only the more determined to trap him in the end. Accustomed to think quickly, he decided to accept the invitation, considering that he could lose nothing and might gain much by a further acquaintance. The two men therefore went below to the eating room and seated themselves at a small table. After giving the waiter a liberal order Mr. Mitchel began :

"Won't it be best for us to understand one another from the outset, Mr. Barnes?"

"I don 't know what you mean. "

"I think you do. You asked me a moment ago how I knew your name. As I said, I did not know it, though I suspected it. Shall I tell you why?"

"Certainly, if you wish. "

"Perhaps I am a fool to show you your first blunder in this game, since you are evidently enlisted against me, but as I sent my friend off alone purposely for the chance of doing so I cannot resist the temptation. "

"Stop a moment. Mr. Mitchell. I am not such a fool as you take me to be. I know what you are going to say. "

"Ah, indeed! That is clever. "

"You are about to tell me that I made an ass of myself when I spoke in the coach upon refusing to be searched."

"Well, I should not have put it quite 60 harshly, but the fact is this: When you deliberately followed Randolph into the toilet room, I became suspicious, being, as I was, at your heels. When the conductor spoke to me, I refused purposely, to watch the effect upon you, with the result, as you now see, that I had my suspicion confirmed. I knew that you were a detective, and, that point gained, there was no further reason for refusing the conductor."

"As I said, I acted like an ass. But I did not need this warning. It will not occur again, I assure you."

"Of course I see now that you overheard our conversation last night, and, such being the case, you naturally suspected me of this robbery. But I am wondering, if you did overhear our talk, why you did not watch me all night." To this Mr. Barnes made no reply. "I have one favor to ask. "

"What is it?"

"That you reveal to no one the fact that I have undertaken to commit a crime. You of course are at liberty to play the ferret and convict me - if you can."

"As surely as you commit a crime, so surely will I convict you of it, " replied Mr. Barnes. "It will be perhaps to my interest to keep what I know to myself, but it will not do to make any promises to you. I must be free to act as circumstances direct."

"Very good. I will tell you where I am stopping and I give you permission to call to see me whenever you please, day or night. I have a suit of rooms at the Fifth Avenue. Now let me ask you one question. Do you think that I committed this robbery?"

"I will answer you with a question. Did you commit this robbery?"

"Capital. I see I have a foeman worthy of my steel. Well, we will leave both questions unanswered for the present. "

(To be continued.)