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It Was A Low Coward's Work

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Ypsilanti has, or had within its corporate limits one of the lowest of mean individuals; meanest, because he is a coward and has just enough "game" in him to take out his spite against a person or a poor dumb brute.

No other reason can be assigned for throwing poisons in a yard, than that it was meant for Leo, the dog owned by Justice Childs. Perhaps someone wished to seek vengeance because the justice had at some time, when that individual was arraigned before him, given him his just deserts for some offense of which he was found guilty.

Besides showing his cowardice in disposing of Leo, he also caused the death of Rev. Wm. Gardam's dog, which also got some of the poison meant for Leo.

Mrs. Gardam found her dog coughing and thought he was choking from a bone. She put her hand in his mouth and his jaws closed and it was quite difficult to extract her hand. The teeth cut the skin but fortunately the wound is not serious.