Many Visitors At Milan
Milan, Mich., Aug. 30. - The Milan school building is undergoing repairs preparatory to the opening of the school, Sept 11
Miss Nelle Delaforce will leave Saturday for Dexter.
Miss Florence Chapin received her third grade certifícate Monday from Ann Arbor.
Mr and Mrs. Brown have moved into A. Dexter's house on County st.
Miss Lelia Kelley is visiting friends at Muskegon for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eastlake have returned to their home in Carlton.
Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller and little Hale have returned to their home in Salem after a three months visit with friends in Milan and vicinity. Mrs. Thomas Wilson, of Wabash st., is quite ill.
Miss K. Inman will move into rooms in the Lacy house for the winter.
T. Barnes has purchased a fine family carriage.
Mrs. Homer Sill and children are guests of Mrs. Sill 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoyt at Saline for a few days.
A. E. Putman is in the east on business. He will visit New York, Boston and Philadelphia before his return. He will be away several weeks.
Miss K. Lamb leaves for Tecumseh Thursday a. m.
Mrs. J. Bunce, who fell and hurt herself so badly a few days ago is improving finely and is able to set up and receive her friends.
Mrs. Juckett is visiting friends in the northern part of the state.
Miss Edna Zimmerman has returned from a three days' visit with friends in Ann Arbor.
Attorney D. C. Salisbury has returned from his Detroit sojourn.
Attorney G. R. Williams is on the sick list.
Mrs. W. Butler and children, of Detroit are the guests of Mrs. Butler's parents Mr. and Mrs. Gbas. Wilson, of Wabash st.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweet and daughter, are moving this week from the Marble cottage on County st, to the Jj. VanWormer place on E. Main st. Little Winifred Wilson is quite ill.
Mrs Frank Guy and Kenneth, of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marble, of E. Main st.
Rev. J. W. McGregor left Milan for Ann Arbor the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Sill left Thursday for Dexter and Portage Lake. They will be gone for several weeks on their visiting tour.
Fred Gauntlett is moving into the Taylor cottage on Conuty st.
Mrs. H. M. Burt, of Detroit, is in Milan to see about her property. She has sold her brick house and several lots on W. Main st. to C. Ellis, of Mooreville.
Milton Clark left Wednesday for Traverse City where he will engage in business. Mrs. Clark will follow in a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse are on their farm near Saline for a few days visiting Messre. Preston and Ransom Rouse and families.
Mrs. Lucy Clark and Eva are in Detroit on business this week.
Wm. Guy and family are doing Detroit this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wilson and daughter are taking an outing this week at Belle Isle and other points.
Mrs.Etta Pyle has returned from her eastern trip.
Dr. Hurd, of Dundee, visited Milan friends the first of the week.
Dr. Mary Williams is entertaining guests from out of town this week.
James Gauntlett has returned from a two months' visit at Traverse City.
Prof. Warren Babcock has returned to Lansing after a summer's visit with friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Sinclair is entertaining guests from Marshall.
Miss Belle Tripp has returned from her Ypsilanti visit.
Ed. Farrington, Mr. and Mrs. Youngs and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are at Niagara Falls this week.
Geo. Heath, of Ann Arbor, is in Kelley & Young's drug store this week during Mr. Young's vacation.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat