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A Bic Bunch Of Fakirs

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Whitmore Lake, Mich., Aug. 26 (Special to Argus)- The big bunch of fakirs who persist in attending the annual farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake, rather cursed their luck this morning when the threatening weather gave no signs of breaking away and allowing the sun to clear things up, for up to 1 o'clock this afternoon they and their assistants numbered nearly as many as the crowd present. Probably not in the history of the Tri-County Farmers' Picnic were there as many fakirs on hand to fleece the unsuspecting public as today. The nickel in-the-slot machines, the wheel of fortune, chuck-a-luck, roulette, and other small gambling devices, started to run in full blast, but the crowds were not thick enough around them to warrant their continuous running until later in the day.

By 2o'clock, the hour announced for the exercises to begin, it is safe to say that there were not 1,500 people present, and it was decided to wait a few minutes until a larger audience could gather to listen to the oratory.

It was rather disheartening to those who had made such extensive preparations for the" event, that the rain, for which the farmers had been patiently waiting for a month, should save itself up until this morning, above all others, in which to let itself loose on the parched ground, and it continued with a steady falling until 1 o'clock. After that hour the teams commenced to file in like an organized procession, and by evening the chances are for a large crowd.

The Brighton Beach band of twelve pieces furnished what outside music was not contributed by the two merry-go-rounds, hand organs and the songs of the fakirs in announcing their games of chance.

The following is the program for those who had come to be instructed as well as amused: Music; prayer by Rev. F. E. Pearce; president's address of welcome, Philip Duffy ; music ; address, Hon. George B. Horton, Master of the State Grange ; address, Hon. Martin J. Cavanaugh ; music ; addresses by Hon. W. W. Wedemeyer and others.