Local Brevities
Does Your Room Need Repapering?
We have just a lot of In-expensive
Wall Paper
in all the new and latest Colorings and Patters.
Remember Some of These Prices.
Best White Blanks 4c per roll.
Best Glimmers, 5c ,6,c, 7c, per roll.
Embossed Papers, 12c, 15c per roll
Imitation of Leather, 18c, 20c, per roll
Best Ingrain, 12c per roll.
Window Shades, complete and ready to hang 10c each.
George Wahr
310 S. State St. and Down Town, Opposite Court House, Main St., Ann Arbor.
Local Brevities
From Tuesday's Daily Argus.
Thos. Birkett, of Dexter, will have four pens of Cashmere goats at the county fair.
Commencing with next month, the regular meetings of the Ann Arbeiter Unterstuetungs Verein will be held at 7:30 o'clock local time.
L.C. Goodrich, the "agent for the best tailors on earth" will remove his office the first of the week from Schalers' store to rooms over the First National Bank.
The Ann Arbor Chicory Company today received its new machinery from the Detroit custom house. It had been imported from Belgium and sent on in bond.
The university yesterday received a donation of a number of bird skins from F. W. Thrum, '96 lit., from the Hawaiian Islands.
A Lawrence street house has the following sign on the door, "Warning to Burglars and Thieves. These premises are protected by the N.E.B.Q. Co."
A special train on the Ann Arbor road arrived at noon yesterday from the north, taking the place of the regular train which had been detained by a smashup. A swarm of students alighted from the train. It took half an hour to unload the trunks.
The case against Vic. Schneider for threatening to shoot was adjourned until Thursday.
Orrin R. Pierce, of Hudson (the man who banged up against Heinrich Schmid in a recent election), has purchased from W.W. Nichols. of this city, the latter crop 1,000 bushels of apples.
Eva C., wife of Andrew Reule, No. 216 E. Washington st., yesterday celebrated her 70th birthday anniversary. A number of lady friends surprised her. They enjoyed a most delightful evening.
George Nagele, the former custodian of anatomical material of the medical department, yesterday appeared in his best clothes and polished shoes. His friends on the campus were for a time very much in the dark until they discovered that Mr. Nagele was only preparing for his daily duties of ringing the bell at the morning hours for the medical students. Mr. Nagele, in spite of his advancing years, is hale and hearty, and one of the most popular men on the campus. When he feels at all despondent he goes and take a look at the anatomical material and feels rejuvenated.
From Wednesday's Daily Argus.
Wm. Mains, of Manchester, has just started out on a 50 days' jail sentence for the larceny of a bicycle.
The police were notified yesterday that a bicycle was stolen Saturday night in front of Wilder's drug store on State st.
Mrs. David Gore, of Northfield, was thrown out of her buggy Monday night and had several ribs broken and was generally shaken up and bruised. Her physician thinks she will recover.
Mann Bros. are having a hardwood floor put down in the rooms on the second floor of their store. The rooms will be occupied by Dr. Belser, whose growing practice demands more room than his present contracted office room.
The special meeting of the High School Athletic Association held yesterday afternoon, was a quiet one. This was due to the fact that the A.T. O.'s were not present, the Sigma Sigma's Deta Sigma Nu's and Independents running things their own way. The following were elected: Miss Agnes Knox, Vice President; Ralph Jenny, secretary; Herbert Woodrow, treasurer, Walter Tucker, senior director, and I. S. Leland member of the board of control.
W.W. Dell, of Augusta, the guest of his brother, Mr. J.A. Dell, returned home Monday. Mr. Dell is a member of the Farmer's Protective Association of this county. In speaking of the recent number of horses that have been stolen in the vicinity of Ypsilanti, Mr. Dell called attention to the fact that the owners were all members of the association. None of the horses or thieves have been recovered or captured.
Arthur J. Sweet is preparing a paper for the New York Street Railway Journal on the cost of drilling, bounding and track work. It is to be used at the approaching meeting of the association of street railway men. Mrs. Sweet's rail drilling machines continue to prove great success, and the sale of the machines is continually increasing.
Postmaster Pond received word from Washington last night that the regular rates of postage for the United States would apply to mail matter going to and from Porto Rico. This will be cheerful news to the six students from that island who are attending the university here at present.
The 9th Michigan, the 16th Michigan and the 4th Cavalry held re-unions in Detroit yesterday which were attended by Col. Dean, Dr. Berakey, Maj. Stevens, B. Frank Goodell, W. H. Fisher and W. K. Childs. In the afternoon these gentlemen went to the headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland and today all the members of the regiments are invited out for a boat ride from 2 till 6 o'clock.
From Thursday's Daily Argus.
Christian Teufel with the help of Jacob Schlemmer caught a nine and a half pound pickerel in Portage Lake. Their friends give a graphic account of the capture of the fish.
Alexander Ratti, the fruit dealer, No. 216 E. Huron st., has sold his business to George Sedgwick, and returns to Pontiac, where he was formerly in business. Mr. Ratti made friends while he resided here, who wish him well in what ever he may undertake.
James, the tree-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Forshee, of Salem, died yesterday of cholera infantum. The funeral services will be held tomorrow at 10 o'clock at the residence of the parents. The internment will take place at the Leland church.
The remains of Frederick Elmer, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, of Detroit, at one time residents of Ann Arbor, will arrive in this city on the 9:40 a.m. Michigan Central train tomorrow. He died yesterday at his parent's home of consumption.
The steel shoe of the 10 inch casing of the campus well did not arrive today and in consequence Driller Smith and his assistant, "Ginger," are sunning themselves on the south side of the derrick, while their "cadets," Hill and Sweat are telling stories. Mr. Smith received a compliment today of being one of the best natured men in the world. The professor thought Mr. Smith should use one of the patent kicking machines in which it is only necessary to press a button and a kid will be raised into mid-air.
Reserved seat sale for the Y.M.C.A. star course of entertainments opens at the association rooms next Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
The annual mission festival of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Saline will be held Sunday, October 7.
The D.Y. & A.A. Ry presented Ann Arbor Commandery, Knights Templar, with a receipted bill for the use of the car which conveyed them to Detroit and return on Sept. 19.
The records of the Y.M.C.A. night school show that 106 different men have already taken work in its classes. Five of these were either business or professional men at the time. Three have since gone into business for themselves. Two have entered college and between 50 or 60 others are now occupying responsible positions in the city.
Some street loafer with a vigorous thirst, that was destined not to be satisfied, stole a gallon jug from a wagon on N. Main Street Monday.He left a large quantity of groceries but was irresistibly attracted by the heavy jug, which, alas, contained nothing more thirst satisfying than kerosene!-Courier.
The Choral Union will hold its first meeting Tuesday, Oct. 3. All former members desiring seats must be presented at this meeting. Applicants will be examined by Prof. Stanley at the school of Music from 9 to 11 a.m. or 4 to 5 p.m., after Wednesday, Sept. 27.
There was a lively runaway this morning on Huron street. A horse belonging to Dr. Daniel W. Nolan broke away from a phaeton at the corner of Division street. When the horse had reached the court house square, he was met by August Winter on a bicycle, who intrepidly jumped from his machine and caught the horse.
Mrs. Henriette Winders, wife of Edward Winders, of Miller avenue, died early this morning, aged 28 years. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at her late residence. She was a daughter of Jacob Ehnis, of Northfield. Her husband and two children survive her.
The music at the first M.E. church will receive valuable additions for the coming year. Mr. Walter Taylor and Mrs. Alice Clement (nee Cramer) will be added. The chorus and quartette system will be both in evidence.
Don't forget the box for the sick solders at Manila. Many donations have already come in, but more can be used. The committee met Saturday afternoon, Sept. 30, to pack the box. All articles must be received before that time. Don't forget also that money is needed to pay for transportation. Nickels and dimes will be acceptable and dollars will not be scorned. Send donations to Dr. Wood Allen, residence 1317 Washtenaw Ave.