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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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REPORT OF THE CONDIÏHiN OP THE At .nn Arbor, Michigan, r. th. ;.- m Lin-siite'S. Dec. 1, IS8. KHSOOitCES. MABJJLrriBS. L'.vDSand licounts, WM7.P5S Ü f" "cks, Monda. Morteuwres ;. t."9.i! ; Cepiia; en- ,ni iu $ 50,000 ofl V'ni'e.i Sialosand Mich. cSüi'.e lonas at,ÏOuti0 Suriuf f umi r,, I(lfl n erdratte : i iS4 xn v ' '," iJ.JUi H'nkinv House .".".."." j,600 00 ' Ul1n;'"v' role less currantexpenFarniiiire and Fixtures 7417 32 ses 'll!iJr(s1 :nd taxes paid... 14184 lsl Orhf-r ttpa) Estáte 48.781 4.í í.'íviumj .1. un-,i.i '-, .■ CASH. '"" !iic from bunks in reserve eities . 151, R79 32 OEPOSITS. Pup (rom Troasurer School Dist. No. I, nn Arbor _ '1V2? S1 Comniftnsi öoposjts, subject to F.( muses for house 3,. 90 93 chppk , I l)if.:K8 and cash items 7&j 38 theck 199,562 2ll Vlolrelg and cents -. 3&t 57 íaTlt!ír8 Depf'fiii1, , 838.610 'tM GolcTéOto 40,257 60 Savicgs Cer+miwo of Oeposits, i i;'seandOlNationaí Bank' NoVo ■;:;.";: m TO Due U Banks ")rt 3anke''3 ' STATE ÓF M CHIGAH. , 6R - H Cuunty of Washtenaw, f08I. Charl3s E Hiscock, cashier oí ahcv iumd bttn). .1.. soiemnlT west fl above statement istmetothebest of myavT'fivt r,ñ . . ,. p tt.„„,. 3 Subscri m d and sworn to beforP me. this 6vh '-iav f' Dec-miw-r, Correct Attest: Chrwisn Maok. W. I. HuM-imanOrimw, DtoSoS?17 '"■ Capital, S50.0G0. Surplus, SÍ50,000. Rfcsoyrces, $1,0ööl Tiansacts a genera) banking business; bnys and sHs exchano-esoi York, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principa! ";i"s Eur(B This bank, already háving a large business, invites mereliantsard 1 to open accounts with them with the aasiiraneeof the nóost l'beral de-ainB sistent with safe banking. In tl) e Suvings Department interest at the of thr?p per centfl spmi-a nually, on the first days of Jamwiry anrf -h;!y, o-a V.i s.uuá SB dcposi. r tithree months previous to those (Jays thns affordinsr the beoplel city and county a perfectly safe depoaitorv for thmr fmi;ïs, together witdH turn in interest for the same. Monpy to )oan on puioviwi cirrities. piRKCTOHS.- Christian Maek, Daniel Riseock, SViÜard B. SmifB Rarriman, WUllam Denbel, David RinaeL IJi-mcr Officehs.- Christian Mack, frj(!pnt; W.D Tr:- Chas. E. tliscock, Cashiei . t'ntE A.saVJiwiiittl '" M