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LOOK ! LOOK! LOOK ! - Single Machine. made Harnee. _ J6.00 Single Hand-made líamete. 8.B0 Single Ntckleplated llamen 16.00 to S5.00 '■ Single Strap Harnee. _... S0.00 to 35.00 : LIght Donble Harnesa _ 25.00 to 50.00 f AH Brlstle Bruebea _ .75 to 4.00 1 Whalebone Whips _ 76 to Í.00 Oood Blnket._ „ _. .90to 6.00 Lap RJbee..„,....„„ -_ t oif staiized 'ZlncTroñfe 3.00 to 9.00 Alio a large tock of Home Furniablng (ioodi at Bottom Prlcea. J. C. BURKHARDT, o. 4 II uron Htreet, 37tf Ann Arbor, Mlch. pRÖËTREUBEN KEMPF, Havlng juut graduated from the ConHrratory of ' Muslc at Stuttgart, Germán, where he recelred a thorongh educatlon, and tmtractloiu In the lated method of teaching masic, la now prepared to gire Lenoni In Ilarmony, and on the Piano and Orgao. Pianoe tuned od reaaonable tema. Koon, northeast corner of Main and Liberty etreeta, up-aUlra, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 949-1000 yf ILLIAM W. NIOHOLS, ZDEÜXTTIST 1 ü Sacceiaorto G. W. North. Office, 19 Soath Main Street, oppoelUi National Bank. Reaidonc, 37 Libi erty Street. Nltroue oxide gaa adnlnlalered when reqneatod. B6ttf Neuralgia Is a word derived from two Qreek word, algnlfylng nene pain. Any ooe who haa uffered from thla dleeaee knowa bow the acute pain followa tbe coarae of a iiervoua hranch, eztendlng tbroagh all ita ramlflcHtione, making lile a bnrden. From tbe natnre of the dUeaae, internal treatment alone cannot reach lt. Narcotica and oplatea relíete by benambing the scnaee, learlng the patiënt more luaceptlble to the pain afterward, tbe nérvea belng weakened by the uae of tkeae druis. Lawaon'a Curatlv heala and soothea, glvlne the tortured nérvea the power to recupérate ana etrengthen, 1 111 the dieeaae loaea Ita hold entlrclr. For salo by L. B. Lercb. M8 FroUpm Utarl. (Falllng of the Womb.) k Wol:(ul Cï.- Nlne ycara my wlfe anfiered wlth tbla terrible complaint. Htie waa attended by doctor after doctor, went to the different hoapltala where femalea are treated ; tried them all ; wore bandagca and peaaarieg wlth only temporarr relief. Her llfe wan mlser able. We applled Dr. illloa' Llnlment. Her relief wan immcdiate. Sh la now well. B. MoDBRMOTT. 40 Weat 13th atreet, New York. Sold by al! drungUta. Send for pamphlet. Dr. Ou., 120 Weet Hroadwar, N. Y. Trial alzo 25 centa. 867-971 Beal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIUAN, Coonty of Waahtenaw, a. In the matter of the eatate of Ida M. Aleiandtr. minor. Notlce la hereby glven, tnat In pnranancc of an order granted to the undcralgned, guardián ol the eatate of aaid minor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate Tor tho Connty of Waabtenaw, on tbe acventeenth dy of December, A. D. 1879, there wlll he nold at public vendue, to tbe bigheat bidder, at the late realdencc of Jamea B. Alexander, deceaaed, in the townnhlp of Pittülleld, In the connty of Waehtenaw, in aaid State, on Wedaeeday, the fourth day of Fcbruary, A. II. 1880, at ten o'clock In the fornoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrance by niirteat;e or otaerwlae exlatlng at the time of the aalc,) the folio ing deacrioed real etate, to-wlt : The undivlded one-flfth part of the eaat half of the aouth west quarter of aectlon number aeren (7), in town three (3) outh, range alx (6) eaat, (Plttsfleld,) Wahtenaw Oounty, Michigan. COMSTOCK F. HII.L, Unardlan. Datcd December 17, 187. 966-971 To Inventora and Mecnanics. Patenta and Huw to Obtaln Thrm. Pamphlcte of 00 pagea free, upon reoelpt of alampa for pOflUiirc. Addreaa GILMOKB, 8M1TH A CO., Sollcltore of Patenta, Box 81, 924tf Waahlsgton, D. C. vHajr f i r. j ia AflBH i vIvk S fflaa iSl BlH aH Will U bimOU ma u 11 ipplkuti, m4 U mMm 1Ut c-rdariBf II. lt onUln fotu clr plftlM, 00 BrTin 968-971-ow ,