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Fstate of Chauueey lïranch. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Waahtenaw.BB. Notie.1 b hereby glven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, made on the iwenty second day of December,A.I).I879, six months trom Ititit date were allowed for creditors to present their claim? at,'aiiift the estáte of Chauncey Branch, late f xatd couuty, deei-a-ed, and thnt all creditors of -.[i deceaeed are requiied to present iheir claims u aald Probaie Court, ai the Probate Office in the Jity ut Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or befo re the twenty-eecond day oí June next, and Umi saeta claim wilt be heard beforc said court, on Monday, the twenty-second day of March, and on Tue.-itay, the twenty-second day of Jime next, at ten oVlock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Aun Arbor, December 22, A. D. 1S79. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 966-969 Jadee of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 8. ia In the matter of the estáte of Ida M. Alexander, minor. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance ot an order granted to the underslgned, guardián OÍ the estafes of eaid minor, by the Hon. Jndge of Probate lor the County of Washtenaw, on the seventeenth d;iy pf December. A. D. 187, there will on som i ptrotn: vt-uune, to me iiighept wiaaer, at thr lat reeidence of Jamea B. Alexander, deceased, in tbr township of Pittefleld, in the county of Wawhtenaw, in aid State, on Wedaesdav, the fourth day Ol 1' bruary, A. D. 1880, at ten o'clock in ihe forenoon of ihat day, (subject to all encumbrances by mnrtga;e or oUerwise exhning at the time of tbe salo,) the fnllowing dencribed real estáte, to-wlt : The utidivtded oneflfth part of the east half of the eouth wee! qimrter of eection number seven (7), in town tfarae t.ï) SOUth, rane slx (ö) cast, (Pittüneld,) Washtenaw County, Michigan. COMSTOCK F. UILL, Guardian. Dated December 17, 1879. 965-971 Estáte of Audrew Itash. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a sepöion of the Proba. e Coart for the County of Wu-jhU'imw bolden al the Probate Office, ie the city ol Ann Arbor, on Friday, the nineteenth day of Dtccember, in the year one thousaud eifjht hundred iinil heventy-nine. Present, V illiam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In ihe matter of the estáte of Andrew Bunh, deceased. On readine and flling ;he pctition, dnly verified, of Kara C. Roblntont executor, praying thftt tie EELftj be licensed to sell the rea) eetate wJEsMOf Mid dfC-'ased died seizid. 'l'hiTeupon it is ordered, that Tuefday, the twentielh day of January next, at ten o'clock In Ibe loruuoon, be asMgned for the hearing of suid petUion, utid t luit the deviseeB, leñatees, and Min at law of fald deceaed, and ail other peroni tnterattod in said estáte, are required to appt-ar at a sextúun of said cuurt, then to oe holden at the Probate office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show caiiM', if any thert be, why the prajer ol the petilioner hould uot be granted. And tt is further urdcred, that tatd petitidiier glve notice to the persons InterasUd in uuid Mtat, of thependency o! Haid petltiou, and the hearing thereof, by rausing a copy ol thi order to be published in the Ann Arbor Ctnrier, a m-wppaper printed and circulating In naid connty, thrce iucoomIvq weeks previouu to said day ol ht-ariuif, (A true copy.) WILLIAM D HARRIMAN, Judire of Probate. W.M. O. DOTY, Probate Register. 966 969 Estáte of Adellue LeBaron. tlATKOK MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, sa At a oeseion ot the Probate Court for the County ot ',i-ht-nu , holden at ihe Probate Office in the city l Ann Arbor, an Momlay, ihe iwenty-nlnth day ol December, in the patraña thounnnd eight hundred and (cvciay-nine. Prueent, WilUam D. lliirrimaii, Judk'eof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Adclinc LeBaron dect0d. Annetta 1). Pbelps, adminlstratrlx of -ahl MUhte, COiBH lato court and reprgents that ehe is nou prvpared t render her fln;d Hccount as such ati iijhiIkI rairix. Tticreupon it Is ordered, that Mondny, tlie twen tj BlXth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forej oon, he asigned lor examiniiiL' and alluwinir such account, and that tbe hidra at law f said deceascd, and uil other pereoniü interMted in stld Mtttt, are reqnlred to appear at a BsstoDol said c)iirt, tln-n to be lioldeii at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said county, and show Ciiuoe, il any there be. why the sid accouut Khould not be allowed. And tt is further ordered, that said adniinitrntrix jive notice to the perf. 'iis Lnterested in ssid state, ol the pmdency of said accooDti and tht beArlOfl thereof, by causinacopy ol'this order to bfl puMihed in the Ann Arbor Couríer, a MWtpapu printed and circulating in said COBBty, threfl socceïwlva weeks previous to said day of hearing, (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. M 70 The DerangCHient of BQCb ponsitlve flbres of our body as the nerves will nattirally MUM blttBM pain and Hiilterlnx ; and lm mediste tltentton Khould 6e ftveo tv%,rd allaying all fnll.immatury Kymptomn on feelin tht flrttt pangs f p;iin. Tlu b'nt, hiircut and safest medicine is, Without doubt, " Lawfou's Cnrative." Nervons Hi julache, BleepleHliets, Kheuinatifm, NeiiralL'Ia, SeiHiIca, and In Itict every dtSMAM tht bas it orurtn in the Derroat straotare füde readily to the lufluenc4 oJ the Curative. The directions for ireatlni: ach disease accompanies cach bottle ; and when ihey are fulluwed faithfully, th1 pruprtctors do not hetltatt to warrant a cure. Öold by L. S Lcrch. pilOF. REÜBExN KEMPF, Iluvini; Just (;n'laated from the Conservatory of Music al Btuttgvt, ittTinnny, wheru he rvct-ived a tlioroiiKh i'iliir.'iiiiin, and intractlin in the latot methodi of teaching DBUflc, le now preparad to gtve Lennon lu , and on the Piano and Orgall. l'lmum tuned uu reiwoiiablc tcrnla. Uüoiiih, uurtlK'iiwl coriuT ol Miiin and Libertystroetn, iip-xiaire, Anu Arbor, Midi. ti'. Hmu