University Items
...The senior laws are having their class photographs taken. ...Tliti University black-boards have recently received a new coating of lnsquer. ...ïhe Y. M. C. A. lio!d prayer meetings Sunday afternoons at the hospital, for the benotit of tlio patients. ...Dr.Wilson, the new homeopathie physiottD, has already asxumed hls duties. He already been sereuaded. ...The new l'si U pailón society house on Siate atreet is nearly cotnplcted, and will toon bc ready for occupancy. ...Mis. Dr. Ilartley was admitted as a member in i'ull standing of the Scicntific Assodution !t their last meetiDg. ...Walter Barrow and Herbort R. Spencer have boen admitted to practico as attorneys and counsellors-at-law by Judge Morrit ...L'r. I'alincr is daily expected liuck from Kurope. When he returns the medical KtuiJents are to ive him a grand " set up" at the Chandler house. ...The studt'iits of the law department have ort;anizc;d an Uniied States Con wliich meets eterj 8stardj aftemoon at two o'clock, in the law lecture-roooi. ...The city iiii-sinri Suiiday ,-chool held an entertainment Wtdoeaday eveoiog, at whiofa Prof. itOBM delivered a lecture on tho Incas of Peru aud remaias. ...Anothcr new leed pump hu been placed in the new steam-lieating room, as one was found to bc incapable of furnishing an adeqonte supply of water to tho boiler?. ...Dr. VVinchell is to deliver the discourse in University Hall next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. The one given last Sunday by President Angelí was largely attended. ...Prof. Hennequin, of the University, hut week receivod a letter frpm a celebrated London (Eng.) publishing house, requesting hia assistance in revising a work latcly from their press. ...C. B. Orant and Dr. Charles Rynd's terms of office as Regenta of the University expircd January Ist. James Shearer of Bay City, and E. O. Grosvenor, of Jonesville, take their places on the Board. ...The Ladies' Temperance Association of the University will hold an important business meeting Saturday afternoon at five o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. hall. All members are requested to be present. ...Dr. V. C. Vaughan read an able paper before the Sanitary Committee held at Detroit, Tuesday, on the contamination of drinking water by the infilteration of organic matter. Dr. Prescott also read a paper on the use of household filters. ...At the regular clinic Wednesday a gentleman was relieved of a large cancerous growth covering the whole lower lip from the chin' to each corner of the mouth. After the operation, flaps were made and raised from the neck to supply the place of the entire lower lip which had been removed. ...A paiient carne before the class at the regular clinic Saturday who had been for some time troubled with sciatica, and had received no benefit from treatment. The professor, after careful exarnination, decided to cut down to and stretch the nerve, which was accordingly done, with the result of giving hiin immediate relief. ...The Scientific Association held a meeting Saturday evening in the geologieal lecture room. Profs. Prescott and Johnson gave a resume of the current progress made in chemistry during the last year. Prof. Stowell read the paper of the evening, which was well appreciated by the association. He showed that the lowest forms of animal life, as tbc arneola, pos sesses the same fundamental characteristics as man, the highest form of life; that man, in fact, is composed of a conglomeration oiameoboidal bodies with only a little lime to give rigidity and Btability of struc f ure. If the stove could be made to preserve a lower temperature, and the room could be botter ventilated, the proceedings of the association would be found very interesting to student. ...The lecture to bc delivered by the Hou. Wm. Parsons, the great Irish orator, this (Friday) evening, Jan. ICth, before the Students' Lecture Association, proniises to be one of the best of the course. After gaining the feputation of being one of the most popular lecturers in Great Britain, Mr. Parsons turncd his attention to the politica! arena, where he becaroe a staunch supporter of the people's rigbts, and one of the most powerful advocates of the English reform. Mr. Parsons lms alruin turned hU attention to the lecture platform, and is meeting with greator suocess than ever. During former visits to this country Mr. Parsons has lectured over eigh'ty times in Boston alone. He lectured for four consecutive seasons before the Students' Association here, and was always considered the best lecturer in the couree. ... The djscussion over the woman suffniRe question in the University, is exciting considerable attention from tbc press. Misa Eliza Darling's trite reply to Mrs. May Wright Thompson in the New York Nation, aroused the re of the latter, and now the merits of the question are coming to the surface in an interesting way. The bone of contention is the nuraberof fbmale students of the University who are in favor of wonian suffrage. The exponent of woman's rigbts asserted through the Nalion that the greater part of them were suffragist, this Miss Darling promptly denied and iroduced statistics gathered by herself, showing the falsity of the claim. Soon after a vote was taken in the medical departmcnt, at first derogatory to a suffrage, this was afterwards reconsidered and was found to stand thirtysix in favor ; thirteen undecidod, and four opposed. Mrs. Thompson claims a victory from this source, and throws Miss Darling's report out of consideration, on the ground that from seventy ladiesjn the literary deIartinent,fourteen werc in favor of suffrage, thirtytwo opposed, five undecided, and two non cornniittal, thus leaving twenty-one whose opinión, she says.were not obtained. These Mm. Thompson bas the presump tinn t.n p.laim. im -I' -ff...slm,B. öhe claims further that as the age of the women in the medical department averages twenty teven years, and those in the literary department only twenty-one years, the opinión of the former is of more consequence. She seetns to forget that tliose who have chosen a man's calling for a life profession would naturally defire all his privileges, thus invalidating their opinión ai it would not be a fair mcans of judging f the views of the greater mass of educited women. Furtber developments are anxiously awailed for, but not until a more concise vote is taken can the question bo sitisfactorily decided.