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IMPORTANT LETTER From a Distinguished Physician. 'M'O single clieae hu entailcI moro iufTcring or hafrJ-l tciu-d tou brsaklni; m Of the conMllullon thm Catnrrh. lhc srnv ni Murll, of taste, of slKht of hcar lnK, th. human rotee, the ralnd, one or more and sume timen nll yU'hl Inlluonce. The nolRon 1 distributie tliruiiKli'iut tlio ■ystem aUrks evéry vit force, ftiul breaks up the most rolmct of conslltutiona lenori'.l bacauae Init llttlo understood liy ml nhyl clan, iniHiti nlly aMalli il liy nuack and charlatana thocoüutlerliiK from lt havo linie Impo to lo rcllcvoc of lt thla rldi' of lh frave. H la time, then, (hut Uu popular treatraout vt thl t.-rrlhlo distase by rcincdlea wlthlntno rt-ftc h ofall pawd hands at onco com petent andtrUbtworthy. Tlin wv aud hlthrrto untrled mfithod adopted by Dr. Sanford In tho prpparatlon o hl8IUi)im, CirkIim w.m my hearty approviil. 1 bt licyc it lik. ly to nm-c.i-.l uhrn ui! tho usual remeilli rail. Jt strik-p ut the root of tho dlacasc vlz blood, whllo lt henls tho ulreratrd mem bron by direct uppllcatlon to tha nasal pusaers. Iu actlon l baSGilon ccrtiln flxod rulo, mul unies the vital forcea aro tnu far oxhauBtud, must. In the i:reai majorlty ol cusuh, ctl'cct a curo. GKO. HF.AIÍI). M. D. Nobscott Dlock, So. Framixqmam, Oct. 1, 1871 SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE MAY Bnícly claim to bo ono of tho few popular remo dlcus-ceUlngtüoapírOTallifmoafcalaentlenien who, In prlvute, not only Iroïly recommend II l lt In their fimitllua In preferi'nco to any of the prüparatlons usnally prrsrribrrt hv ptiyslcians "Vouarowiro."ii.l ndiatlnKuUh '1 city physiclan "that myol.llnutlonsto the M:.s. Medical 8)olety are ■uch that I cunnotpuhllcly rocommrinl nr ir. s'-rlbe the iladlcal Cure ; butKinco. I rccolvcd so nuicli relief from tho us.'of lt inys-lf, nft.r nthorouih trlsl oftlieusua rmodlc, 1 liavt prlvatcly ndvhed lt ui iinrt premuno have ent tr your store no lewtUan ono hundrod o my patieuw tor lt." UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. fTiENTLEMKN'.t-We have unid sakfoho's Radical VJ Ccrk fW ncarW onn ji-nr, nr( wn sny pftndlrtly tbat we ni-vrr pold a bimilnr nropnratloti that pave such unlversnl batl-factlou. We Lavo to leani the flrst coin plaint jt-t. Wa are not in tho habtt of reconimendlní: natont mcdlrliir, but you KratïJili:ts tho want o thouanlH, aii'l we thfiÖc moBoiftfflli'ted ih-uld be con Ylnceitof lts rcat nu; rit hc Umtth' r uk Mll t rcllevrn. Wc imv ■ been in tli druir iisiness for tho past twelvo years constantly, and Bolcl everythinjf for Catarrh.but ronnleadi nll rent. If ynu ace proper you canoso this lottur or ny t of n Uiai vou wlsh Very truïy yotiTs. i. ï. HALT)WïS & CO. Wholonalc and BetaU Dealers fn Drur Books anc Stattoncry, Washington, Inl., Feb. 23, 186. Each packatie -onUla Hr. Saafnrd'i Improved Inhal inrTube, nm! ful) flirectloiis for ase in all cases. Prtce fl.OO. Fe r n.ilu by all wtiokulc and rctall druKK'f anri ar alera tii roiiL'hour Cho I'nlted States and ('añadan WEKKS & POTTER, (iencral Agents and Wholesale Urugglsta, lïoston, Masa. BCOLLINS'Ba VOLTAIG PUISTER An F.lrctro-nnlvnnic Itutlerv conibiiiid wlth hluhly mei MrrnuihciiiiiL' Planter, iSThe'SwM'of ffiS' PalD" aUd aCh" ELECTRICITY As a LTMid curativo and rcstoratlve agent is not cquanédby any clement or medicine in the history of ttu-healinirart. rnleBStlio yitnl fipark has lied the nody restoratiaa by Is possiblc. Itiitlie last rosort of all pliysictans and surgeon, and has res cneU tnooaandB, appanmtly dead, from an untlmely uravc, when no oiher human aueney cnuld have buc cceded. Tuis is the lcadini; curaüvn element Ui thla Piaster. BALSAM and PINE. The heallng propertlcs of our own franrant balaam and plne and the -uius uftlir East aro to. well known to requir doscrliition. JiicHr irrnteful, hritliiiK, Booth In, and rtrinutlii-iiliK,' propeAlcs are known to thou and. hon combliud UTncSordancc ulth late and Important discovcrles In pharjBacy, tholr hcallni anc BtrengtlionuiK prnnirtiii ar Incroascd tenfoldT In thlB respect our Piaster Is tho best in use without tho ald of electriclty. TWO IN ONE. Thus comblned wc have two frrand medical aponts In onc.each of which porlorms lts fuuctlon and unitcdly product moro cures than any llniniont, lotlnn, waBh ur piaster over beloro compounded In the hlstory ol inedlcino. Try one. Pbick, 35 CKNTS. Sold by all Wholesale and Iietall DruiorlBtj throueh■ro'ra,tÍoÍtCon?a.''uAyyEEK# Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. V (Formerly Jr. Craig' Küiney Cure.) A TPpcetable preparation and the onlr sare rom-cl ju the wurM lor IfirlvEit's lien, li.ii. ( ... :.i.l Al.i, Kidnrj , Llver, and 1 rin:ry ljLarn. ö'Testtnionialsof the bigbeat order iu proof Of these statements. ftd'Kor tin cure nf Diabetes, cali fur War ucr'i Stxtv IinbetHi 4'nro. -tf"For the euro of Ilrisht and tbo nther dlseasH. cali for Maiuin Safe Kilny and LiverCurc. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Itl3thebestItlnoIPurinpr. andstlinutatei evory function to more haalthful actiun, aud ia thus a benetit In all diseases. Il ruros Scrofuldui and other Afcln Kruptiun and Div;iss, ïuclutlmg Cuueer, Licor, and otlier Soim. l imii;ï. Henknfu of tlie Affomnrh, otiklipaHuii, DiuiiH.a. .iinitl lblllt.r, etc., are cureU by the 9(afr Bitters, lt is uncqtialed es an appetizer and regular tonlc. Botlles of two slzes ; pnces, 90e. mui 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Q-iirkly iTiVMltp! mn! Slerp t. the sufferinfT, cures llesMjiK'lie aml A'oui'mIv'a prt-vents rplleptlc Fit, nnd nhi'veN'ei-jii ProIratiun broughton by excessive dfiuk. uvurwork, mental shocks, and other canses. Powerful as il is to stop pain aud sootlie dlstnrbed Nerves, lt nver ïnjnres the system. wliether taken in nmall or lare doses. Bottles of two sizes ; pnces, 50c. and $1 .00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immediato and activo stimulus for a Torpid LWcr, nn cure Coitivene!, Dyipaptt. BllI WffBHf É Iouimii, Bllioui DiarI tlilaKVl fudJ ■ rha;. Milirii, Fevêr B PTilifcwTTTa ILeBA ai and should IumMBQmUUI ■ l'vu-t whi'iK'vcrthe I If9K(Q9 EBB V-mvclB (n iiot opt-rate I B llfV Hlïfl freely and regularly. ■ VrV No othrr l'IIU rrqulro urh ffTRiS m&M '"iil doM fot tbnrouxh m ivf il' M 'miLwni K4 work. priri. a& et. i. ■ PTWTrWIW3 r mi K. m.-.liri km ■ ffJLVklsiuliiJ B-HE uia lij UrtiKiíi-U A DnltM ÍRTT1 S nW"' ■KÜfloi'MprjwhM. illLr KM H.H, Warner Í Co., IHVVfl I'roprirtor. I ITBFVB ROCHESTER, N. Y, HLJMUIJQJE -..-nd for rui(ihlrt B] HMB 4 Tr-iimi.niAh. J That Acts at the Same Time on L 2 THE LIVER, I f TKE BOWELS. 1 and the KIDNEYS. F fl Thipr' -.i orvans--arc the tuitural cleansIj aj ZTBot ilxv sytitt ui U t !-■'' work writ. ïicauii mi m v;'ül li" tb'1 y becore rloggcd, W "1 drüftJial uiüLjí' aro iar tofcllow wltü fai TE3RI3LE SJFFEIUN. I I IHIIousbos, IIud:ich . öyspi'psia, l I dice, Constipatïon and Plls, orKl:lTJ ney Complaints, Gruvcl, Diabetes, ETi Sediment in the Urine, Jlllky i li or lïopy l'rine ; or UJu-umatic Pains anl A ches, [j D th ' V wltïi th'.; hit mom tüai kliouHJ bave bftn b ipcÏcYdney-wort W wi iTKtor th healtby actlon and all theno E A .curovlug evlli win te bnmshi'd I ifl Ihem and you wil! live bat to nutter. c 1 Thousjin'lBhavebecncured. Tryltandyo'i H will ald onenure to ilie iiumber. Talie (v ■ M Rn'iliaHh win once niori' p!iddn your heart E I Wtiy ufferlongorfromthe torment L T Of an achlng back ? . 3 Vhy boar sucil dlstress from t. m tlpa-lon and Pl!es t P= Why ba so tearful becauas of y? 1 orJoratf urine? t , g Ki-rT-WowTwtll cm you. Try a pac', t, Sa ai-'C ni once and ne aatlafled. lt Cl il dry vegetable rompo'ind and V OnPi'-!;nTriiMik!iiTquirt'sf.'íoill'- Your iirvwmtSaf tflvr val gn li or jj' mUI, BK2iET"0"l t CS., ftwil ' 'r :- ■. 64-UH- cli e w 13 IXSKY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY,GHOCERY FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc keep cocstautly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLB8ALB ANI) RKTAIL TKADB. We ebal) 1bo keep a eupply of WIFT DEl'HK.L'S BEST WHITE WHBA1 FLOUR. DBLHI FLOUR, RYK FLOVI!, BUCKWHBAT FLOUK, CORN MKAI., FKKD, 4c, c. At wholcsalc and retal!, a gcDcral stock ol GROCICRIESAlvn PROVIMO!Ü onetantly on hand, whlch will be old on as renou blo tertns ep fttftny vtbei bOttaf in the city. 1'ui.ii puli for Batlaj üouatry i'roduci L;!y. Ï3r"lo(i.'" diilivnxi triy pmt of wiii nt cxlracharn!. vr '"7 kKA:K)I.T rjOUSKS AND LOTS FOR SALE. Several (rood brlck dwmtini; bonnes, and a nuraber I fmmcMl dwellUJt, dcBirablyslIunted, wlth one or more lot for each, for uale, on fair term nd rt;aeonileoredlt aImo. flfiy city lot, well locatcd, wtth tod tltle, Dd od loug credit. Also, furms iind mortai?es for sale. Mouey safely inveatcd for lendcre, at ton per cent. Inquire of 6S9tf K. W. M0RQAN.