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Losses From Overfeeding

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l'apers and bookstreatingot poultry uienlion the sudden d.ath of' fowls from overfecding, and also tliat less eggsare obtained from the same causes ; yet perhaps, no oiie thing iu the whole range of' the poultry business is so little eonsidered. A hen dying of apoplexy is a surprise, and all the niore because she il fat and bas been oxceplionally healthy; though, it is aeknowledged, there were not so niany eggs a were ex pccted f'rouj the breed and ihe healthy condition of the f'owl. The cause of the loss of the ben, and the decrease of the eggfl in owing wholly to injudicious feeding Too much corn and other rieh food are givcn, particularly the corn, but more particularly in sunimer when it is too heating, as sole food. It should form but a sniall proportion uf the fuod in warm weather, tobe iaertued in winter, but never the solu feed and fed to the lull extent. This diffurence in the different seasoni is iniporiant, as in winter corn can be made a real help luwards McurÍDg m.'h mi li, a thing so iiiui'ii needed at thisseason. l have kuown larga, healtliy hen.-, of the lirulima and Bluek Spani.-li breeds, lay well during the entire winter confined in an ordinary barn and given a liberal (eed composed mostly of' corn. I have known quite a nuuiber of sucli casen. The Ibwls were exposed to the low teaipcrature of the season, but not to draughts of cold air. They were large and vigoroua, and capable of generating warmth, which the cora enabled them to do increasingly, keeping up ali-o the eondilion of the birds. The same diet in sumuier I have known to produce falal results. Botter err in giving scant feed in .-umiiur. There may bc lesa eggs, but there are less also io overfeeding, is ■ f it hen is notoriously an indifferent layer ; besides, there is, in the last case, the loss of the fowl, including the value of' the food spent upon it to secure its condition. To lose uiany hens in this way, therefore, is a severe loss. And cases are constantly and frequently occurring, and generally, throQgb ignorance, the cause is unknown. üfcourse, as soon as the cause is understood, it is removed, as it lesens the expense and increases the nuuiber of eggs, saving, at the same time a good fowl. Feed, therefore, regularly as much as is required, avoiding the two extremes of overfeeding and i-turving ; supplemeuting grain with animal and vegetable material, avoiding pepper and otber condimenta in sumuier, when they are hurtful, Lessen or omit corn entiroly, and increase the quantity of vegetables in warm weather. A cooling diet should then be aimed at. Variety, alto, is dearable. Buckwbeat and wheat screeningsmake goodsolid food in sumnier, but a greater vaiiety may be indulged in -