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Situation In Maine

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On Friday last the Supreme Court of Maine rendered their opinión upon the quesiion, propounded thetu by tho Republioan legislatura of Maine, touching the lcgality of their organization. The reply was favorable to thetn on every point ; and baving thu8 fortified themselves wilh the opinión of the highest tribunal in the State, the Republicana met on Saturday the 17th, and proceeded to effect their oruaiiizution, and then duly elected D. F. Davis (Republican) as Governor of the State. Governor Davis took the oath ol office before a densely packed and entbusis:ic audieoce. He delivered his address, wliich was short and right to the point lle told tlioui how the Republicana had quietly waited, with a forbearance almost wilhuut parallel, wliile the CusionUu coolly oouutcil them out and oranized their illegal legislature - waited until they had nceived proper endorsement, notwithhtuiiding the wave of popular indignation that passed over the State at such unjust treatment. Gov. Davis sent a communication to Gen. Chaniberiain to know if he would recognize bis authority, and an affi mative answer was returned. And now comes the second part of the faict', being euacted by the fusinnists. They appeared at the State House od Monday and demanded admisión on the grounds that they were the legislature of the State, and were refused by order of the Governor, who said the farce had been going on long enough. Had they presented theinselves as citizens, they would have been allowed adinission the same as other citizens, at the proper time. Upon beiiitf refused admission, theirhead officials grutt-squely mounted theinselve upon the fence and prooeeded to organize the Scnatc umi House as near the State house as possible, and then adjourned to meet in Uuion hall, where they are now holding meetings ; but they cannot long hold out, as many uieinbers are poor, and must have their pay lo sustain tlu-m. They are talkiiiK of subtuitting some questions to the Supreme Court touching the legality of tlu'ir organization, but will probably abandon any foolish idea, because they know the court will not go back upon its previous decisión. They have al.'o talked loud and long about ref'erring the whole question to Congress for a decisión, but this will probably not be done, because if there is any one thing in which the Democrats have held a steady hand, it is the doctrine of State rights, and lo think of tiiem going back upon their record in this respect is too ridiculous, and it will not be periniüed by the Demócrata of' the country. Both branches of the Republican legislature have pa8ed a resolution announciog that they are the duly elected and legally foriued Legislature of the State, and that they will proceed to tranact the legislative bueiincss of the same ; and they furthersay that any bodies or collection of aien outside of their body, who are acting as the legislature of the State, are doing so without right or authority, and aro proceeding in violation of the con.-titution and laws of the State.