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DR. C2H.SUirí3 I ISTRimD INU.B. r==p, lm TT FAMILY MEDICINES. Tlie orlglnntor of Dr. ('hase's Family MadlQlllM is 1 1 h ■ ant hor of II r. 4'linw's K''ím'n ; r. Inrorniation fr Kvcij Ixxly. mnl utlici Recipe Etooka hearing hls name, and wen brooght flbout inquines of nian of the purchasers of hls lïooks tot Hometliin; lo indi tiielr Uogaring and oomplleated l isI condllions. hu-h theydld nol Bod ilc■ortbad in hts Hooks. The proprlctorwhip of (ba M cd il nes, and (hl nanagament of the mmm, hnvlng pms .ctl i uto 1 lic hands r the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQUARTERS AT IDIR,. OHASE'S STEAM PRINTING HOUSE V AKBOK, MIC 'II., Wc would say to the public, tlmt thev OBB rest ■asurad thal lr. Cfcaae'a Fniiiiij iioiiiriiK'N wil! tliera a greater wtUfaOtlóO t .1:411 any oTlicrs, tor Dtaeaaai tor which thcti miiuts indícate thani to have bean pfftI eqnal to thal of bli Boek over all oiber bookfl of :i similar chara.'ter. as shown !v t lic ir sales, which have cxc. ii.,1 the sales oí any othar, reaohlag vw hm miiiion rii'. Qlv I ti. tu a trial, thercfore, and kimw Ibl yourscl vc-, is all wc ask. DR. CHASE'S GoughandWoundBalsam Has bepn fouiul Hip quickesl and maal oartahi rure of Coughs of auy prepnration in u iiuici;!y rallevtng Hoarsencss, Boren en of the Ttiroat r l.uiiürs, Pain orTlghtness aoTOM the ObOBt, l'.ronchitis, Clcrvyman's Surr Throat, and ('onsuiiijit ion in all lts cailier stages. Vbooptng i'ouüh, Croup, etc. Prtae $1 per Botlle, or Bottles Tor 5. DR. CHASES DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL -AND BLOOD REGENERATOR ] '1 events and cures the Pain and Distrcss of t hc Hvspeptlc nftcr meals, and for Purilying and Lienewlng the Blood, quickly toning up the Moniach, and invlgoratlng the wholc System. Trice $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottlos for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver i Anti-Bilious Pilis Kor cnrlng the Dlseases of the Llver, and corrceilnu BIllouB coiiditions of the System, as wal] as for all C'athartlc purposes. suareonte.l ; nlllog for ü." c-eiitH per llox. or 5 HOXCN. IONl i:iid. for #1. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND- PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength Llnimeut, eradlcating intcrnttl or external Paiu quickerand more permanent ly tl ia 11 any ot her in usc. Two, SO '■■ and !,- or i large Bottles for 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLASTE R Is put up in Roll or l'orin, which will spread a dozen Piasters, gl ving a strengtrii-ii i n and healiin! Piaster lor two cents nol equaled iiy those for whlcn you pay two BhtlUogs; Bell Ing for 5 cents per roll; flve rol Is, pottpaid, #1. Br. CHASE'S CATARRH SNÜFF Is Tor the ciaick cure of "Colds In the Bead," alnl doini; all tor ol.l linoiiic ('atarrh Ihat mi dlolne cao do. SeUJng tor 50 -ts. per bottle. IN ORDEBIIfG Any of t Uedleinea, (lfyoai Drugglst has not ol iheni.Jor for any further lnlornialion in reïatlon i" inem, addreaa the lr. A. YÍ. ('IIASK MEDICINE COMI'ANY, Ann Arllllr, Mii-li. PGtitf ALLFORMER YEARS OUTDONE 356,432 3-ElTTJI]SrE! SIN&ER SEWINff MACHINES BOLO IN 1878, BEINCi 7-i,(i-2O JTorc Than il Any Previous Year. WE WARRANT KVBÏIT MACHINE 801.D BY CB. SOME VERY HAED NUTS TO CEACK Int. rorapmiicH have Bprong up inevery part of the l'nlon for niükini.' nn " Iniitatlmi Siprr Mnchlne." . Whij art nol similar compariie formed for nt u,) mUaliont of other Sewing Machines! l'he public will draw it own Inference Gold is continually counUrfeiied; brast and tin never ! M. Tlu: Sinirer has tak"n tho fibt Prizü over ai,l lompeiiturfi more tliiin two iicmdked timks. Whyi oitertheOlileigoFirathe Keliel Commlttee undertook tufarnish MWlog ninchiuestotlic needy women of that city. Aplicunts were permlttftd to cl irom ilx alfferent klods of miichloes. 'J.'JII ppl1caniK wcre furTiifhefl wlth machliii'K; 2M Stnger Macliincs, and SI7 dlxtributed thoir choice the flve other kinds of machine. Theec elrls were n ubm thkib living on tueee mackines. Vli' dld Ihey take Sincera Por inriher particular cali on AT TUK SINliKK 0KF1CE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, WIki will geil you a Sewlnï Machine chi-aper than iiy (iiher man. 1 n arent lo the dombsTIC' ïihI lor thu NEW Wllirii, ttu moet popular new machine in the wurld, havlng taitied a bíiIc ■ 1 only hy theSInger, in the Bhort jiace m two year. UHlSm t Speciilty- Sirs Hade as Gooil m üew. 5ir I. L. OIÜNNKIX, Ann Arbor. FËRDONLUMBERYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactarer and Dealer In SACINAW BANfi-SAWSD LÜMBIR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We invite uil to ffive ub a cali, and examine oui itock bafore purchiwliig i'l' Al0 AGENT FOK IACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLfl FIRE BKICK. JAMES 10LHEKT, I'n.p. T. J. KKI-. II. Hnpt, feli.l'2.'79 pOFFINS AND CASES , KTLL STOCK AT MARTIN' 'S. m „ All ordern prompüy attended to.