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Peninsular News

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Tliu following are interestiag State newa, M-li'ulions anil wntingt: LaiiiiiLi has been Buffering witli the diphtberia. N" intoxicatintr hi-vürai'OH wil] t e solt] on the Pontiao luir ri.unds duriiig tlio neit O.ikhmd county fajr. On tliC 19th rist. a uiati imiiu-d E. N. Cornwell, suicided at Ka-t Saginaw ly ihbbfing hinisi-.f' ui tlir hed. A man -riauitd Martin KabórJemsen, iged seventy-seven yeara, living near Holland, raioided on the 23d ly hanging. The wife of E. G. Pomeroy, of Pleamnl Valley, Wis., u Fbrmer retideol "i 8t Jobos, bu gone off with a handsomer uian. Philip JCM:rni"r, .salo mi-t of' St. Jolms, pniii $8 lor selling liquor in the tamt ropuj wfiere ■ auie of ohanoe was allowed. Tlio West liay City Heñid was soll on the 17th to (-'ui Roberts, the preenbaok iijiror. wl.o will run il at i greenback weely. The Rimual Stnte uiéetiof of' the siiritimlists and libcralists will be held in Hattle Croek, aoaUMneing March 25th and continuintf uix diiys. Geo. Rogers, hotel-keeper of Elainburp, Layinjrston oounty. ha cImhI. Couldq't rell liquor in deüance of luw and has one ÍÜ5 fine Ui atrfcod to. ïlie mooui of Frank A.laxander, book keeper for .1 llollan it Sou of Jackson, wlin rvcently left his employeJV, aic said to be short wme 110,000; John EKök eyVof. Big Rtfádf, has been a nesgad 3l and ten days in jail for Setling liquor in llie muie room where billiaids and tHner games are playtd. There it no couniy in the State thal il aa i'iltliy a9 Lo#ía that has as poor county biAlditrg. Thoy will try to raite $10,000 Por couuty buildirjga tlii spring. A .ounjf man named Win. Flook waf, killed by a faliing limb in Pierpont, Man istee county, on the lOth. Ile had but recently come there froru Illinois. Au uDMiocessful attempt waa ma lu to paaa a 400 forged note at the Battle ('r.'ek city bank, on Friday last. The forger made lively tracks out of the town. A four-yoar-old daughter of John SkelUn, living about six mileK from the Sault, was fco turribly burned by her olóthes aooi dentally taking tire that slie iivcd but one hour. The Port Huron reform club have taken it up'in themselves to see that the new liquor law i carried out in that town, suitabl bonds ivun, the tax paid, etc. A iT'Md hint ïur tither clubs. ame ('ourt lias decided that ■ - il detective as.-oriatinns cannot serre nriminal prooesa, nor oolleot fe a and traveiiiiK expen.-es lor serves rendered as rves fioin the couniy. 8e.veral partipt in the vieinity of Kalatíxttéo have otnWeMed mnkine maple piwar, and aist wefk iMr. Joseph Wbitfofd and ieveral other farmers in Charleston in that eounty, plowed their field.s for corn. File Lake, Grand Traverse county, is the center of very exlonsive luuubering operatkins, aiil a lare business is done in the ol' Buppjyjpg lumbormen. This winter thirty-six camps receive their supjsles froui tliere. The (Jladwin cnunty board ol appervis i r linve (ei n cx:nnin:i)L' the accounts o .K.lin MuUiegiT, late. counii1 tie;iMirer, aiu find li i .ij .t Vast 16,00(1 ghort, ind havt ■oiiiiiiciic' d pmrecding to recover Mie muil' Ay'iniif in n na ii. cd Frank Dickson.whc oonfined in St. Mary's hospita! at Bij Rapid-, while delirfoua witli typlioid (ever on Mmday uiglit, ran half a tuile am jiiii,H'il uní) liie upper lïam ol the Mu-ke gou rivei'. nis fodj iviovered nex morning. Ar Nmicia, Fiiday eveuing, a inai naiiK'd l';i( hmI as st.ahh"d in .-ix places by a man n iued Wbite froto Uauiont Ottawa couiity. 'J'lu-y quarielrd óvei White wife and two onildren, who havt 1 ft N t it'j aid are living wit 11 VVaiil at Nunci i. White Bucaped arrest. On W'i dnesday aftérnpon the 21, Ausiusti- Klirii'cr, :íl'i -d aliMiit thiny. OQTlHUtttec MiiciJc al Thii'f Kivcr.s py sliuoiin; lnni.-eit' thimiulj the beart, drink hihI tallare in ttasiiten Wen toe cao e?. f Ie buüi the brewery at that pla,ce, aoc ontje had ó níidnthle property. Me kavea :i wilii and to cliildrcn. will ot' Henry Iwis nf Shelhy, Maomili i:nuniy. tiy wliich he convey ! ti i eighbora i roperty aiuuuntiiig to ab 'Ut 10, haa l ei'n Bet a.-id(! liy the probatt Cuurl II as a bacín 1 r, ami tlifi nei({hbors (o hom he gave pToperty b;tl Ihx'I) takinj; care of him. IIBX1 ol' kin tet up iliu claim ot'undue influrnrr. 'J he .-liipuients of' iron ore frcm Encanaba in 1819, l y lnkr. 744,526 tona by rail. 37.ÜÖ4 tons; pig iron, 11,336 tun , mi-i-' llanrüU-, 4,118 tniis ; makiiiL' a total of 847,339 lons. sbipmenti froin Maiqmilc ire 585 007 tons ; f'roin tooal l'uinaees, 8,556 tons; pjg non, 8,556 t'n.; njakiiiK a l(.tal af 693 683 tOD#. Thk uiakcs ilie total sl.ipinents frotu these two principal pons, 1,440,862 tons. Qratipt counfy rreenhorns took liberal lice? ot 'J exas land script which wa by a Miiooth-tongued a;ent for $250 per ti :irt, entitlii g the holder of a fhare to a whole Bëction of land ; and subsequeot iuvQütigatiop revoaled the fact that thia aeript in sold at tbo Dezan oapital Por (22.60 per sbare. ThM "ftrmt" are located pn the barren Toxan tufile lands, and are not worth ten cents per acre. Tho avt r.ige member of the executive oomiuHtee of the State Agricultural 8ooi' i'iy folds his ears tight to lii bead ami puts on u Urrible SCOw] every time horse! trottirjg is mentiooed, bnt the sale of bwreis of lager beer and other al mnuul fair dou't laisea wrinkle of disaiiproval. The State society inight do a (.'""(1 tctnpi ranee work by following the esample öt tlio Central Michigan Agricultural society, which excludcs all iotoxicants fronj its groundf.- [LansÍDg Repuolicao. A young man nauied John Cluskey, wbo has been lor some months engaged as a farm laborer for Mr. Thomas üttaway, in Clayion. Genesee county, shot hiniuell in the head with a revolver un llie lOth. 1 be bal] eniered in the middle of tbe forehead, and lodsed back of' and above the rigjt eye. All ifTrts to extract itwere fruitless. He was taken to hi.s friends in Detroit. II -' i nis to b:iv been a recklees, headotrong, uniiovernable ydungster, and ba made atfempta on bis 1 i f ' ■ before. üt ra al0 given to the use of strorig drinks. Thtre was a rather lively and interesting " leap year party " at Ótisville one day li-l week, growing out of a üttle flirtation between ■ lady teacher in the village school and a erk in E. L Freeinan's store. It leeui that eaeh had beoome pomewed of some ai ticleowned by the otTicr, and nekher wmilii Minender till the other did. Tbe school ma am thought the olerk bad tbc idvaotage in the exchange, and K reinIbroed her-elf witb anotber lady teacher and some of the older girN in toe School, ■he proceeded to the atore in the absence ot Mr. Fr tunan, and the i-(iiad made ■ furious assault on the haplesa olerk, and in the eosaing tua)e, in wbidi the clerk loiit'l.t biavcly ijfaintt overwbelniiiif; odda, some damage was dono to tbe goodti in the otore and some to the feelinga ot the clerk. The victorious teníale finally sailed away witb flying colurs. Tbe young man cauied tlicir arrot, but the raatter was finally settlod Up. 7 .'.;