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Frttllcr Ís Ui ttillU' %VII. My tlau;!itcrH Miy, " Huw BMioh bettar l'iihir is tinoe be used Hop Bitter." He Ketting well iiftar lmi Miffuring frooi a disense deobired iicoraMe, tod we :ue bo gfeld tli.i' bfl ic i umi Hitr ts. - [ A lady of Roehaater, N. Y. CHILDREN Cry for Pitclicr's Castoria. Thoy liko it becanse it isswcct ; Móthen likc CMtorla beeaiiM' it vives licallli lo i lic cliild ; and Physlolaul, beoaate it eooUiu n morliiinic mineral. Castoria Is NatureN Rcniody for ustmilatinf the Food. It eines Wind Colic, the ralslng of SourCnrd and Dlarrhoea, allaya Feverisiuiess and kil Is Vfornu. 'i'iius i lic Cliild luis liealth and the Mother obtalns rest. ricasaiit, Cheap, and licuable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The moet eífcctive Fain-relieving ií'nt8 for MAN and BEAST the world has ever linowu vit 1,000,000 Botlles ..Ij laat year ! The reasons fW "is unprccedcmod populunlj areevtdeut; the Centaur Linimonts are made to deserve confidenco. 'hoy aro absorbed lntothestructnre; thty always care "1 never disappoint. M irson ned longt suilur with PAIN in the BCH, Rheumatism or stni ,l.ints. ir the CENTAUR I.iniineiits wIH surely extermínate the Pain. There la DO Strain, Sprain, Cnt, Seald, Bnrn, Hrnise, Stitiir, Gal! r I aniencss, t nhleh Mankind or Onnib Hrulis are subject, tlial doei BOi ropond to this SiKitliini.' Balín. Tlic t enlanr LINIMENTS not only reltew pain, lmt th-y incite heulthy action sutxlue inff fit)htion, and runt. frhetfaer the fymp toma pmccfd from ifoundroi ttwjfrftorNBnralffii of tlu' Ntntêt ; Irom cODlracted Qnrdê r n sciihi hand; from a sprcUned arikle or a gaêhedoot, wiiether fn.m digU8'inp . MMI'LES on a LADY'S I A( 'K or ■ striiiti(l joint un a Jlorxr's Loff. The itgnntj prniliicud by a Biini or Sc il r ï ; norfifi((ttion irnm Frofel bttofi 9wí ÏUxiQi rrom Struint ; thi tortures of lïlieuvuitvun ; Cripplul tor Hc 'y xmi. oeffloétdd iccidepi : s i-uhiahlr horêe or a Ductor" s BUI niny :ill be Mved from One HoitTe of Centaur Llolmont. No Hoaek9per. Fimnr, Pldoter, Xeaawter, or Liveryman, can affovú to be witbui these laaiultff l,i}lñnrlts 'l'lli'V CiUi 1) ■ pro llfdfl fo oiitJ puit of the globe for íjO Vent ;md $.w) n hott!, . 3rVMJ b'itt'Of ld Cbnte. Swallowing F0I30N Spiiríi of dixgutting mucous from the nostrlls or npon the lotuilt, Waliry Evc. ífnujtti, Buzzídk In the Ban, Dtafnttt, craokliag iHrneattwui In the bad, Intermlttent Palm over the Bye, ■:'). Uieath, Nasal tVang, Scabi In tbs Nosbíla, and Tickllng iu the Thronr, are SIGM8 Oï tlTAKRII. So olher tiifl im„„, Hllr Btining malady canea - nilinl One-tlfth m .mr cul,i,n i, di diaea ai Raqsroud hy it nfu-tiotu Poison, and one-fuurth of living men and womeg] drag ont miserable existcncTs Ihjm tlv While asleep, the tnywUtH 11 the i ostril are neceesarily n ■: ,h, xlnntudi iikI Inüfabd ínío ík Iuikjx f) poison av( ry part of the ajatem ]r. Wii Ie Meyer's fadirrli Ture abmrbfl the imnilcnt virus, md kills tiu scedsof poison in thefarthegi partsof the sYstom. It wili nnt only relieve, but certainly cure ('alarrli at anj stairc It is the only reincdj nliicli, in onr Jndgment, hiiscvi r ye( n all] curcd acaofChronle Catarrhi Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! (ï. ;. l'ic-hiiry. l'r.p. Veal Knd BoteULmg lïranch. Cured ol 20 yeare CbronlCÜitArib. 9. Benedict, Jr., Jeweler, i:7 Brody, Oe'w York, (uiemtier of tam tb ï Cnrad of UhQDDlc ('atarrti. E. II. Brown. 88S Caaa] st., .n. v., Curcd of n reara ('liroiilc C'atarrh. F. 1. Mi I).. mild, TH) BfOadwaf. N. Y. (SIstlT-in-law) Cured f 40 jeara Chroi ie Uatarrb. Mr-, .in lm Donghiy, Flahttll, N. V., ('ured of8 jeare Chronic Caiatrli. Mrs. Jaeoh swiiriz. Jr., l'11 Wa ren Steeet, Jerui City, Cured ol 18 y.-ars Chronlc Cttarrt. A. ft Tliorti, 1 st., Brooklyn, (elf and in) Cured of Catnrrh. Rev. Wm. At.diTHon, Fordham, N. Y., Cured ol '-'" Chronic Cnturrh. Mlle. Aimae, Opera Prima Donna, " I have raceived very ttrei 6nBt Irora H." A. MrKhmey, R. R, Pre., 38 Broad st., N. Y My family experlenccd imaMdiate leliei." te, c , &c , Ac, Ac. Vel ■' Mivcr's ( iitarrli ('ure is the musí imiMiriaiit Medical nisciniry sincc Vaccinatjoii. It s sulil hy .til Drugj r dt'livercil y I). I!. Di.u i i a ,,., ui , . V.. al si. .10 a puckage, To :liilis. .m packagea fpr $:..-((. Jr. Wel De Meyer's Treatise is sent free to anyt)ody. -..,, una mií;:"t;;í:;; htit rrv e nnc" ■m a g B .. lluillN II, mrilv. IJ M ■■ # I JJ A :.--.■-,. ;;,,. üi,l. Kfll.l i'hwM.T.llv.-rand DMUHi sífs&dwWi iri'lt dlseaae ol the kldneya, and looontinéDee nul reten tlonol nrlne, are oared bv iIuiii'm Kiiii ?dy. If is prepated BXPRESSU tot these dlCtmeron Coonty, 'entra: PennjlTan)a, ) Dam irooD, Nov, 18, iwi DearSir - niift ui ut ' s RKUBUY ha taed the dead. It rataed me from tbe dead for urr. ■ the doctorr had giran me tip to ili' in six [OUR8, and o had all the people. My iri.-uils cal.m1 in the prhMl lo prep tre mu lor death, und hi n-n ld I iw 'I ied. Tbeyall bad m 4eud, iat Innt'K Remedy Hved cm ml I mu altre toiint mand and Dtired of drupsv ïi v 'il;! Q from Rev. E. O. faylór, D. D., Puft r l-i-t Baptist Obarcb, Prornlence, K. I , .ir . s, ig7x: 1 aan lealU) t" tbe vlrtne of HUNT'S RKMEÓY in uil in il i-. frnm net nal trial, htvln Iipimi "ivatly ,enftted br III ae. K. o 'I wfoK KI ] %T h i hei-n mul hy liltnn ( I UB I m ly lhiiclan for :io UI W ""■-■ " h-1 nev,.r Ivcn ki.oun ti. Tail. It i ui-, uure and n cm e. ui LARKK PaormiMcav l(. I I Nol.l ,V all' lriiLlLiitN, and by Farrand, Williams 4 Co., Detroit. 9-il-IIJS