Real Estate Sales
The following nal estáte sales have been recorded in the register's office since our last report : WARRANTY. Catherinelleimld to Chris'ian Klumpt 40 acres of' land, section 33, townaliip of Loli, $1.000. Mack & Sclimid to Gottloib Bucholz hlnck 3 iionh, in range 14 eat, city of' Ann Arbor, $800. John Madgett to Martin Cavenaugh, a strip of land tour rods wide off the eat side of Int 596 in Morris' western addition o the ci'y of Ypilanti, $1(K). (Jon rad Bessinger to Henry B. Feldkamp. 148 acres of' land, seetion 11, township of Ann Arbor, $6,500. Walter A. Hulcotub to C. H. Wines. 10 60 lOOih acres il laud. section26, township of Sylvan, $250. CoDrad Bes-iner to Elias Schnidor, 27 1 ltl Wl.ll 11 Off lile n uit I. ■■ 1 r...U il. Wiifltb. OOoUioiog s.iw mili, section 2, township of' Aun Arb.r, $1,000. Ellt-n M. Merriman to B. Bessie Byden, Int 8, block 7, aucording to U. II. Millen's plat of land purchaed of Ann Arbor Land CompaDy in city of Anti Arbor, $800. Johnson & Burk hardt to Euiily Burkkardt, 50 acres of' lam!, seotioa 14, towuship of Lvudmi, $1 500. Sarah A. ParshaJl to Ellen L. Stevenson, lot 12, bluck four, south of Huron streel, range eight east, city of Adii Arbor, $4,000. Frederick Oesterle to John ReitnenKchneider, land in section 10, township of Sylvan, $2,000. Frederick Oesterle to Adam KalinbacL, land in Hection 10 and 11, township of' Sylvan, 2.600. Walter Holmes to Wm. C. Sutherland, lot 12, block 1, village of Salem, $250. James Savage to Michael Savage, something over twenty acres of land between sections tliree and four, township of Sylvan, $1,000. The First Baptist Church, Ypsilanti, to the Second Baptist Church, Ypt-ilanti, lot 48, John üilbert's subdivisión of Hunter's addition to the city of Ypsilanti, $400. (JorueliusGillepie toEdward Treadwell, lots 9 and 10, block 6, range 12 east, city of Ann Arbor, $800. H. E. Barbour and Fred B. Hooper to Don M. Dickinon, north half of lots five 6, 7 and 8, block one north of Huron St., excepting a parcel of land in the southeast corner of the north half of lot 5, 18 feet and 4 inches on Thayerstreet, and running back 24 feet and 2 iuches, $4,200. Win. B. Martin to Wm. Whitley, lot 328, in Norris and Cross' addition to the village (now city) of Ypsilanti, $800. Aletta J. Stedman to Olivcr N. Allyn, land in the village of Chilsea, $650. Jesse Scott to Joseph Cully, lot 4, block 13, village (.f Dtxter, $1,200. Jacob Bollinger to Uideon Bollipger, land in sections 31 and 32, township of Lima, $1,900. Wm. W. Colby to Leonard C. Rodman, 40 acres of land, section 13, township of Lima, $1,800. James M. Hill to Joseph Wagner, Jr., 130 acrus of land, section 25, township of Scio, $9,750. Christiao Pfeifle to Edwin G. Pfeifle, eigbty acres of land, section 28, townbhip of Superior, $5,000. Hiland S. Beach to Thomas White, 33 acres of land, section 31 and 32, township of York, $5,(100. James McQuillan, 130 acres of land, section 16, township of Dexter, $4,000. Anson K. Gsge to John H. Fe;dcamp, 202 acres of land, t.octiun 24, township of Sharon, $11,000. John Coyle to Frederick Graner, 65 acreHof land, sectiou 13, township of Webster, $1,000. QOIT CLAIM. F. C. Crittenden to A. Crittenden, 80 acres of land, section 1, township of York, $1,200. Geo. II. Rhodes to John Frey, 5 acres of land, including mili pond, situated on the Mili road, city of Ann Arbor, $300 Biiiijuiiiii Beekflf lo Mary Becker, 85 acres nf laud, seotiou 27, towuship ot Dexter, $300.
Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Walter A. Holcomb
Sarah A. Parshall
Mary Becker
Martin Cavenaugh
John Madgett
John Frey
John Coyle
Henry B. Feldkamp
Gottleib Bucholz
George H. Rhodes
Frederick Oesterle
Frederick Granger
F. C. Crittenden
Emily Burkhardt
Ellen M. Merriman
Ellen L. Stevenson
Conrad Bissinger
Christian Klumppt
Catherine Reimold
C. H. Wines
Benjamin Becker
B. Bessie Boyden
Adam Kalmbach