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Important To Everybody

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Rochester, N. Y., Janvary lLlh, 1880. A. L. NOBLE, ESQ., Ann Arhor, Mich. DE AR SIR- Taking into consideration the large quantities oOoods you hane yearly purchased of iis, we consider out duty topost you of the condilion of affairs as theynoic exisl in the Woolen Market. All classes of Ooods Ihat go to comprise a ready-made Coat, Pant, or Vest, Jiave adcanced from 15 to 35 per cent. within ninety days, and you cannot possibly replace your stock under 25 per cent. above its cost. Buy Spring Ooods early, when and where you can save the advance, for as soon as wooJ, boughi at present high prices, is made into piece Goods, then mili you begin to appredate th's, what, we (ns, irIl be to yon . as a first-class merchant, a timély warning. We are, my dear Sir, Very iruly yours, The above is from one of the largest, if not the largest, Youths', Boys' and Chilclren's Clothing Houses in the United States. In anticipation of the advance, I bought largely, late in the season, of PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE SÜITS FOB 3vIEiq" A.3STI5 BOTS. CASSIMKR1 AM WORSTÜI) PANTS, FINU WORST! MATS AM VESTS IN PRINCE ALBERTS AND CUT-AWAYS. And am now showing a greater variety of styles and qualities than most Houses carry during the busy season. Customers will look to their interests by making their purchases in the next sixty days. OVERCOAT8 AND ULSTERS Will be closed at a great reduction, as I have not the room to spare to carry over. THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. January 1, 1M. J. L. NOBLE. ' 927,r