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CATARRH, Hay Fe ver, Cutarrlial DcafucsH, Cold in Ilcatl, and Headach.e Are Positively Oured by Ely's Cream Balm. It hoale foros Ín tlie Nannl Pasnat-'ot, Supereedes tbe use ol Liquido and Excíilng ttanfti. ELÏ'S CREAM BALM CO., OWEGO, '. Y. Price 50 Cents. HARMLESS! EFFECTUAL! AGREEABLE! A8K YOUR DRUGGI9T FOK CIRCUÍAS. lt curee by cauwtng diecharge, clcansüiL and hcaling, not by drying np. The appllcat]on Ib eo t-ry eay and nirroenhU' that a ohlld can be (rwtd iüi uut pain r tin-mi, and witb parbet eafely. We, the u lult-i i-íí:ii. .1, resident of Kli.jiheth, N.J., beinK well acquainted with the mrltof Kly' ('rritr Balm, ►lucillo lor ('nuil rh and Hay Rever, would earnewtly recuoinieud itto our friendo and ihc public innwillj Ilobert W, Townluy, Mayor. K. H. Shcrwood, National State Harik. Joseph Mairiiire. Natlonnl Hnk. (ieorge s Davlg, Fir4t NationHl Uank. John 8. IliRby, National Scioe and Leather Dank, 271 Broadwa.v, New York. Hnry 0. Mlllltran, Prest. Newark Stamping Co. Henry Cook. Pnlilishir Kliiabc'th Heralil. Natbantel Kllie , Counselor ttt Ijw, 145 Hroxdway, New York. Win. T. ('nrr, Preíliyterlan Fautor. K L. Button, Merrhant, and many othert, For sale In Ann Arbor by L. S. Unh. H2&-976 JITONEY TO LOAN. At seven p';r cent. Securlty nmt he on írstclnus farms in this couiity,iir city property in Aun Arbor iu central aud desirble localiticr1. .!. (). A. 8K88ION8, Altorney. Ojfltf Office cor. Maiu and liaron eK, ap-ttlln.