Constitutional History
The following Is the order in which the original thirteen states adopted the OoMtitution of tho United States. According to the provisions iu the Con.-titution, it hoeame binding upon the States. N. Hampshire was the imji irtant ninth State : 1. Belaware, Dec. 7, 1787. 2. Pennsvlvania, Dec. 12, 1787. 3. NíW Jersey, Dec. 18, 1787. 4. Georgia, Jan. 2, 1788. 5. Connocticut, Jan. 9, 1788. 0. Massachuaett, l'ob. S. 1788. 7. Maryland, April 28, 1788. 8. South Carolina, May 23, 1788. 9. New Bampshire, June 21. 1788. 10. Virginia, June 25, 1788. 11. New York, July 26, 1788. 12. North Caraiba, Nov. - , 1789. 13. Khode Islaud, May 29, 1790. Tho oonveniion of Delaware niet, adoptad the oons'itution unaniunously, and adjou rned in a single day. The convention of' l'ennsylvania adopted the eoustitutiuu by a vote of' 46 yeas to 23 uays. The convention of New Jer.-cy adopted the coustilutiiin ununiiuously. The convention of Mas.iachusetts was oouiposed of about 350 meinbers, and when it met was opposed to adoptin the constitution. The majority tbr ratificatiou was only 19 votes. When the convention of New York met, the opponents of the consütution were about two-thirdsof the whole body, Alexander Hainiltou's logic seoured a majority tbr it. North Carolina remainud out of the Union more than eight monihs after the now governuient went intn operatioa. The conventiou iu. 't and adnpted " resolutions that a bilí ot rights and et rtain aaiendments oueht to be laid betbre C'inires-', and the convention that might be called tbr amnnding the constitution previoaa to lts ratification by the State of Norch Carolina ; " and the convention was (ben dissolved. Rhodc Lsland reiiiained out of the Uniou for upward ofthirtoen inontlis. The general assenibly, instead of calling a convontion to consider the constitutiou, referred that instrument to a direct vote of the people at their town meetings. Only 232 voted tbr theconsiituiion, and 2,708 voted agaimt it. Subsequently theLegislaturo c:illeda convention, thü Governor giviiiK the casting vote for so doiDg in the stnallest braneh of the Ijeeislature. The convention adopted the con.stitution by a majority of only two votes, the yeas being 34 and the nays 32.
History - United States
United States Constitution
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier