
""aHP CAHADA. I FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlginator of Dr. Clniso's Family Mèdl:n,s is aathtfr cpf lr. Cfcave'a tíim'h; or, Informal Ion tor Kvcrj ImxIj , mul olin-r teefpe Booki hearing ins name, and were routii i.out tbrougnthe Inqnirle of 'ifiany of the purobaaen of lus Bodti Ibr wnaetfalng o moet tlielr lingerlnt; nl oomplbntad dlMaed condltlons, liit-li tliiyillil uot Umi üf■erlbod In Ui i!'Kks. ThepniprlelorHlilpof the Moliflin-s and tlic uisimss iiianHKi-inont f the bunii', havlng liisscd lulo the liauils of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITH HEADQjLJARTERS AT OHASE'S m PRINTING HOUSE A AUBOIt, MIt II., We woulil say to tlie public that Ihey can rest Mtared that lr. linnc Faniil.v M-tliciiirn will glve them a greater latlsfaotloa tban any other, tor the Diieami tot whlcn thflr name imllcati' them to have In-en preparel-t'iuiil bo I ha tor hls Book overail other booki of a similar charaiter1, :is ihowa by thétr siii'-s, which hnvc ezeeeded the sales "i any otber, reaehrog ever onc million oopl-M. Olve them ■ trial, Iberefore, and know for yourselves. ís all we ask. DR. OHASE'S GoughandWoundBalsam lias been found the qulckent and most certaln , ui. .,1 Oongbl f any preparatlon In use; also qulckly rellevlng Hoiusi-iu-ss, Sorenewi of the Throat or ÍAüngS, Pain or'fightnoBS across the Ch. si, Bronchitis, ClerK.vmun's Sore Throat and Consnmptlon In all lts earller stages Whoopiiif? Ooogh, Croup, etc. Prict; $1 per Bottle, or Bi.ttles for 5. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent and cures the Pain and Distress of the Dyspepllc alter meals, and for Purlfylng and Renewing the Blood, quickly toning up the Stomach, and invlgoratlng the whole Price $1 per Rottle, or 6 Bottles Tor $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis Kor Boring the Ulscnsrs of I.ivcr, allil correctinu lillious conditions of tlic System, M well as for all Cethartlo pnrpoaea. Bogar coated; scIIIhk for 5 rent per Box, or 5 llnc. pONtpaitl. for SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Ia a dnublp-strength Mnlment, erodicating lu ternnl or external l'iihi .iücker and triore per luaneiitly tlian any other in Das. Two sies, ■ 5O rentn anit or O larfc BottlM for 5 DR. CHA.8E'8 MEDIO MED PLASTER Is put up in Roll or stick Form, wtitoh wil spread aaozen Piasters, glvlng a Btrengthsnlni aud heallng Piaster for two cents not eqiialct by those for whieh you pay two shilling ; sell Ing for 25 cents per roll; flve rolls, postpaid, #1 Br. CHASE'S ClfARRH SHÜFF Is for the qulck cure of " Colds In tho Jlead, and duim all for old CbroolC ('atairh tlia medicine cando. Sellini; lor 5Oct. per bottle ix ordi:ki Any of these Medicines, (if your DruggM lia not got ttioin,) or for any furiher luloiinutioi in relatlon to lliem, address the I)r. A-W. CHASF. MEDICINE C0MPA1ÏY Ann Arbor. Hiok. MStf The power of arresting diseuu's clinDlayeil bj thi preparatiou ia honorabiy acknawledged by thtiinud: ciil Ikculty in evcry ïccüoii wtiurc It hns l :D iuiro duced ; and tbe larííc 'tile íh the b-et uaruuteo o the ttimft'ion in which il h held b tbe public. Tlic Syrup will cure Pui.mona u? CoüSCiiptiok i the flr-it aul yecmid ctai:e, wilt L'ive rri ücíhiu prolOng lile In ibi: llrrd. It will cure Ahihuí líitoMni i i, Laethoith and Couom. ltsill cor all dleEM6fl original int,r iroui want of Jusculir Action and Nïbvoüs FoBO, FOK TUK EFFECT PRODUCID BY Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphite lu Diseacett ot the Lun, tbe Inventor le perm tte to refer to the Medical Gentlemen "f 8t. J'ihn, N. B wboe iignatarei :ir Kttacbod hereto. WIl.I.IAM BATARD. M. D. KD v IN BAYA KI), M. 1). i lloví 18 W ALK I,, M. U, JOHN UAU1ÍV vlA, M. 0., Ki). l(. JOH SS I ONE i. il ■.., KD. ÖBOKUtC KI ' OH, M. I'. W. 11 HARDING, K.B.CJU .1. 1). WHITE, M D T. W. 0ABMT1', M. D. 1, Aabon Alwaiíd, Mayor ol tbe ' i(y of St John In the Piovince of New Bruuwck. IiavIak xmnliiet th3 ek'ii.'iiur' f attached u ihë roroKolnit permlt o ri'ference, lierebv rertilv ttuit 1 helh ve tbem rtll L-ftiu ine. 1 ('au also featify tó Ihe blgh ltnri(n tl v:tlu of Krll(" COlQpODnd nip O' Ilv ,"hn-p! cnaaldiT It doening uf ftttentton by tbe proeulól Kenefilly. f-o-,- lu t'Miui'iiiv wereol 1 bave berennt ■;■ -■■■ my band, and affli i m t, o (í , Máyomlt)', at tl. e citv t. .lolm , . , it.n' of K.-brU'uy. lu ihe .-ar uf ' ar Liin , # . - #,t ' e tjioufasd enthl lniiKlrfl and fixty örWrWWin Blght. AAICIIN ALWAKD, .M. IJ. Letter from Krv. .1. Maimón, M. I. Chipman, Qi'kbn'n Cofnty, N. It. I can pafel y and cotif-istently recuimtiend your in valiiahle pr;ptiraiioii in a variety qímih, eh[eciMllj Ml DImum, havlng rocceasfnlb ure#crlbd I iu Bronchitis, Athina, t)ebility from l.iyer Oom plalnt, Debility Irom Kevers, anil üehiluy liom lm poverifhed I4i.od. 1 hui, t-ir. yours trnly, JAMES SALMÓN, Practlcine Pliyniciiin nnd Hurgeon. SOLD BY ALL UUL'GGISTS. 68-978 L,. S. Loreli, Agent, Ann Arbor. T OOS WANTEÜ. 1 will py, at the Ann Arbor eteam (ow mili, lo Wbtte nr Bwardp Oai Ih.', from $ S to Jin pet (ink llutt lv, sound 7 pat 1 White Ah 10 M pw Wbliewood l" li i', i Bamwood 8 W Hlcicorv 13 per Hnrd Maple U per . Walmit '- íO per S Biiitcrnut Hl IJ p.'r Red Kim 1" por h Will l'iiy Iors wlthln fonr rolle of m] inlll, if du Mired. and draw them. Persons hnvinR Iocb to leii are rcqneted to ca! and ee me aa soon a poislble. Mor. 4,1879. J. T. ÜALLOCK. HKf Knok and .lol Prlntlng. All kinds of irlnl lnn and Job wort will b dOueatTHK CoüRIKltotllce In liet ter Ni y le une at oheaper ratos than at any other ofllce.