ALL FORMER YEARSOUTDONE. 356,432 OElsTTJUsTE SIKGER SSWIÏG MACHINES SOI.D IN 1878. BKINi; 7S,(J2O More Tliau In Any Prevlous Year. vns wAitiiANT ivinr machinï sold bt ds. SOME VERY HAED NUTS TO CEACK tot Compantea have nu mm; op In cvery part of the l nlon lor mnkiiiK im "Imttatloa sii _'.-r Muchine." y'hy tire not timüar companUs fornud for mikinij Inalnlumt of olher Sewing Machinist The pnbllc wíl! drnw it nun tnferance. Gnld ia lonUnuult) counterfn'ed ; braet and tin never ! M. Th.' Htnget has luk-n the kik-t Prire ov.-r all oinpotitore more tnaii two lirNDitüi) timks V1i í Alter the Chicago Pire the Kellel Oommlttee undirtnok tolaruivh tewillg miwhinuv tolhc i.eedy women r that cuy. Applir;n.ts vn permltted to ctauus.rom elx different kindí ol mnchinc. 2.94Í appllwmn luruishe'l wnh ma'him-M 2 127 choBi' Slnger Machine, and 517 dtctrltatod thelr choicc nnioni flve other kinds l machines. The girln wen t" kakn tiieir i.iviNn mi these machiueB lij dld dMf Slusern Kor lurlher partículam cali nu i. x... o-iirisrEiXjL, AT THB 8INGER OFFICE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, W'ho will sell yon a Scwlng Machine cht-nper than ny othcr man. I uní a rent uit for the HOMKSTK' vid lor the NEW WIIIIK, the nio-t popular nr machine In the world, havinj; t'iiiin-d a ucedd only by the Sinter, In the soort upace .il two yearK. KBPAIR1NG i Spcrialty- SiDgers Made as Good u New. !ótf I. L. GKI.NNKLL, Ann Arbor. jAVyyAAyvVVAVVVJAM Kor tin veurs Tull lill lunc baas the r. gnlxK MaiKlard Fnlnily M.'.li. Inc in the An.ANTir Statks. Si urce I y a (imiily can Ik1 loiiinl trom Maine to Mkxico that .Icicr not DM theni. It is now ppmowd to niuke tlicir virtius knnwu in tlie WENT. A Sinylc Trial n UI r.stablish their Merits. Do They Cure Every Thing? NO.-They are for Disensos that result from MALARIAL POISON and a DERANCEO LIVER, such as Dyspepsla, Bilious and Typhoid Fevers OhtllB, Collo, Bick-Headsche, Chronio Diarrhceo, Nervousness, Dizziness, Palpi tation of the Heart, Neuralgia, Klioumatiim, Kidney Dueaae, Chronio ConBtipation, Files, &a. 3ÑTAT-U-K.E -WAHISrS TOTJ That Your LIVER IS DISORDERED When you have a Iull pnln Intthoulder; (iilidTnnciir; OaatlT It-U; U t-liilii In „. Slomuoh nftrr Kaliiic: Nour Irurtmliin ; AirNln t t:ii-rlliin r iimI. or nind. BE AIVINE1, iin.l AT ONCE TAKE TUTT'S PILLSÜ Tl"1 dnl lose riMltii nn rirrrt Indi ofleil asloui-li. s Ui. sull, r. r. nnl In H sliorl tl InlloMN UI Al. UI. , k'mI DlKCNtion, 8OLID i'LfJÖH A HAHD MUSCLE. THE WESTSPEAKS. "BEST PILL IN EXISTENCE." I)R. Ti'TT :-I hivtuml your Pilli for l)rp.'ii.Wk 8toma-li mritl Nmuumr! I ucvor had aiiyttun Ui do in. no mu. H K.I...I in thr way il They are ai I0..1I aa you Ulam. Thï ut th beu Plll in Eimtcnoi) an.l I do all I ran to acuuiinl .i!hfr wilh their good merlU J. W. TSBLTtS, Dacola, Mliliü Noll by ItniKKiNlM. or in ly ,Mail on reeolpt i an emita. OH1r, 5 Jlnrrny si.. w York. QOFFIN8 AND OASES . VULL STOCK AT MARTIN1 8. AU orüara promptly tttoodedto.