LEGAL NOTICES. Real Estáte íor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of In the matter of thi' estáte of Andrrw Bub, deceaaed. Notice ie hereby gïven, that In pureuance of an order grnnted tn tut undereiRned, executor o the last wilt and testament of said ëeceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County ol Wasbtenaw, on the twmttatb day of Jannary A. D. 1S8O, there will be sold at public vendue, to the bigbeet bidder, at the late reeidence of said de ceased, in the township ot Sr.)ine, in the Couuty o W i-ht.etiaw, in said State, ou Saturday. the sixth da) of Maren, A. I). 1S.S0, at ten p'ciock iu the forenooi ol' that day, {subject to all encumbrances by morii;aL't or utherwise exiatbiK at the time of the denth of saic l.c.:i-el,jthe followini; det-cribed real estáte, to-wlt All of that part of the. uortheaat quarter of tectíi i thretj, in the townsliip of Saline, wlin-h i i oï Bouth o the Uetroit, lli l-.:aic and Indiana Kailroaii. w north ot a IlDe running eust and west Ibroogb ttU quarter eection ihir'y chains amf Bevetity links aonil of and parallel to thi' north liue of paid section AlM A Nd, all that part of the weet balt' of aoutnow qiiartur of sectlon thlrty Cour (31). in the township ol Lodi. whit h lies aimh if Ihe Detroit, RiPsrialt and Inditina uli íti v wiinty, in th,; State oi '.iichi),'an, - contuiuini; om huDdred an -thri'f and thirty-nin;: oue-hllndrcdthB (128 uiul 3ü-100th) cru-, niuiu or lepa. IZHA C. HulilNSÜN, E.rutor. Dated Jan uary 2Ui I . . 970-976 tstate of Kdwiu Petlibuoe. STATKOFMRUiUAN.County ol VSaehtenaw.M t a sosgion of the Probate Conrt for the Oounty o Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offire, iu the Olty of Aun Arbor, on Tuesd&j, the third day ol Fabrnif) iu the year one thouaand eight hunured and eiíílity Pri-cnl. Willlani D. llarriinau, of Probate. In ihu maiter of the extato of Edwin PatllboDC il. Traman H (.oodepeed, the arimii'istiaior Of sni'1 tHtHte, comee into court and reprt-sents tha hc Is now preparcd to reuder hl final account Aituch adiniiiittralor TberanpoD i II ordcred, that Priday, the flfth day ol Mirch ni'xt. :it reu o'clock in the fort' nx)n, be ueüzned for tixaraininu' and a))ouiiir euch account, and ihat the at law of said dei and all (ilhcr pinsons lntercsted in Bald Mtttt ire rfquired lo app-ar at a aeapion of eaid court tlii'i, to De holden al the l'rubjitc office, in the city o Ann Arbor, in said county, and show caue. if an theru be, wliy tbc said account xhould not i ■ allowed. And it i fnrthcr ordered, that suld admini-trutm give noiici' to tlie persona intereated in eatd estáte. of the pendeucy of said account, and the hearing thereof, hy cansina a copy of thip ord;r to be pub llahed in as Ann Arbor rounVr.a Mwspftpsr prlntüd ;init cin nlalhiL' in laid oonnty.ltirct' IQCceMlVfl wi'.'kpreviooe to said dav of hearing. (A trne etipy). WILLIAM li. HAUK1MAN. .ludjie of Probate WM G. DOTY. Probate Reiristrr. 72 975 Estáte of Xelson Osborne. tTATKOF MlCIllUAN,(JountyofVVaahteuaw,8a Al a vesslOB ot the Probatv Conrt for the County ol Washtenau , holdaa ai tha Probate office in th; tity ol Aun Arloi,onV infdii. twenty elgbib day oi 'lunu;tr. In tbc ycar ou tbtusand eiylit hundred and eiïhty. PUMIl, illiaiu IJ. Ilarninan, .ludui' ol Prohiiii-. In tba nutter oí tbe estáte of Nclson Osborne. 'I. lU'nr Obornt-, aritninistnitor of aid eslatc, tonn's inlo court and repn i-iiib that he ie now pu-pan-d to rt'uik'r hia final account as such idmlDlatrstor. TtKreapM it Is ordered, that Wedncuday, tlie hrantj lifth day ol' Ft-bruaiy next, iet tt-n o'tlock in the toivi oou, le ansiiied tur examinin:; ai d allowiii!: surh account, and thnt the hi-irs at law i t atiid deceaacd, and all other pereons interr-ird in sïinl r:it', are reqoired to arpear at a vosslen ol said cotiri, then tti bc iioldcn it the l'rohatc oftiic, in tlic city of Ann Arbor, in said coanty. aotl show cause, il any there hc. why ihe lid account siioiild n.n hc allowed. And It is furtber ordcred that said ariminixirator jjive notlcc to the persone inU're.-U'd in caid etatc. of the pendency u -:iid account, and tbe hearing thereof, by caustUK a copy ol th s order to be pnblishcd in the Ann Arbor Uourier, a newspaper prlnied anil cirontattbg in aiil connty, thr. e tacceaslva weeks previouu to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLJAM ü. HARR1MAN, Judgeof Prolvate. WM.I) OOTT, Probate Reuieter. T1-W74 I) 1NSKY & "SKABÖLT'S BAKEKY,GKOCERY AHD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We kefp conttantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALB AND RETAIL TRADS. We Bhall alno keep a supply of 8WIFT DBt'BKL-S BK8T WUITE WHBA1 FLOÜR. UKLHI FLOUIt, KYB FI.O1R, BIICKWHBAT FLOUK, '0KN MBAL, FEED, c, c. At Wholesale and retal), a general stock of GKOCF.KIi: AM) IKISIO!V conBtantly on hand, whlch will be sold on aa reaaon ableterms as at any other house fn the city. Oasb paid for Buttor, Eira, and Ooantry Produc enerally. (f (loods deUvcred to any part of the citj wltl out extra charge. yr KIN8EY & 8KABOLT.
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Washtenaw County Probate Judge
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Public Notice
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Andrew Bush
Ezra C. Robinson
William D. Harriman
Edwin Pettibone
Wm. G. Doty
Nelson Osborne
Truman B. Goodspeed
Saline Township
Washtenaw County