University Items

...Examinations are now in progress in some departments of the University. ...Prof. Walters, who has been spending eonic time in Europe has returned home. ...Of 200 patients that have received reatiuent in the hospital sincc last October, only one has died. ...Isaac H. Bullock, of the senior clasa in the literaiy departmcnt, died on the llth nst., aged 21 years, 8 months and 5 days. Distase, pneumonía. The remains were taken to his late home at Kelton, Penn., )y his bereaved father, on the day of bis death. Appropriate services was held in the Episcopal church before his father start ed on bissad journey homeward which were argely attended. Mr. Bullock was President of the Students' Lecture Association, and highly esteemcd for his gentlemanly ehavior and scholarly attainments. ...The University Palladiuni will be issued rom tliiri office to-morrow. It is printed on fine rose colored tint book paper, and will be larger than any that have preceded t, the number of pages being 162. The rule is printed in blue, and the whole appearance of this issue will be quite attraetive. Th increased size of this number was made necessary becauto of'teveral new features that have been added, which will mateiially increase its value. One new 'eature consists of a brief and condensed ïistory of college secret f-ocieties ; the origin and growth, present membership, and all 'acts of general inlcrett of each fraternity laving a chapter in the University ; also a ist of defunct chapters. The total nicmjership of the societies is about 25,000. Another new feature consists of a list of he literary works of which each professor is author. The following is a list of the professors who have distinguished themselves in this way, and the number of jooks of which they are the authors : A. 8. Palmer, M. D., one; Corydon L. Ford, M. D., two; Henry S. Frieze, LL. D., two ; James V. Campbell, LL. D., one; fliomas M. Cooley, LL. D., siz ; Edward Olney, LL. D., series of mathematical text woks; Charles K. Adams, LL. D., six ; Rev. B. F. Cocker, D. D., LL. D., four; A. B. Prescott, five pamphlets; M. L. D'Ooge, Ph. D., one; Geo. S. Morris, M. A., two; G. E. Frothingham, M. D., four pamphlets; Donald Maclean, M. D., one ; E. S. Dunster, M. D., four; Moses Coit Tj lor, LL. 1)., ttiree ; E. C. Frank lin, VI. D., four; Mark W. Harrington, M. A., oue, and one in press ; Alexander VVinchell, LL. D., nine, and one in press; Wm. H. l'iiyne, M. A., two; Preston B. Rose, one; Eli.ha Jones, M. A., three; Victor C. Vaughan, Ph. D., M. D., four; Charles 3. Stowell, M. D., two, and three pamphets; Alfred Hennequin, M. A., three; [)tis C. Johnson, one in press ; Louisa Reed Stoweli, M. 8., three. The Palladium il-o contains the usual amount of jokes and cotuic cuts. The editors this year are : Clii W. Hannan, of Dowagiac; Alpha Delta Phi- Frank F. Reed, Ann Arbor; Delta Kappa Upsilon - Charles IJ. (Jiimpliell, Detroit; Zeta Pbí- Charlea S. Mitchill, Si. Cloud, Minn.; Sipma Phi- R. 11. McMurdy, xN'ilcs; Pi Upsilon- Charles C. Whitacre, Chicago, 111.; Phi Delta Phi- A. J. Babcock, of Saginaw ; Beta Thetii P- Don A. Garwood, Casopolis ; Phi Kappa Psi- Herbert M. Pelham, Plymouth ; Sigma Chi- Mort. C. Miller, of Pittsburg, Pa.