Special Offerings

TBIS WEEK AT THE CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE OF BACH & ABEL. We offer handsome BLACK SILKS at 70, 80 and 90 cents. Our greatest bargain is our $1 Black Silk. Our $1.25, $1.39 and $1.56 Black Silks are unequaled in price for the same grade of goods. Our 1.75, 2.00 and 2.25 Black Silks cannot bc matched in this or any other city. In BLACK CASHMERES we still take the lead. We offer ten pieces of Black Cashmeres, all wool, ibily taches -widc, at 45 cents per yard; npvw sold in this market before. or any other, for less than 55 or 60 cents. We also offer ten pieces of 48-inch Cashmere at 65 and 75 cents per yard. While we are on the Cashmere subject, let us say: Our Black Cashmeres are sold with the guarantee that, if our prices can be bettered anywhere in Washtenaw County, we will reiund the money. Our one dollar Black Cashmere we positively guarantee as sold in this city at $1.15 and $1.20. If not so, cali on us to refund the money. Just opened 25 pieces of Fancy Brocaded DRESS GOODS at ten cents per yard - very cheap. Just received 100 more of our celebrated SPRINGER CLOAKS AND DOLMANS, which we will sell this week at prices never before named. Handsome Cloaks at 2.50, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00, 10.00 and 12.00. We can show more styles of Cloaks than all other houses in the city together. If you do not say so when you visit our Cloak Department, you need never visit it again. Special bargains in Hosiery, Ladies' and Gcnt's Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables , Napkins, Towels, Tahle Lmcns, Fancy Ribbons, Ties, Laces, Ruches, Fancy Buttons and Kid Glovcs, 2, 3, 4 and 6 buttons. We are selling Domestics, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Tickings Demins, Cheviots, Brown and Bleached Cantón Flannels, at New York Commission House Prices. To those lm hare read our adrerlisemcnt montli alter montli, and as cl hare Tailed to examine our goods and learn our prices, we can only say that your passmij costs you many Dollars. We offer indncements that no other House In the County can match- prices that are far beyond the bare whisper of competition. Come and see ns, and we wHI conrince you in a yery short space of time of the difference betvrecn CASH and CREDIT. BACH 5c ABEL. CASH aOODS BCOTTSIE. a-9
Bach & Abel
Dry Goods
Cash Dry Goods House
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier