Ninety-five Per Cent. Sterling

3FLXJ23ieEEFI. J3QQT. M.1e to npplT the popnlsr domnnrt tot n All-Iiulib-r Boot.4 "P?? : l. doublé tw kuei. of Kubl,.-r. tlie flbre or gnin of i tt?n of tii. hrïiur ■ craekie" 11 ai le Imponible. -r.l.u.u ■ KuboerBoou bmrltbl; m„. ■.l..„...Iii. to cnriM. bolde ohafiug th feet u.l aukla. an.i w.:inui( out J F Sectional View fek ed' ■ .s..i,,i nubbor kMHÉéSËJ 3L ofthb E. rilling." in onliuary ISPPIPI áp i)J 1 UI Uullli OLtlUü mk md. of groinul-np mRMÍ FiUinKöoJe In iiio r tno sg t v' . m S: 'MhËÉHIB' i ffí RMFflUngusedmurdliULrj JH in1"8 -iuety-nve IHBnSH & Kubbex BooU. JB Ipr Cent. Htrling -Jl uggutfkBnnt," wben tbe tap wfr, witUuul iiiiTt-asü of bulk or weilit. These Bules will flJjH wour iuveral pairs ui cuuioiuu liubbi r lluots. , Warranted Tliree Months, and that thero may be no question as to tbe time, the patent Jgfö binding, as aen in cut, provules space tor eyery day, uiouth jffi, ;, &C-'; and yer, bo that the rutail dealor vhen makiiig a salo, 'iA' can punch out tho date thereof. arul the liooti will in XJÊU tUemselves bear permanent record ot that dato. (Sh KflB warrant in larjío circular.) Every Boot boara the jgWÊ rant ia Rubber letters on tho lep. fëjKÊ Altliough seeraiUKly hi),'U pric 1. vRm are inqro ecunomiral titan a Boot ?jBh of less coat, and with proper caru .sffmj will rendpr good Scrvicu i rom I'aU flpLMKI -'-' until Spring, f smPBKT'Tfjji "■' "S ■' # The Poor Man's Boot. [ MliaBBwy I'Oll KALE BY 'Nvoivc' ím;s-975 CYRI'S A. I.EWIS, N. 2 East Hurón SU, Aun Arbor.
Rubber Boots
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Cyrus A. Lewis
2 E. Huron St.