CH'JFICH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Kv. S. Haskell, Pastor. Si'ilii"i .-rvicea, 10v4 a, m. and 74 r. u. ;n 1 1 School fier moruinir servio. :'ryr in''o logTfcuridaj gvenl&g at 7'-4 o'ciock. ('athollc Chimli. Rbt. Father Fiklb, Pastor. I g ¦ M m. S a. . Hiu'li Musí, 1014 ¦ VtMperí P, . Sim '. School, iK p. m. Coagregfttlonal Cfuirch. Kïv. W. II. Hïim, Pintor. jibbltt! -.jrvScus, 10!4 a. m. and 7H p. m. Saul iv ¦; -hnol ifter mornln' service. PrayM na inij Thanfax ovtjnliiK :it 7H o'clock. Episcopal ('hiirch. Rev. Wtllys Uall, Reotor. ¦s ih') irh ¦¦irvicfi, 10H a. m. ind 7S4 r. m. Sandaj School. JH r. . ¦ isiervices,ThurK(l evenlng at 714 o'clook . j Oerman Methodist Chnrch. Hv. Oi BlIiTHi l'netor. S ib'i itli -"emees, 1014 ¦ ¦ an1 H " ly School, at nina o'clock a. m. Pr.iyer meetlug ou Wodneêday. I.iitheran Churvh. Hsv. John Nbumann, Paor. ' itb jorvicus, 1014 " nd "H?. Sun 1 1, -ichoil aftar moruiai service, t'rjtycv ,iiettltiif, Thursday evcoingat 714 o'clock netlKxHst Cliurch. l(gv. Jotis .:.ii vrtiu. Pastur. Sihhith lanrlc, Wi4 a. . :md 714 " ¦ BmdiJ vuiii iftw momlng errlce. frayarmx Ing, rhnrday evouiiiR at 714 o'clock Younu' IVJjile'e .tlewting, Saturday 7 p. m. l'resbyterian CHarch. Kut. Frïu T. Brown, D. D., Pastor. Sibti i h ler'lce, lO'J a. x. aud 714 r. m. Suiidiv Si'ho.iland Bioleclnsiiftürnlorllilii;ervlrr i'nv.T meilait, Thordaj evenlng ui ga'doek Yinni Po ie' Meet log, Sondiy íTenlng V4. DniUriM Ckarck. Kïv. .1. T. SiNi'KM.vsn, Paxtiir. ,lli S..TVÍCO, 1Ü14 a. . and 714 ¦ Su uUy School ut 12 k. Siu lunU' üiblc Clníí at '':iri a. u. Ziou Lnthera ('liurcli. IUv. H. P. BlUU, l'aslcir. Siib:iili San eca it W a. . and 7 p. m. s ,ii i iy Scbuol lanudiatel; tftor morning ienrlce. l{,.ii;i i i-ilri'-iliv ¦vriiint' H "n'rl'irk. BUSINESS CARDS. HEMtY H. HILL, ATTORNEYATI_AW Real Estáte Broker, AND INsrilANVK AliKNT. oppiiK : "o. i Opera Hon in-u Ann Aituon, Mich. 7H5II j (JKO. W. RENWICK. 7" Irnlll 'lie Hfít OllL'lfUn) M I ton "f Mntc, Bortón. Tearher ¦ ƒ Vuc;il MUÍ lii!ti imiilitnl MuH1 rtltd ƒ ƒ Hannony. ƒ ƒ Conductor of Musical ƒ Uom :md i'vniiiL' clt - ƒ ƒ Prívate lewoní ill bu giveu al ƒ the recidenoe i pupil. ƒ ƒ Addrwa I', o. Bux 101, Aun Albor. 061 MB " VH. (. STEVENS, M.l;, Pliysician audSnreeoiiX :í- Washimiton Strest. l.í. .; -7 I. . v., IiI::!(Ia. Wi.'ii) 13 .. '2 t 1. and 7 to 8 r. m. KifiJfnce- No. lu (írovu Street. Btttf ( JOHN ËZ BLHLKÍJH, A 1 1 o r ii e y -ANH Connselor at Law. ornes : Over National Bank, ANN ARliOB. 7' I" W. H. J.VCKSON, DENTISlA OIBce over Itm-li te Untrance by Firít National Bank. 7:tf F. .SOBO, ƒ iloUrtK. 8[4iN AND ÜRNAHENTA1 ƒ ('aintïr.- - PaperlnK, Glazlnc, ƒ Jilding, and work of uvery ƒ "rlptlon done in the beat style. Patnts, ülls, and Varnlshe on ƒ 1 íand and for aale. Shop, No. 83 ƒ líst Washington Streot, Ann ƒ Ij rhor, Mlch. BOÍtf WILLIAM HER, HU03B, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL A FRESCO PAINTER. taerln?,GUzinf:,Uildlnjr and Calci-X Yuinini;,and worlt of every ducriptlon iiont' in !)!¦ li.-t Ityle, und wHrrantedX tit iive aatisfaction. Shop No. 4 Wet Washington Street, Ann Arbor.MlchA THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arlior, llicliituii, TWSSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. OrRiinlzed under the General Uanklng of (ble State, the atockholdere are inrilvtdnally liahle lor an dditlonal aiimunt i-unal t( thi1 utock held tiy them, thereby crfatini; a ¦ narantri' l-'iiml for the ii'lltlll Of li Iici-iliil -. ni $100,000.00. Kor per cent. iiitrrpHt Ib allowed on all Sariagfl Deposita of on dollar and npwardi, accord1 Bg t ihc ruU-rt of i he Bunk.and interest compounded emi annually. Money to loan on uniucumbored real estatt: and uther good aecaritj. IHrectort- Chrlctlan Mack, W. W. Wlnen, K. A.Beal Wllliam Ueubel, William D. Harriman Daniel Hiscock, and Willard B. Smlth OfllrerM: Chiuhtian Mack, Pree. W. W. Wmra, Vlce-Preí. Cua. E. Hiscock, Cae híer. 15 966 QO TO WINANS Sc BERRY FOR MERCHANT TAILÜR1NG for the foiiou i nu rniHim : let. Otir wcirk ií uil Hrt clans. i 1. Mr. Barrjr II ihu Only ruiter in the Slate who can íjive you h perfect flt without tryin on. 3d. We hnve the lurgfr-t -ortmeni Ín ihe staic-, hnvlns OTer h) dlffermi ityle lo selcd from Ín ih !!.¦ nona hut flri-clas trtmmliura. i li. We are full (I per cent, below Detroit prlCM. WINANS A BEKRY, -S.V1-10U7 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. pilOF. RKUBEN KEMPF, Havlnï Jnxt guAattet from the ConxemUory of MuíIc ai Btattnrt. liermany, where h" rereived h thorouirh edncatlon, nuil inMructlons in Ihe latt methodfl r imi Iimil' c, dow prepnred la trive I.i'iiioiiM i ii il.ii mi. .n y , ,,,,,i on dio Plano un! OrüHii. PUnoa taoedon rwworwble ternm. Koom, northead eorner ¦! M iln and Uberty itroet, upntaiiH, Ann Arlior, Mlch. tf 1U-KMH) To Adverllaer. Tm Ann Akhok Cousikb han (loable the 'Olrculatlon of auy other puper publUlied Ín 'Ihe oouDty.
Rev. S. Haskell
Rev. Father Fiele
Rev. W. H. Ryder
Rev. Wyllys Hall
Rev. C. Helwig
Rev. John Neumann
Rev. John Alabaster
Rev. Fred T. Brown
Rev. J. T. Sunderland
Rev. H. F. Belser
Henry R. Hill
Wm C. Stevens
John L. Burleigh
W. H. Jackson
F. Sorg
William Herz
Christian Mack
W.W. Wines
R. A. Beal
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
Daniel Hiscock
Dr. Willard B. Smith
Prof. Reuben Kempf
No. 1 Opera House Block
32 Washington Street
No. 10 Grove St
4 W. Washington St.
No. 11 S Main St
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