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CH'JFICH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Kv. S. Haskell, Pastor. Si'ilii"i .-rvicea, 10v4 a, m. and 74 r. u. ;n 1 1 School fier moruinir servio. :'ryr in''o logTfcuridaj gvenl&g at 7'-4 o'ciock. ('athollc Chimli. Rbt. Father Fiklb, Pastor. I g ¦ M m. S a. . Hiu'li Musí, 1014 ¦ VtMperí P, . Sim '. School, iK p. m. Coagregfttlonal Cfuirch. Kïv. W. II. Hïim, Pintor. jibbltt! -.jrvScus, 10!4 a. m. and 7H p. m. Saul iv ¦; -hnol ifter mornln' service. PrayM na inij Thanfax ovtjnliiK :it 7H o'clock. Episcopal ('hiirch. Rev. Wtllys Uall, Reotor. ¦s ih') irh ¦¦irvicfi, 10H a. m. ind 7S4 r. m. Sandaj School. JH r. . ¦ isiervices,ThurK(l evenlng at 714 o'clook . j Oerman Methodist Chnrch. Hv. Oi BlIiTHi l'netor. S ib'i itli -"emees, 1014 ¦ ¦ an1 H " ly School, at nina o'clock a. m. Pr.iyer meetlug ou Wodneêday. I.iitheran Churvh. Hsv. John Nbumann, Paor. ' itb jorvicus, 1014 " nd "H?. Sun 1 1, -ichoil aftar moruiai service, t'rjtycv ,iiettltiif, Thursday evcoingat 714 o'clock netlKxHst Cliurch. l(gv. Jotis .:.ii vrtiu. Pastur. Sihhith lanrlc, Wi4 a. . :md 714 " ¦ BmdiJ vuiii iftw momlng errlce. frayarmx Ing, rhnrday evouiiiR at 714 o'clock Younu' IVJjile'e .tlewting, Saturday 7 p. m. l'resbyterian CHarch. Kut. Frïu T. Brown, D. D., Pastor. Sibti i h ler'lce, lO'J a. x. aud 714 r. m. Suiidiv Si'ho.iland Bioleclnsiiftürnlorllilii;ervlrr i'nv.T meilait, Thordaj evenlng ui ga'doek Yinni Po ie' Meet log, Sondiy íTenlng V4. DniUriM Ckarck. Kïv. .1. T. SiNi'KM.vsn, Paxtiir. ,lli S..TVÍCO, 1Ü14 a. . and 714 ¦ Su uUy School ut 12 k. Siu lunU' üiblc Clníí at '':iri a. u. Ziou Lnthera ('liurcli. IUv. H. P. BlUU, l'aslcir. Siib:iili San eca it W a. . and 7 p. m. s ,ii i iy Scbuol lanudiatel; tftor morning ienrlce. l{,.ii;i i i-ilri'-iliv ¦vriiint' H "n'rl'irk. BUSINESS CARDS. HEMtY H. HILL, ATTORNEYATI_AW Real Estáte Broker, AND INsrilANVK AliKNT. oppiiK : "o. i Opera Hon in-u Ann Aituon, Mich. 7H5II j (JKO. W. RENWICK. 7" Irnlll 'lie Hfít OllL'lfUn) M I ton "f Mntc, Bortón. Tearher ¦ ƒ Vuc;il MUÍ lii!ti imiilitnl MuH1 rtltd ƒ ƒ Hannony. ƒ ƒ Conductor of Musical ƒ Uom :md i'vniiiL' clt - ƒ ƒ Prívate lewoní ill bu giveu al ƒ the recidenoe i pupil. ƒ ƒ Addrwa I', o. Bux 101, Aun Albor. 061 MB " VH. (. STEVENS, M.l;, Pliysician audSnreeoiiX :í- Washimiton Strest. l.í. .; -7 I. . v., IiI::!(Ia. Wi.'ii) 13 .. '2 t 1. and 7 to 8 r. m. KifiJfnce- No. lu (írovu Street. Btttf ( JOHN ËZ BLHLKÍJH, A 1 1 o r ii e y -ANH Connselor at Law. ornes : Over National Bank, ANN ARliOB. 7' I" W. H. J.VCKSON, DENTISlA OIBce over Itm-li te Untrance by Firít National Bank. 7:tf F. .SOBO, ƒ iloUrtK. 8[4iN AND ÜRNAHENTA1 ƒ ('aintïr.- - PaperlnK, Glazlnc, ƒ Jilding, and work of uvery ƒ "rlptlon done in the beat style. Patnts, ülls, and Varnlshe on ƒ 1 íand and for aale. Shop, No. 83 ƒ líst Washington Streot, Ann ƒ Ij rhor, Mlch. BOÍtf WILLIAM HER, HU03B, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL A FRESCO PAINTER. taerln?,GUzinf:,Uildlnjr and Calci-X Yuinini;,and worlt of every ducriptlon iiont' in !)!¦ li.-t Ityle, und wHrrantedX tit iive aatisfaction. Shop No. 4 Wet Washington Street, Ann Arbor.MlchA THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arlior, llicliituii, TWSSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. OrRiinlzed under the General Uanklng of (ble State, the atockholdere are inrilvtdnally liahle lor an dditlonal aiimunt i-unal t( thi1 utock held tiy them, thereby crfatini; a ¦ narantri' l-'iiml for the ii'lltlll Of li Iici-iliil -. ni $100,000.00. Kor per cent. iiitrrpHt Ib allowed on all Sariagfl Deposita of on dollar and npwardi, accord1 Bg t ihc ruU-rt of i he Bunk.and interest compounded emi annually. Money to loan on uniucumbored real estatt: and uther good aecaritj. IHrectort- Chrlctlan Mack, W. W. Wlnen, K. A.Beal Wllliam Ueubel, William D. Harriman Daniel Hiscock, and Willard B. Smlth OfllrerM: Chiuhtian Mack, Pree. W. W. Wmra, Vlce-Preí. Cua. E. Hiscock, Cae híer. 15 966 QO TO WINANS Sc BERRY FOR MERCHANT TAILÜR1NG for the foiiou i nu rniHim : let. Otir wcirk ií uil Hrt clans. i 1. Mr. Barrjr II ihu Only ruiter in the Slate who can íjive you h perfect flt without tryin on. 3d. We hnve the lurgfr-t -ortmeni Ín ihe staic-, hnvlns OTer h) dlffermi ityle lo selcd from Ín ih !!.¦ nona hut flri-clas trtmmliura. i li. We are full (I per cent, below Detroit prlCM. WINANS A BEKRY, -S.V1-10U7 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. pilOF. RKUBEN KEMPF, Havlnï Jnxt guAattet from the ConxemUory of MuíIc ai Btattnrt. liermany, where h" rereived h thorouirh edncatlon, nuil inMructlons in Ihe latt methodfl r imi Iimil' c, dow prepnred la trive I.i'iiioiiM i ii il.ii mi. .n y , ,,,,,i on dio Plano un! OrüHii. PUnoa taoedon rwworwble ternm. Koom, northead eorner ¦! M iln and Uberty itroet, upntaiiH, Ann Arlior, Mlch. tf 1U-KMH) To Adverllaer. Tm Ann Akhok Cousikb han (loable the 'Olrculatlon of auy other puper publUlied Ín 'Ihe oouDty.