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The Tramps

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If the im-mbers of the last State Legislautw, who so etren'uausTy ppposed a tramp liill, coiild only liave visited the city of Ypsilunti during the past inontb, and uoted the tramps as they iileti into tliat city, tuo, four and six abreast to the nuinbcr of 801, to rcéeive thcir support, t would have a temlcncy to canse them to tliink thata linie w holesome restrainl might not be aniiss. The old time pica tliat they oonld not et T)y work 8 altngcther too tiHiispnrcnt, when Inbor as plcntiful as at prwent, and lias l)t-en ever slnce the first of last spring. Henee wc ir forced to thc conclusión that they ure i sbiltleKs t(t, not carinfi to cnrn tin ir livinfr. In proofof thig we can cite the case of a lty of this city, who told n tñmp he conld h.ive some breakfast f he would eftrri it by sawing wood, when hc str'aigiiCeBecl hiiusdt' back aud saiU: "I am . not obliged, and do not propose, to work for a living." During the past month ifr. Mnrtin, of Ypsilanti, entertained 801 tramps, at an expen-c tu Hit county of $400.50. To this hui( be added thu bill of Supervisor ïi. (rcena oí Í70, and [. L. Stlbttl of $7.50, lor i.-uing orders for them. Ihus mnkinga total of nearly five humlred dollars txlicudcd in one plnee, in one month. If (ithcr districts kepl t)ils up lor a year or o, tlic i'ounty would soon lx' buukiupt. This stilte of lias oauBud iuvidious rcniaiks to be made by those who have .üir, it-nee T)erween this city and Ypsilanti in the. tramp business (luritir tWi pi -riod, SS oiily sixlccn kopt over uiglit lirii'. fpif can, a a uien.-we, bf accountrd for liy tlio stringent measures udopted by our city nmhnritic last fall, tliey untiouncinii tlmt all tramps would be Sent np; but uc olwrve. tliat moro liavc beefl sen! up liuia V].-il:mt i tlian (jére. Wc afO a-ccrtiiin tlmt the Uftlflpi Uftve madi' ta ])racticc to slum tltis place iiml wake for Ypsilnnti, which uouldscrin ti indícate some eollu-iin. r uiiilcistaniüiig-, or carclesstiess, as Ilit' (niuijis knnw mucli bitter tlian (.tlii'is by mcjui.s of "in.iiilhosiiiphic" ilisj.atclics, wlieru they will be hiuidsoincly treatcd. liotiixlin trauii for one night tbr 60 cvnt.s ]icr heal bal cvidciitly pi-ovcn lnomtiw biisiiKss. Wlicn thi'v inadc a]ipücfttion for Icidirlnjr lK'ic, tlicy werc lnformed tliat it uouM be furnislicd tliem. luit tlioy wciuld Ix'epntorwthe road n the mornipK, wlien Iliov Middcnly (Icciiicil to 'shift for tberaaelves. Mijin ¦iiti'iidciits A llie poer held a iiiftüii last Tuesday, and passed resolutim rrlu.MULr to andit iiuy bilis coutracted iu tliu future for boardini; trampa. Thcy nlso providcd tliat itpke sbnulit bf t'cl or sbi-ltiTcd at cnmity house without brthglitg ,'i wrillcn onliT. Wu licartily approve this couisc, and btlicve that it will have tlic. ilcsiifd (;lUct ol liiii.-hinif the tramp, nuwance in this couuty.