County Items
...The Wilkinsons will j.h.y " üiifsie Tüui's Ca tin " hure Satuni.iy ni)lit. ¦ ..AlaUnuie linnmr -ij that there in kioi, to be anoihcr wedding in this phuc Why nat now? ...Revival iiii't'tiiiKs havu bcc:n lu:M in the M. E. 'Jhurcb tgu weok. lt-v Mr. Hud.-un, from (Jhelsea, preoching. ...Master I'aul Minni.s, son of Cliarlic, goes to Ann Arbor to play in the opera house, for a R. R. social thiserening. ...Jen. ('ary u (Wdlo's hall thisovening' Subject: ''ij ie tak on of Moscb or hr jiorsolj. '"HfrlrL flÑjtrrjL' ' ' i 15 cents. ...Y Ij tor chuich (Congregationul) ure naakintr pri to proteo! tlieir di-ad f'rciM i;l.ou! - tliey I uilding a vault. ¦ ...Teil your "fjst'rs, and oousins, and !iunfr " thüt " I'iuaibru " hns.strnrk IWli-r af las!. A lady here is gotting it ruarly for itation to the ]ubüo ...l)V:mk H. MiuufBn who han 1 n ;ii work on the Free l'ressl'or n short time luis como homo again. The high irico ofpaper neocssitated the cutting down of' expeu-eí, and of coursc Frank stnrtcd for IK'xtor. ...Laet MonJay evening the Dexter Cor net Band secured Iroi'. Lon. Hoffman as instructor and leader, at a salury of $400 a. year. Prof. iïoffman's sb'lity as an in structor is well known here, and t ia hox:! the boys will improve rapidly, nd umko a ood showinjt at the tournatnetit. ...Tlic Rev. Mr. Allen, pastor of tba Webster Oongresratiotial Churrh is vcïy popular with bu people. They pay liim quarterly, and wc have been told by one of the membcM tliat thH quirter was paid, up aud a nige little auna kil iu Üie treasury.. Ib not thia aa anoniolous case, and worthy of iiuitation ? ...LastSanday rooniing the èongregation at the !M. K. Chtrrch enjoyed tbc rich treat óf a leciure upon a iuctaphyf-ieal subject, by a blind lady. Mist Iit;nrietta Tituf, of Ohin, the lady in question, is blind, and has been fince childhood. 8he i a graduuate of Baldwin University, Bera, Ohio, being graduated in the samuelass with Rev. R. H. Pope of Chicago, late-of Ann Arlor. She lecturedon "Thelmuiortalkyof Memury," and did credit to herself and ..,A silken thrcud will indícate the direction of the atmospliere. So a single act will often give usa forecat of a life. Last week Mr.-. R. C. Reeve lost a of over $28,. as she got off the train hcre, as the t-upposed. She dropped it in the ladres' waiting room, and Tommy S!oan, the night watch, found it when sweeping nextmorning. Notioes of tlie loss were put up at the depot the next morning, and when Mr. R. C. Reeve made his appearance thcre, young Slaan handed him the purse as he had found it. Mr. R. tried to havo hiui accept a couplo of dollar a hi- reward, but he would not accept any. This shows honesfy iu the man. Not in not tslsing a rewunl, but in returning the purse wheo he could readily have kept it. Go on, Torn, this is the honest way. ...Our friend J. T. Honey met with an accident last week. He had tome business to transact for Mr. James of this place, whieh necesitated his going to a plaee near .Jackspn. After he had transacted his business and was driving toward the cky of JackfOD, for the nigbt, a storm overtook him and driver. After several minor mishaps, tlie drivor, not being able tosee tlie road, drove too near a culvert, and oej both men and horse went into the ditcli. Being es dark as a cubic foot of lamp black in the dead of .night, they could not see ia what pomtion thoy weie, only to know tbat they were unceremoniously preeipitated into the ditch. The driver goes to Jackfon fur lelp, while Mr. floney waits patiently in the rain for his return. Assistance arriveB iii the' of a few hours, and when the doctors examined Mr. Honey's s-houlder, in Jackson, they found that he had sustained a luxation of the riglit alioulder. He was tuade as comfortahle as jjossible, and next day he eame to Dexter. He is doin well, but will hot 8oon fbrget the rideon that dark, storuiy night. salín k. ...ilr. Jesenp H. Wood has been eiccted president of the Michigan Wool Growers' Assöciation, ...Hov. W. K. Sliier locturedin Saline, iat Vednenday oveninfc, before the leclure associatie. Subjrct : " Southern Life Before the W ar. ...Tlie Saline poople are anxiuua fnr the new lioa ofrailroad contonjilated from Detroit ta 8t. Louis und Knnsa Ciry shall pass throuh tlicir villaje. It is j-umk red that wh. n the OÜ.OOO dow being raised in Detroit is Mecured, that the Detroit É Hillsdale roftd will be made to do duty as a portion of the air in. MANCHK.STKR. ...Tn Maachestor aud looality there i cmi siderable sicLness this wmter. ... Manchester is the place to inake money froui adanc' the (ierman WorkingmenB1 daneo, held last week, Dett;d $100. ...Une hundrud and fifty invitatons were isHucd fora lenp year party held at Man che.-ter last rñ,Ur „„Kt The ladiea oftliis town know how to do .ucli butanee ,,,, brown. YP81LANTI. ...Mr. Charles Moore of the Commercial loase! thé office of tbc Detroit Society Xews, and vfill ruoiove to Detroit, March l.-t, to nuMuint: o uitrol ( í' the aiu;. ...Thre yonng men of this city are engageJ in a novel eblerpríse, ïhey have fitted up a ei.veiíid wagon with bíftling ap[laraum, ind MockiDjr it with roccries, are vclplinií tlifir pnmis aKm (lic country. Tu n.1.1 t,. ti.,' inicr.vt wliidi tlicy fffsP to awaken, 0110 i.s a niitistnl and tuaki-s mucli Opise upon uo "AíVican harjv," while another is an acediupliieii pyrmiast. - [ Ymlantian. ...Tlic tnimp imi.aiiie hows no laieluent, On Friduy luorniím' the railroad track bot ween hre Ann Arbor wan hlack with trampa Supervisor Shntts found, mi investiga tion, tiiat they had á bush Jwuse iu the Statkweather woods, where they pluyed onnls dajtimen, coming down town to prowl arciumi nihts. He thértíbre ent Duputy Sheriff Tlmuipson af'tcr them, and a chase enstn-il, J. (íreb's ice cutter uidin.- (Conimercia!.
News Items
Detroit Free Press
Dexter Cornet Band
Accidents - Carriages
Michigan Wool Growers' Association
Washtenaw County Circuit Court (36301
Mr. Fellow' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites
Patent Medicines
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Paul Minnis
Frank H. Magoffin
Prof. Len. Hofman
Rev. Allen
Henrietta Titus
Rev. R. B. Pope
Tommy Sloan
R. C. Reeve
T. J. Honey
Jessup B. Wood
Rev. W. R. Shier
Charles Moore
Fred K. Durheim
John Kuehule
Otho Moe
Nelson Booth
Wm. H. Brace
Jas A. Jones
Henry Coe
Chas. Moore
Volney Davenport
Thomas McKernan
John Boyle
Fred Desimer
Geo. W. Efner
Martin Eckerish
Milon D. Reynolds
Wm. OP. Campbell
Jame Hulbert
James Loney
Christina Eckard
Ed Ryan. C. H. Richmond
A. J. Sutherland