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DR.. CHASE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. Tlio ortglnntor oí I)r. ( Imsn's Fniiuiy Mi is tbc nut hm of Dr. ('Iiihi : or. Information Cor l'. rj body, a'"lot her Tïoeipe Boote.8 hls nami, aud were brouglit about throuvh tfin ikqulrles of numy of the iu reliaseis of hls BnOkK lor Honieüling to moet thelr llngerliií; i n l compllcated diseaiH'd coiidttlons, wtjleli thoydl.l not llnd deorlbed !u hls Boolcu. I ii" pi'niiii'tirsiiip of Ibfi iiuüU'ini'H. and the biiHinesa im:ui:iui ;n. ut k)t HM snnii1, liuviiig pussed luto Hip liiiudK if (he DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY - WITH HEADQUARTERS fIT DR. CHASE'S STEAM PRUTI HOUSE N AltBOR, MICH., We woiild to the public, that IMoy can rest iwmirfd tlmt Ir. 'lin-' l'nnii!) .1-11rln' wlll iívt tlitm a grraleT NatlRfnctlon tluiii miy others, for the DiseuNos for wlileh Huir liinxí MdWUi tliem to linvp Been prepiin-.l-mnml to Ihatof hl Booltn over uil other books of a similar diameter, as showi) by tlii'lr satan, whlch liavo exceeded tlic stilt of any othrr, ToachinK oviir inillioii tiopies. Glv thiiu a trial, thereiors, natl know for yourselves. Is all we ask. DR. CHASES Cough and Wound Balsam Ha beefr found tlie quiokt'Ht kind jnost certaf ti care of CoughH of any preparation In use; also qviickly rellevlng Hoarseness, KOreness of the Throat or Lungs, Pain orTlglitness across the Chest, Hroncliitls, Clergymn'8 Horc Throat, and Ooosumptlon In all 1U carller stages, Whooping Consh, Croup, etc. Prlcv $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles fnr 5. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevenís ml rnrfs thcl'alu and DIstresA oftlie Dyspeptlc afte.r meals, and for Porlfylng and Ilenewlng the Blood, qnickly toning up the stoiuarli, and inrigomUng the vrbole System. I'rlce i?l per Hotlc, or 0 Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For curing tUe DiRcatiis ui tlie Llver, aud correctlnic üiliouB couditWus of the .syst.-m, as Wll as for all CatbarUc jiurposeH. Suuarcoatcil; selllug for S55 ceutH ier Box, or 3 Uovi-r., iotipaiil, for pt. AMERICAN LINIMENT PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength. Llntmont, oraillcatlug Intcrnal or exti-rnal I'ain qulcker and more perimuieutly tliHii ujyotlior iu uso. Two sizrs,-SO cents and SM,-or 6 Urge IJotties for 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDIO MED PLASTE R Is int up In Holl or Stick Forni, wlilch wil! prendadozen Piasters, glvlnnastriiimtlieoing and hpalhiK Piaster for Vwa cents not eqimled hy thoBC Tor whlch yon pay two shllllngs ; 8eHingfor!í5cent per roll; Öve rolls, postpnid, 1. Dr. CHÁSE'S CÁTARRH SNÜFF Is for the uuicsk care of " Oold In th Head," and doing all ior olil (;hr(itilr Catarrh tliat medicine eau do. Helling tor 50 ct. pvr Ijottle. Any of the) MediriK-. (If yovir UrHimlst has Bol Kot tluinjor for aiiy iurtlicr iufurnuaion In TriuUon to them, addrORK tlie. Dr. A. W. OH.VSR MEDICINE COMPAST, Aan Arbor, lll)i. .ü.ti Tho power f arresliBC lloa (tlsplayod hy thli pruparation is hohorablyoltiuwLi'(ii:i'd tiy m.dical fCülty In every svctloo whoro ft hns hpen introduoed; and the XhTua saln In twet (Tnnrantw of tbeaitiinlioni whtch it I hold by the public. #Be SyrHp-wlllriire Poi.UftNAnï OiiniTwpTtoN in tho llret nd oootidi.Mf.'ef, wlll alve en-tkt r-lkf and llie in tho tüird. It wlll cara Ahihua, BaoauBniK, LnrKinri aad Coiums. It will cure all dlsenie iirljrlnaliBg fcm want of Hmcitui ?cticn aod NïltvoiM Fciiuk. KOU TUK KFFKIT I'HOUUCED BY fillon Compouad Syrup of Bjpoph.osphites In Dlfnaxcg of thfc Lnngt, tbc! Inventnr In pcrmittod torefer to tueMediol Gentlemen of John, N.B , lui' niïiiKturrK re nttachod hento. WII.LIAM KAVAUI), M. D. KlTrtlN HA VA Hl). M. I). TIIOVIAS WAI.KKR, M.l) JOHN UAKKYVIAN M O Fr DR. .1OHNS Cl' Kb! liK'HtUiC KKA roft, M D. W. H . IIAKDINd .1. D, WIIITK, M.D. t. w.CAHnir, M. d. I, Ai.)n Ai.wir, Mayor of the l'fty of St. John In the Provincf of New Brunswick, havini; -xsrnii.ed the siïnton-( tlh to ike foregciini; (¦unit ui refarance, herebi cutir; Umi i believ iliem al! KannlD,eL. ',,caB h0 teMlf-T lhl' hh iHiprt5al value of kullvwn ('i)timunnd Syrup ol llypoplio-pültci - c.iii-Kl.T 11 di-.-frin ol i.tivntiou liy tbr oroleiibp K. ,uo In toetlmoay wnerwr I h:vc lieroiintp " '.! niï hand, and tfflxcd nw nm of ) Un-at ,f Mayuralty, at the city st. ïófin, tiiln ih l ¦¦"¦' vS da.v f Pebrniry. in iho yr nr. nr l.ord C-UVILVN " "u""!'! Klit Uimdroii nd ixty "'"til't. AAHII.N AI.WAK1J, M. J). I-í'tír fpom ICv. J. Nnlmon, H. D. ClIII'MAV, Qt-KKN's CÓÖHTY, N. B. I run imfcly nnd cor?itt-ntly rcciimmund your invnliublp iri'panuloti in & vuri.ty nf enrí, espccially In WouchttJ, .Vrl,,., Bebiilfj from lïvcr C.m Idiiint. l)cl,llily IttHB Kewrv. and TVhility from Iin lK)VL-riKhd bluixt l m, mr. yourf truly, JÁMBS ."AI.MON, Pructtcing niysicinn and Surtoon. S()LU BY ALI UKÜÍÍ0I8T8. - Wt-VlX I.. 8. JU)rh, Aguit, Ann Arbor. Loos vvANra. Iwill pay, at tlie Ann Arbor (tentn ow mili, for Whilr or Sw,uui. Óali Log, from f 8 t„ sio ,„T M RrdOak llntt Ui)iv, mMind T ncr M Lhjt Ah io h Sr m í(.Síl:::r:::::r:::::::7;::::: " {{ S l Ilickfirx - ia rwr M Hart Maple i% u,.r M alniit -r, ui ,„.r m "'"3""t 1' I.", „ ,-M Keu blm _ 0 per M Will buy UV8 wlihij. i„ur mrWa of m, mili, U dciird. and draw thenj. Pareonu living lose to pil are rruüwiod t cali iihI set me an soon ae póetible. Nov. l, i.-,7... (_ J.T. nALLOCK. 1I..U aa.l J.,1, IVi,.luir All klmU of prlntlnii and Jol) worlt wlll he ione t Thk Courikr olilcp in bettor ntyle and it ebeapar ratea tbaa t uny other office.