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Thkkk e mimi ¦ loo wills filed in the probate uflkje. ¦ tm! f... MR. Wm. ('ixtk. o! Dundec, was in the eity last Tuesday. t m t Mr. Joi, 'I'. Jacobs sent as a finerMe buil pioked by liitu iu Florida. The regular mcftingsof A. O. U. W. liave heen eharigi d to the first and third Fridays of eacli month. John Hütler, ot' Hamburg, Livingston cnuiity, diud on Friday, Feb. 13, of inflamïuation of' the bowels, aged 38 years. The remaiu8 of D. W. Martin were received hereon Monday, and funerel services held at his wife's residence on Fifth street o Tuesiiay. Tuk Baptist society will hold a social :ii 1'iMt. Beaman'i this evcning. Those attendlng will be ci.tertuined with niUföc :n. r.'adings. Af' Waihingtpn'a bitthday cunes on Sumliiy. Monday, the 23d, lius luon declared a li'Kl li'li'lay iu tliis Stut" au 1 the banks will ihcu be clo-sed. Mr. A L. Nom,B lelt tliie morning for .w Vork City, (aiïng wïth liiui his .-on Clariínce, a bliíilit (yed boy abuut four ai.J :i lialT Jcai ld. Mi!. Kmamki. Mann Kas puebased ot' Mi-, li. ('. Risdi.u tlie city arcade ]iro[crty on South Main street for $5,200, and wilj remove tlieroin. Mls Ettie Dealy, teacher. oFttKj NorwI'r; vülage school, Jaokson county, is i-l ii iint' : few days with her sister, Mrs. Üuike, at Wliitinore Likr 9 9 ¦ !{¦ i.ii.iors st-rviirs have been held in the M. K. Chiircfi every eveuioj; tliis week, ind will be held this evruing. CpiawáeraLle intcresl is being manilo.-ted by those atteiidiug. Nkxi Sunday afternoon Mr John Clark fthlpsrb, professor of belles-lettres and i) in Atbury UniVersity, loc ,ted at ir uu Castlfij IinliaLa, will aildrefrs the reform club. . y ¦ A KKi) ri'ulun .social was lield on Friday evuning last, at the resideuce of' Mr. Morris Cialpin, in Dixbor.0, which was attended by 70 piople. The huiu of $6.50 was realized fiir the club. Mil. David M. P'inlby, of Scio, met with au aw'd.'nt last week thit ui y oost bim tho use ofone eye. He was driving a nail, whon the head flew off and struek hiiu in tlu: eye. TllK only (¦(¦it'L.ratiot] nl'St. l'atrkk'sday (Which oefcurs on Wednesday, March 17) in this city, will be by the St. Lawrence temporalice society, they KU'ing a BMper at Hangsterfer's. ¦ - - - LoiTM M., wife of 0hs. A. Colby, telegraph operator in this city, and dauirhtrr of Mrs. A. M. Travcr, of the fifth w.ird, died Mondai', Feb. 16, of inflamina( ion of tha bowels, in her 26th year. - - Mét Last SaturJay Fat hor Bradey, of New York, addresaed St. Patrick's temperince society of Noi-thfield, and succeeded in seuring 21 new signatures to the pledgo, tho - ciety now numbering 64 members. Iii:v. Hkniiy Waku Bkkcheh coined a ii. w word al a Lincoln memorial meeting beid in New York last week. Referring i Oener) önwrt, whoui, by the way, he heartily endorsed for the Presidency, he oalled hiiu a "l'our t-quaie man." W'k have reccived a cotnniunication from Kme one who obfCOTes himeelf Irom us uu. Ut the sipnature of "A Subsctibcr.1' Now we have a great uiany ubscribers, uinl il ihisone dc-ins bis conimunication pur li.-hed, we will do h over his own name. Tin: reform dub of Superior is booming and rio.v nüraberd 121 iiemben, 2f additional naiiu s liavinp bei n seoired last Sunday, the speakers being J. Scliumacher, Frank Hangsterfcr, J. B. Sauuders, and Mr. EMingeE. Thisclui) is in a flourishiiir conditiun and htve rccently paid for a $05 orgau. Ülisafüs. Stone & 1'ARsoNS liavopur ehwad dl' Frmk Hoylan tlie wooden buitdMBtly oocupicd by him on Kast Huron .s retH , fbr $150, and have raised t up and will enhrge and thcrouglily repair and fix i' "I' for an „Ilic,.. Mr. Boylan nas rc. I lii .-tock of Koods in wilh Charles liosltn (in .Mnin gtreet, , - Mr. Hamilton Rooebs and faruily have removed to Jeffergon City, Missouri, wliit'li will be their future home. Mr. a residen! if tb is city for ifl y. ars, -tnrts for the West in order to I u with liis sous, one of whom is sujierlent of the schools of that city and ihe other p'raoticiDg medicine. Tiiev ïnu-t water their eider quite freely inttw, asa jury reooml docided tbat I an intoiicatioK drink. This rominds us of an old farmer who thongfet he w.mld lixthi,,,-. fora sh..ep hearer, who, - B - iL'h a fir,t-o!:is worknun, uually gat druok on eider whi.l, he declarad he could 0 't work wi,hou(. Th eider was mixed b and half wh water, which lormed snoh ai, a'ieiuK.te.l.lrinkastoprove harml'-s. During the first day the industrio 11 '!¦ She.r drank and deep poU""""l the mixture, but it did not have tü,. .l..--.r,..l.H,..t„nl t,)Wa,d „ight he reJTO- "Am;,., miht drink cnoujjh of thWtabusMöd h, couldD't et drunk, the old man has watered it so much." Mu. James has purahascti some sixteea acres of Innd just south of the county liouse, in Ann Arbor townsliip, and not having an out!e(, ís circulating a petition among the free holders "to havo the road coumiissioners lay a road cxtending north on the scction line to lliver road, coming out near the Col. White farm, the dislance being one and one half miles. Thia will necessitate the building of a bridge across the Huron river, wuich wül be quite cxpensive. On Saturday evening at about 9 o'clock six tranips put in an appearance in front of Mr. C. L. Tuoniey's place, on the middie Ypsilsnti road, and coolly proceeded to tear down his fcnco and build a fire. Not liking to see his property burned up, Mr. Tuomey notified Sheriff Case, who went out and arrested the jolly crew, who were keuping their spirits up by pouring whisky down. On three were sent up for ?ix months, two for four months and one for30days. - JüDOI TIakriman is now busily engagcd heariturthe A. K. CInrk will case, aj twdÜ iL hoirs, as previously notie, d ar cbntcMlij his will. Wednetday and Ihur-lay wa OODMimed by thecontestantsin putting in ihcir evidence, and the proponenls are now putting in theirs. The Clark estáte is vanou-ly estimated to be worth froni $35,pOQ t'i f75,000, tlu lowest figure 1 eng tlie minimum estímate. J.ccording to tlie provi ionsof the ül h8 twogirls, Mix. Mason and Mr. K(,)"se, are each to receive $5 OOO ui r.isli, wlien collec'ed, in conneetion with the wrreader of their notes offl,uoo lor ii on. v luancd them by Mr. Clark, deceased, and threo villajte lotsin this cty. aniijthere inning heir-, Milton and Frank Clark the balauce of ibg e.state, aud tliey to tak o care of thoir mother who in cowiii qui e foeble h.alth, whi'e he lives. The poinls claitued bj the ooutetrfaata are, tliat ilieir iatlier never inlendcd making a will, Icaving the beira to ,-haie alike, and that he did on his death bed, when mentally incompetent. The cae will probably go to the circuit court. Grant Havwood, of ïfpsilanti, the boy artist, has on exhibitiou in the probate office a crayon drawing entitled "A knotty poiot." The fcenc is laid in a Iawyer's office wiih all the necessary accompaniments of book.s, papers, files, etc, in moderate confution, while Fcated by a table is a gray haired, fine looking, dignified attorney wilh spectocles on his nose, quill pen in raomh, intently scanning a tiru manuscript which he holds in hi.s hands ; he unconsciously frowning at the same, so latent is his study. Seated by hi side is an old gentleman whose wlmle :ii)iearance forma a niarked contrust to that of the attorney. He is attired in a suit of clothes manifestly out of fashion, while one hand graspa a cañe the other is half extended toward the attorney, (whom he is evidently Consulting) whilu his lmig somber face is lighted up with a knowine siuile, as with half parted lips, „liuwing one large and other defective teeth. he prepares. to cxplain the intrioate parts of the docunu tit. By the side of the old gentleman is his old battered hat, whicu with the pose assumed by bim completes the picture which any oae will heanily enjoy looking at. The Michigan Christian Advocate of the I4th contained the fbllowing Marriage notice. As the contracting parties weré former studcnts in the high school, the notice will be read with interest by many: " One of the most prominent social events ever witnessed by the people of Oscoda and Au Sable was the marriage of Mr. E. Loud and Miss Annabelle Aromack, January28ih. The bridegrnom, a son of Kev. H. 11 Loud, is an active official of the M. E. Church Sunday school, and the bride, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ammach, is the accomplished and worthüy popular organist of the M. E. Church. The niarriage ceremony was celebrated in the M. E. Church at 8:30 P. m., the pastor officiating. The friende had exhibited the best of taste in decoratious. A largo aroh oovered with intertwined evergreen AdgüJ and decorated with festoons, vines, plants and flowers, was erectcd ituiBedUtely in front of the altar. Suspended froin tliis was a good representation of the " Marriage Bell," beneatb wbich the cereiuony tooit place. The church was thronned with friends and spectators, and the reception at Mf. Ammacks, injincdiatcly after the services at the ehurch, was likewii-e very largely attended. An unusually large collection of rich and costly presants attested the high esteetn with which Mr. and Mm. Loud are regarded. They are promised an honored place in society, which they are competent to 1511." At (he business meeting of the reform club, Wednesday eveoing, tlie cowmitice on buildings and grounds reponed, tl'nt the Fuller property had advanced $300 ; or in other words, that $3,300 were now asked for tho sume. Mr. Laubuupayer, oL the comuiittee, btated that the $300 eould he raised froin property owners in the vicinity of tlii.i site, and wished to know f the conv mittee i-hould close the bargain fór the sanie. Propositiuns cqually as good, were made in connection with other piceos of land, and, on niotion of J. B. Saunders, ooinmiitees were Bppoirrtedon the different pieces of property selected to see how niuch could be raised toward purchasing the same in the localiües whcre such hites were situated. The following gentlemen were appointed as íueh cnmmittees : On fuller place, John Schumacher, Henry Laubent'ftvi-r; on Murke property, Olías., John Gall ; on Unitarian Church, John Boylan and Isaac Duon ; on Colby property. (opposite Cook's hotel,) E. 0. Spence, C. M. Jones, and B. P. Watts ; on lote in rearof Gregory House, Wm. Oopeland and Geo. Marsden ; lot on noriheast corner of' Main acd Ann streets, J. B. Saunders and Thomas Kearns ; lot on southeast corner of Ann and Fourth streets (Goodrich lot), John Boylan and Isaac Dunn. Preparations are being made on a large scale for the coming anniversry, and some of the most noted men in the tempérame work in the oountry have been corresponded with, some of whom will lend a hand. It i now proposed to hold llie 6rt of the feries of nieatings Saturday, March ÜTth.