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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Kv. S. Haskell, Pastor. S Abtth -orvicos, 1UVÍ . d 7 p. m. anda Si-hnol afler morninit servic. 7-riyVr ia ¦'-' Thurday evening at 7 o'clork. Cathollc Chnrch. RY. Father Fielí, Pastor. I n M 1M 8 A. BW Maas, 10 A. M. Vespers T. . Sun iay School, 4-r. m. Ooua;reííatioiiaT (Jlinrch. Kkv. W. H. Kïihii, Pistor. icu, 10(4 nd 7H T. M. Sao 1 1 Sel iil itftor mornlni; êorvice. iH'e iui; Thnrsday evealng at 7K o'clock. Episcopal Church. Rev. WYLLYg Hall, Héctor. Ssbb nh ¦ raices, 1U a. m. and 7tf p. ¦, Sunday School, r. . itellíloussorviceí.Tliursdaj oventnRaUK .Tclock, MfthiMlist Chnrch. Kev. C. Helwiu, Paator. Silihitli services, 10K a. M. and 7 p. K. ¦i i i i ly School, at niue o'clock A. M. l'riyer meeting oü Wudnesday. Lutheran Church. Rkt. Jouh Nkumann, Pastor. SHbhitli aervices, 10V4 a. x. and 7 p. . San Hy School afier mornlui service. ¦ug, Tharsday eveninijiit 7K o'clock. Methodist Church. tiBV. T.ins . KH v-r '.IÍ, l'l!tor. Siiihith arrlOM, 10M a. . and 74 p. m. s i 1 1 iv' S: wol ifter iaornini{ service. ui te:ins, Tharsday ovenlngat 7V4 o'clock Y.iri-; Pdupüi letlag, Saturday 7 r. . Preshyterian Church. KV Pbsd T. Bnows, D. D., Pastor. Sibhi h H.-rvic s. 1O!4 a. u. and 7% p. m. SqihIiv Schjjland Biule classafter raornlng service nü, rhursdayevenlng at 8 o'clock. Y i i i,' IV .ple'a Meeting, Sanday eveulnp 6H. ünitarinn Chnrch. ltsv. .1. T. SumiKnL.vND. Paitcir. - i' i uli íurvices, 10H A. M. and 7H p. m. r, School at 12 M. Sin lentí' Bible ("Ubs at 9:15 a. m. Ztoo Lutheran Chunh. Hev. H. F. Bbi.seb, Pastor. 8thlM b - inrlcM i' VM M.and7p. m. , 9chool linmediai-ly aftar mornlni! crvlce ; m, 4,.rV;r h Wi'ilnosduy cvi-ninK at 7 o'clock BUSINESS CARDS. IIKNKY R. HILL, attorneyatlaw Keal Estufe Broker, ' AND INSIMÍANVK AíiK.NT. orrin : So. I Opera House Blook Ann Arbok, Mich. 7H5tl (.KO. Vf. BENWICK, ƒ From the New Knïland ƒ fory of Mnsic, Boeton. Tciuhor rf I Toca) :md Inatramenul Music and Harm'ny. ƒ ƒ Conductor of Mnsicnl ƒ ƒ tl'ins and evenlni.' claísi'. ƒ ƒ Prívate lessons will be glvcn at ƒ (lie rmidenoe or pnpil. ƒ ƒ Addreí P. O. Box 1201, Ann ƒ #Artor. ÍM-8I ƒ " WJI. C. STEVENS, M.O., Physiciaii and SureeoiiX OFFICE, 3a Washington Street. Qfflce Hours-1 to 9 a. m., 10:30 i. tíy.r, 12 m., 1 tu i and 7 to 8 p. K. No. 10 Grove Street. ',u:l 1 1 f JOHN Ú BÜBLEIfiH, A t orney Counselor at Law. OFF1CK : Over Xatlonal Bank, Ann Akbor. TtM'f ƒ W. H. JACKSOH, DENTISTA Offlve over Uacb Sc Abel. l5ntrance by First National Bank 78tr r. BOBA. ƒ BoDUi SlUN ANI OBHAMMTAL ƒ ."AiNTiB. Paperlni?, GlazinK, ülding, and work of every # ƒ -iption done In the beat etyle. I ƒ Paints, Olla, and VarnUhee oo I ft fiind and for eale. Shop, No. 89 II Bast Washington Street, Ann I II irhor.Mtch. 80tf WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, SION, ORNAMENTAL i FRESCO PAIKTER. tXvanorlni, Glazing, Gtldlntr and Calci-X ui ui ¦' j, and work of every decriptloiA done in the host etyle, and warrnteA Vo iive ati'faction. Shop No. 4 West VVashineton Street, Ann Arhor.MIchA 638tf THE ANN ARBOR SavingsBank, Ann ArUor, Hlrliiican, TRANSACTS GENmUANEING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Oranized nnder the Genera) Banking Law of thic Slate, the tockholders are Hable Tor en addttional amount pqnal to the Btock hrld hy them, thereby creatina a (uarantee Kund for the beueflt of IteDOMltar of $100,000.00. l'our T rent. IntpreHt Ie allowed on all HHVlnK Depositi of onw dullwr ;;nd upwtirdn. accordln to ihr rule of i H iuk,.ind i n T r-s t - orapoundt'd 9emi annuilly. Money to loan on unincumbcred rea! estáte and otber yool xccurity. Dlrectori- Chrlstinn Mack, W. W. Wlnee, R. A. Beal Wllllam Denbel, V, illlam D. narriman Daniel Hlscock, and Willard B. Bmith OOIcerM: Christia Maok, Pres. W. W. Winh, Vice-Pree. Chas. E. Hiscock. Caihler. 915-ÍWS QOTO WINANS & BERRY FOR MKRCHANT TAILORING For the folio wliig reaxoim: let. Oar work i al! flret cla8. M. Mr. lierry is the only ruiter in th" Slate wno ran gin yon n pirfect flt without tryinfj on. M, w bare tta l!r;.-i-t twortment in ih' stai!, having over 00 different ty. - ¦ (rom In 'ireiin and tUmesllc Woolens and Wortleds. :!h. We usi; aoM Imt ör-u-cla trunui, . h. We are full 40 per cunt. bolow Detroit prices. Wi..NS BEURY, '7 No. 11 Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor. pilOK. IiKUHEN KE.MPF, }t timdoatod from the Conscrvatory of MukIc a Stuttnrt, Uermanjr, whart be recalv4 -i tliuronith erlucallon, and niKtructions in the latei-t m.thod oí tearfalng nule, i du t Dreoared to ïive ["" lrn„„iï, a„d „„ Piano I aii.i or-aii. Planot tttned on reoaouabla tenna. Kooma.nortbeut corner nl Malu aud Liberty treet, up-ntalia, Ana Arbor, Mich. W9-1OU0 To AdvcrtlMn. Thk Ann AKüoit (hhikk ha8 doublé the olroulatlon of auy other paper publUhed In the oouuty.