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Republican State Convention

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A Repnbllcau State Conventiou, to select fou delegates at large and two froni eoch Congres sloM.iI District, to attend Ihe Itppubllcan Na t tonal Convention at Chicago, lime U, wlll I) luid ut the Opera House iu the city of Detrol on Wt'dnemlay, Jlay ltfth, IHHO, at eleve o'clock A. M. Ín accordunce Wlth a resolutlon adoplcd a (inuid Rápida, -May lOth, 1870, every county 1 entltled to one delégate for each 000 votes caá for (overnor at the last general election (1 lTs), and one addlüonal doli'gatc for ever fracllon of ÜOOvotes, but each organlzcd couut wlll le entltled to at leunt one delégate. Under a resolutlon of 1858, no delégate wlll b runt led lo ii nMwbo does not reside Ín th county he proposes to represent. JAMES .MiMII.LAN, Chalrinnn. RICEA.BEAL, 1. O. FARHANÜ, JAMES O'DONNELL, T. S. APPLEGATE, CHAS. W. CLISBEK, D. B. AINUEK, I.KWls W. IIKATH, H. S. SLEEPER, W, s. GKORUE, II. a BE88I0N8. RICHARD WINSOR, CALVIN WILCOX, THEO. C. PHILIPS, EDQAB WBEKS, J. H. C1IANDLER, I. A. KANCIIKK, JÜHN M. Kici:. Republlcan Stat Central Coinmlttee R. E. TKOWBiyiXiK, Sccri-tnry. S-The County of Washtenaw Ís entltlod t slxteeu delegates.