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Ex-Regent Grant...

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Ex-Regent Grant, spokesman and month-piece of the Dongtea ring, has tama what he terms au anahsis of our "Con dcnsed History of theUniversltyRobbery. After tliree months of graveyard silence tlieir distrcsa has manifested tsHI in thi slimy tptwn of tlicir oreature and too lillcd with statements so fulse and libelou tli:it no decent, respectable or responstbl nul prudent paper wlH publish t Afrsid to meet onr "proposiiion" n to tlie truth of cvcry statement W made, they content llicinsclvcs, no itii (afwering tha aBtopieota we du make, cvcry cm of wbich the; knoi to be true, incontrovertible and onwawer nliU'. lml in a rehash of li is (Grant's) libol speech la defensa oí DouglM befor the Board of Regen ts, supplemented wit] oharges, and so callcd evidence against Dr Koc, long since explained and ezploded He drops tlie history at the tirst toucli a though it was red hot, and abou everything else. It is no inore un answe or analysisof the liistory In any lenle than " Uilej''s Narative " would be, and is no to be nonipaied to it either as to its truth fulness or literary merit. Even as i for lorn hope it is wenk and drivelhig- as dirtj as the moral character of lts author, anc untruthful in every sentence and syllable It is a lie so "chemically pure" Unit nt even a "trace" of anything else can b eliminated. This is what makes it so val Dable for Dr. Douglas' " laboratory " use Zo this ilirection it is a SDCOeBS ; as an an swer to the " History" it is a faltare, utte and complete, so weak and wide of th mark that had he not "chi-istiiiied " it am jriven it bis ear-mark, we should hav tliouht it a bastard.