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Important To Everybody

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a. l. noble, esq., T January mh moAnn Axhor, Mich. DEAR Sm-Takiiiff info consideration the large quantum ofGoods you liare yearlv mirchased ofnswe consider our duty (o post you ofthe condüian oaffairs as tlwy nwemsi ín I 'líe Wóolèn Marlet AU classes tfGoods ha go to ampnse a ready-made Coat. Pont, or Vest, har, advanoed from 16 te 35 per cent. withni Mm. dam, and ywi cemmt pottiblp replaoe pmr stoclc under 25 per cent, abone üs cost Spring Goods early wlien and mhere you can sacc the advance,Jór as som ae umi, bouaM al present hiffh pnces n mademto piece Goods, Viêh witt you begin In appfeckte this. tchat, we trust, im br % %mi as a Jirstdass merchant, a timely warning. y ' We are, my dcar S? Very iruly yoitrs, The abovc is from one of the largest, if not the largest, Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothine Houses in the United States. In anticipation of the advance, I bought largely, late in the scason, of PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE SUITS FOB MEN" J2T3D BOYS. CASSIMERE Al WüRSTl PANTS, FINE W0RST1 COATS Al VE8T8 IN PRINCE ALBERTS AND CUT-AWAYS. And am now showing a greater variety of styles and qualities than most Houses carry during the busy scason. Customers will look to their interests by making their purchases in the next sixty days. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERO Will be closed at a great reduction, as I have not the room to spare to carry over. THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE.