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LEGAL NOTICES. Real Estáte Tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, je. In the matter of the estáte of Mary C. Gladin, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, thtit in pnrsnaiice of ui order granted to Ihe underKiuned, execuror ol the last wlU and teBtanient of said deceased, bj the Hon. Edgar O. Durlee, Judge of Probate of said County of Wayne, on the tenth day of Kehruary, A. D. 1880, there wlll be suld at public vendue, to ihe highest bidder, at the city of Aun Arbor, in the Connty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, at the maiii entrance to the conn hoiiRe in said city, on the seventh day of April, A. D. 1880, at two o'clock ir the afternoon of said day, the followintr descnied real estáte, to-wit: The undlvlded nne-thlrd of that certain piece or parcel of laúd sitúate fii the city of Ann Arbor, Waehtenaw Cousty, Michigan, and known as twenty-one and one-half (ïii J ) feet in width off the north eide of lot flve (5) in block onc (1) Douth ol Huron Street, In range four (4) east, in the city of Ann Arbor ; also the nse of the alley along the east end of lote flve (5) and aix (6) in Biiid block ooe(l). Detroit, Februarv 19, 1880. WINTHROP O. 8AWYBK, Executor. MICHAKL BRKNNAN, Attorney for Executor. 915-981 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of In the matter of the catate of Andrew Bush, deceased. Notice ie hereby given, that in pnrsuance of an order granted to the undersigned, execotor oi the laet wlll and testament of said deceased, by Ihe Hon. Judge of Probate for the Connty of Washtenaw on the tweutieth day of Jai uary, A. D. 1880, there wlll be sold at public vendne, 10 the hlghrat bidder, at the late residence of said deceased, in the townsbip of S&line, In the County of Washteuaw, in said State, on Saturday, the sixth day of March, A. D. 1880, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrancee by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of sttid deceasedjthe following deeertbed real áltate, to-wlt : All of that part of the northeast qunrt'T ol ¦ three, in the townuhip of Saline, uhieh lien south of the Detroit, Hlllxdale and Indiana Itnilroail. and north oí a line running eaet and west tbroogh jmh1 quarter eection thirty chainn and seventy link south of and parallel to the north liue of said eectiim thrae. Aleo, all ibat part of the west hair of the tontheul quarter of sectlon thirty-fuur (-U), in tbo towihip of Lodi, which lies somh ol Ihe, llilldah' and Indiana Uatlroad, - all in WaibUuv Coaaty, in the 8tate of Michigan, - contamina one bandred and twenty-three and thirty.uine one-hundrid: and 39 lOOths) acre, more or leu. KZRA C. HOBINSON, Exccutor Dated Jnnuary aith, 1880. OTO-'.Cii Estáte or Ediriu Pettibone. OTATE OF MICU10AN, County oí Washtenaw, ss At a scKsion of the Probate Coort for the C'ountv ui Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofllce, in the City of Anu Arbor, on Tueaday, the third dtiy ol Kehruary, in the year one thousand elghi bnndreo and eighty. Pf- ynt, Wiliiam I). llarriman, Jadff f Probnie. In thi' matter of the esttttu of Edwin Petnbonr, dereased. Truman B. (oodppied, the admii'lstrator of said estáte, comes lnto court and representa that he is now preparcd to reuder hls final account asuch adnünlstrator. Thereuiou It Is ordered, that Frlday, the flflh day of Murch next, at ten o'clock in the ron asnigued for exanilniiii; anci allimiti Bnch account, and that the helm al law of aid deceaaed, and all othor persons Interesled in lald acune, are reqniri'd lo appear at a eesion of paid conrl. theu to be holden at the Probate office, in Uu city of Ann Arbor, in xaid county, and hor cause. If any there be, why the said account should nol ' ¦ tnowee. Aud it is further ordered, thtit said tidmiiii!tralir (five notice to the persou inUTesu-d in said estftte, of the pendency of said account, and the hcari'i_thereof, hy caiisint; a copy of this order to be puhlished in the Aun Arbor C'ouricr,anevvspaper print ed and circulatlng In naid connty, thrt-e mooeMlve weeka prevlous to said day of hearing. (A trut cupy). WILLIAM U. HARKIMAN. Judge of Probate. WM O. DOTY, Probate Register. "7 !¦,:. Estáte of James P. Cleuicnts. OTATK OF MICHIGAN. County of Wushtenaw, ss. At a seselon of the Probate Conrt for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, ihe etfhManth day ol Febraary, in ttie year onc thmiMand eight hundred and elglity. Present, Wiliiam D llarriinau, Judgiof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James P. damaatl, deceased. On reading and flling the petltiou, duly verlfled, of Wiliiam S. elementa, praying that au ministration of said estáte may be granted to Wiliiam II. Hice, or some other sultable ierson. Thercupon it Is ordered, that Monday, the flfteenth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be usigned for the hearing of said petltion, and that the helrs at law of eaid deceased, and all other persons interested tn said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of the petltloner should not be grant ed. And it Is fnrther ordered, that said petlttone] glve notice to the persons interested in naid i of the pendency of said petitioii, nd the betring thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to he uubliohed in Th Ann Arbor Courier, a pewipapei prutad nd clrcnlatlng in sald county, anoceasive wevks prevlous to said day ot hearing. (A trui1 copy.) WILLJAM 1). HARKIMAN, Judge oí Probato, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. !;i Hl QOFFINS AND CASES I FULL 8 TO UK A T MA R TIN' S. All orders promptly attended to.