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Ypsilanti is excited over a case of small pox. Jacob Eitlebus has purchafed a $500 span of' mules. Tuk case against Mollie Robinson is U be digcontinued. Mrs. Schü is to address the Hamburg club March 16th. The red ribbon State convention is to be held in Jackson, June 16. The first clinic was held in the houioeopathic ainphitheatre Wednesday. The high school junior exhibition is to take place the 19th of this month. Union prayer meetings are being held at the Presbyterian Church this week. An election is to be held in Manchester next Monday for corporation ofScers. 1t is expected that a special meeting of the council will be held this evening. TlIK union -chool dub will be addrc.-scd Sunday by Profs. Nichols and Porry. Tiir greenbackers are to run a ticket in tin; third ward at the coming election. The Ijapoer reform club was addresscd bul Sunday liy M. J. Fannini;, of tliis city. Tuk aswiult and battery case ¦fWBBl Jureuiiali X. Kilcy was discontinuad Tues day. Tuk reform club will be addressed one week from next Sunday by the Hamburg boys. City Marshal Johnson distributed $119.79 to the poor during the month of February. . Some red ribbon men are talking of publiuhing a daily paper during the kooivaraarv of the club. Drs. Stone & Parsons expect to move into thuir ncw office about the middle of the month. Prof. Üi.NKv's speech, Sunday afternoon, was a powerful one for temperanee and reform. TnE Ann Arbor city band is to give a social a the opera house on Friday evening, March 2Cth. Nelson Sutherland has purchased the old Presbyterian church property on Washington streek Kkvival meetings were held at the M. E. Church last week, and aro being cootinued this week. N. R. Waterman's house and lot has been purchased for the Rev. Mr. Chandler, who is now in China. The heavy wind last Saturday evening sent signs a kiting, and a number of bill boards were blown down. Wednesday was the day of hearing in the estáte of Benjamin C. House ; Allen Crittenden, administrator. B. Parker, of Chelsea, contemplates building a handsome residence on Orchard t-treet the coming nummer. A son of E. Bauer, residing on West Huron street, was slightly injured, Tuesday, by being thrown from a wagon. The opera house temperanee meeting next Sunday afternoon, will be under the auspices of the union school club. John Caheron, of Fentonville, has lurchased of George Clarken his house and lot on Ingalls street for $4,000. The tax-payers of this city will be asked to vote at the spring election, the sum of $4,200 for fire department purposes. Pedestrians will rejoice to learn that the walk to the post office is to be widened. This ought to have been done years ago. Conrad Jedele, an old resident of this city, died at his homo in the second ward, last Saturday, at the age of seventy-one. Nellie E., only son of William E. and Hattie E. Eldert, of Dixboro, died last Friday, aged two months and seven days. Mrs. Mar(iarkt O'Tool, mother of Doctor O'Tool, died Wednesday, aged 76. She had been wiek about two weeks. Company A has contracted with J. Spiague to furnish the new uniforms. He was $4 lower on a suit than Ohio partie?. The rite of confirmatioD was administered at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday evening, by Bishop Harris, of Detroit. An adjourned meeting of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural society executive committee next Tuesday. Complaint has been made against Rose Sanders, who is to answer to the charge of assault and battery before Justice Granger. The timber for the railroad bridge over the Huron river for the northeastern road, ii st Milan, awaiting shipment to this city. - Dr. Georqe wíII eoon have a new house, ooraer Main and Williams street, having .immenced hauling stone for the foundation. Frank Howard ha.s purchased a lot on Catharine street, adjoining the Sutherland property, and ha will erect a residence this spring. Manaoer Hill is to be given a bene6t March 19th, on which occasion Sol. S. Kussell and the Swiss bell ringers will appear. The owner of the lot on the corner of Huron and Fourth streets has at last been induced to construct a sidewalk around his premises. Treasurer Woodrüfí' ha.s returned $809.05 uncollected Uxes. The previous year (1878) John Schumacher returned $1,639.94. _____ ABOirr 50 couple attended the niaiuerade ball at Nelson Sutherland's in the third ward, Wednesday evening. There was a high old time. The portrait of Hon. Robert Wilson, of Chicago, formerly judge of probate of this county, haa been added to the collection in the probate office. The funeral of Charles II. Gench, a law student, was held Monday. His remains were followed to the cenietery by the inembers of the law department. AnouT 45 years ago, according to tho statement of an old inhabitant, we had just .-uch a mild winter, for days the weather beiug like that of last weck. M. O'Learv, who has been in jail for several weeks awaiting examioation on the charge of obtaining goods under false jiretenies, was discharged Tuesday. A son of Edward Pardon, of Pittsfield, was turown from a load of wood on Tuesday last, one wheel of the wagon pasiing over his hand, crushing it badly. Remenyi, who took this city by storm sonie time ago, is to give an entertainment at University hall, next Thursday evening for the benefit of the gymnasium fund. An effort is being made to secure the pardon of Joseph Henderson, who is serving a two years' sentence at Jackson, for putting a pistol ball into Nelson Rogers. F. Watson has sold his farm in th.e township of Saline, and bas purchased 175 acres near Napoleon, Jackson county. He left for his new home the first of the week. THE article in our last week's issue relating to a burner for the court house dome, should have read "The committee would not be bulldozed " by any one, instead of "Mr, Krapf." Two thousand folios of testimony were taken in the Clark will contest case, which occupied the attention of the probate court last week. Counsel have until the lOth inst. to submit briefs. The slander suit against Emma Heinbecker, in which Jas. Sanders (colored) is complainant, has been adjoumed one week from next Monday. lt ia Ui bc tricd befure Justice Uranser. Y The juvenile temperance union will give an entertainment in the opera house Saturday evening, when the opera of the " Sleeping Princess" will bo rendercd by the children of the Union. Nelson Booth has sold his 4()0 aero farm in the township of Pittsüeld to VVm. Burke, of this city, for $34,000. He gives in exchange his property in this city, and a house and lot in Manchester. The Monthly Bulletin is the name of an eight page leafict published by the Y. M. C. A., of the University, which made iis appearance Wednesday. The subscription price is only twenty-five cents a year. ThoMAS Whitlark, an insane person, was before Judge 1 1 Harriman last Tuesday. He was ordered taken to the Kalamazoo asylum, and Wednesday hc was safely placed in the above inbtitution by Sheriff Case. It is said the body-snatching case in Howell last week was adjourncd to accouimodate ono of the professors, who wished to learn just how far he could be compelled to testify in a suit in which the University was concerned. The reform club are in correspondence with Mr. Daniel Rice, the great showman, and John B. Gough, the prince of temperance orators, relativo to attending the anniversary of the club, which will coinmence about the 27th of this month. Major Walker, of North Platte, Neb., who brought his daughter here to be treated for curvature of the épine, by Dr. Franklin, left for his home Wednesday. Mrs. Walker remains with her daughter, who is to undeago a course of treatment. Mrs. Ltdia M. Smith, wife of Passed Assistant Engineer John T. Smith, U. S. Navy, and daughter of A. G. and Mrs. M. J. Mount, formerly of Lodi Plains, died Thursday morning, Feb. 26th, at her reMdence at Mitchell's Station, Culpepper couuty, Virginia. Ther is scarcely a week that we are not called upon to chronicle the death of one of Washtenaw's pioneers. Ono after another they are passing away. Last Monday, Jacob Storms, for over 40 years a respected citizen of the tif'th ward, died at his residence, of general debility, in his 70th ycar. _ The Evening News snys that after a three days' trial in the Superior Court, Sophronia Brighara, of Detroit, Monday afternoon, obtained a verdict against John N. Gott, of Ann Arbor, for $2,279.41, that being the amount with interest of a note given t Mrs. Brigham by C. H. Millen, of Ann Arbor, and indorsed by Gott." One day last week Barclay Mount loaned his son Alfred, his horse and carriage, for a ride. As he did not return with the property Mr. Mount became uneasy, and Wednesday he received inforuation that his son had "swapped" for a watch and $50 in cash. It will probably be some time before he plays another such a trick on the old gentleman. HntvM Weeks, botter knowo as "Dr. Cob," was yanked from his little bed by an officer, Monday night, and consigncd to the bastile on north Main streel. Tuesday morning hc was arraigned before his honor Justice Clark, to answer to the charge of assault and battery on William Kuhn, the barber. As the evidence was not sul" licient to convict liim of the, he was disebarged. As the charter election approaches, the members of each party begin to put on their thinking-cap, and revolve in their minds the question as to who will make the s'rongett candidatos. We claim that it is the duty of the Republican party to nomínate none but good men. In a city where the interest of all are idéntica], there should be a disposition to bring the best men forward for the respective offices which are to be filled. tt After the council adjourncd Monday evening, an ex-alderman suggested that some important business pertaining to the coming election had been overlooked, when the mayor immediately called a special meeting. As the recorder refused to cali the ruil, Aid. Hill was instructed to do it, when the council designated the votiog places, and then adjourned to meet and arrange for registration, as suggested by the cx-alderman. Next Mnnday evening the following oSeera will visit thi city to iiupcct Company A. ('oionel Fitzsimmons, Col. Griffith and Willis Mcrrilt, first lieutenant and adjutant, First Regiment M. S. T. A prize is to be given to the soldier executing the best manual of arms. The Pomological Society will meet Saturday anemoon at two o'clock. Subject for discussion, ' ' The Use of Fruit. ' ' Delegates to the State pomological meeting recemly held at Hillsdale will report on the same. The creation of offices for botanist, entomologist and ornithologist will be considered. L. M. rmsLPS, of the township of Salem, was in this city last Friday. He ia 72 years old, in good health, and smart and active. He located his land of the Government on the 12th day of June, 1832, and his farm is the only one that was located in Salem township at that early dato, that still renuains in the hands of its original purchaser. Tiie coiiimitlee on firo department apptratus met at the council room Wedncsday ovcning, and it w:is unaniniously agreed to subniit a ptoposition to the tax-payers at the coming election, to vote $2,300 for a steam engine, manufacturad by Button & Son; $1,100 lor new hose, and $800 for purchasing a lot and erecting an entine house in the slsth ward. The tiremen declare, by all that is great and good, that unless furnishcd with apparatus they will rc.-ign. Last Thursday afternoon there was a target shoot between two teams from Company A for a box of cigars. There was sonie excellent shooting. The following score was made at 200 yards, out of a posbl 2S : .1. V. Schuh, 16; J. F. Bross, l'.i; S. B. Revenaogh, 17 ; Gilbert Bliss, ü; total, 57; C. H. Manley, 14; J. W. Hamilton, 14; L. F. Wade, 17; Chas. King, 12 ; total, 57. Five hundred yards, J. F. Schuh, 13; J. F. Bross, 18; S. B. lleventugh, 9 ; Gilbert Bliss, 6 ; total, 46. Charles II. Manly, 16 ; J. W. Uamilton, 23; L. F. Wade, 6; Charles King, 2; total, 47. Mr. Manley's team won by one point, and got the cigars.