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Real Estáte for Sale. OTATK OV MICH1ÜAM, l'onnty or Wnj i i In the matter or the éstate of Mnry C. Gaduin. deceased. Notice is hereby iven. iliot II pausnanc of au order granied to the uoderaigned, execulor ol the last will and testament of paiil dtceafíd. by the Ilon. Edirar O. Durlee, .Indgc of Probate ii n;d County of Wayne, on the tunth dity df Fehruary, A. D. 1HS0, thero will be Bold at public vendac, to the higliot bidder, at the city of Aun Arlior, In ti.e Counly of Waehtonaw, and state ol sftfhlgn, at the inui:i entrance to the couri nquM in auid Ciiy, on the eeventh day of April, A. D. 1880, at Iwo o'elnck in the afternoon of said riny. 11' fo'lowinif éee real estáte, to-wlt : The undlvlded one-ibinl ot iliat ceriain piece or pnrcel of laúd situare In the city of Ann Arbor, Waxhti-naw Coun'y, Michino, and kii o wn as twenty-one and one-half 21K (eet in width off the north side of lot nv ¦(..') iu bloek ooe (l)eouth ol Hurun treet, in range tour i Oaaat, in the city of Ann Arbor: sle the u¦ lont; the eaet end of Iota flve (6) auil til ((il in said bluck onc(l). Detroit, Febnnrv l'i, 1SS0. Wl.NTHKOP O. 8AWYES, Emcstor. MICHAEL IIHEN3AN, AUoiuey for Executor. OT5 981 Estáte f Georjr'e H. Ohls. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counlj of V At a seíslon of the Probate Conrt for Connry of Washtenaw, holden at th Probaf I ffi of Arm Arbor, on Mondiiy, tile tlelitn ilay f Maren, in the yeur one thoiieiinU elehl bundred and PreKent, Willlam D. Birrimán, Jadare of Pro In the matter of the entare of Oevpgfi II. Oid, deceased. On readine anil flllng ihe pi-ntion, diily verifled, of Levi E. Old. prayini: tbt a cwttin InHtrumc-nt now on fll in rhJs court, pnrporrtii th laM ili ui! taatamroi o) uld d. o aai t. m iy lic admilted to prubate, and ihai üu may be apioiutiil excator thercot. Thereupon it is ordenil, that Satnnl.iy, tliu third day of April n;xt, nt ten o'cU'Ck ín the forenoon, be twined lor tlu; heariiii; ol Baid petltlOn, and that the d'isci'i. l8ïee, and heir at law of paid dect-ax-d, und all Ihèr irboii Inteceoted in aid catate, are (rqnired pear at a efKBion of eald '-ourt.tlien to be hulden at the Probate Ollioe, in the city ol Ai.n Arimr, at il show cause, ifany thcre be,uy the praer ol th petHiooer BnoQJd nut be eranted. Aml it t lurtiu1: ordered. that ild petitluner give noiiiv In the nei8OU8 Intert'Sleil in iaid tít'íte, ol thr peur sald petttion, and the hcurinK there.ji. lij . . I copy of thla order to l' pnbnned In tl Courier, a newsptper printed aml eiren comí!}, three noeeMiy eeks prertooi u faid du ol hearing. (A trni' eopy.) WILLIAM D HAKIIMAN, Judüooi l't WM. Q. DOÏY. Probate RegtW Kstate of Tlimmis Walsli. OTATE OF MIC HUI A N, Counly of iinhti naw.ft. 5 At h Bepslon of the Probate C'ourt tor the Connty ol Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Of of Anii Arbor, on ThurMday, Ibe Mnrcn, in the year one laouajuid . Indi bondreu nud I elxhty. Pruaeot, WllUam i. II inlman, Judf; ol ' Probate. . In the matter of the eetale of Thnmu W ilah, Ie Ou readlnx and nllnu thi pelltipo, dnlj I verifled, oi .luim Walah! nraying that be or in ¦¦ otlier sultabUï percon may be appointed ailin. tor ol" the eetate ol ertid ile. Thereupon It Ik ordared. Unit Tnesday, the sixth dnj of April next. at ten o'elock in llu. forenoon, bo aaxttcned for the huarinK of eaul p.iition, and ihat ihe helr at law ann :ill oih--r pereoni interctvil in aaid esi requireii to appear at a eernion SI taid eoul to holden ut ihe Probate Office, Ann Arbo.', aml shuw catle, if any there be, whj the prayer ol the petitloner Kliould mt he (rnol ed. And it is further ordered, ihat naid petillooei ive notice to the penooy Uuereeted in Baid it the pendency ol (aid peiiiion, and the beving theri'of, hy cauKinira copy of this oniur to be pub llehed in the Aun Arbor Vourier, a Dewapapi rprinU'd andcirculatitiK in t-aid connty, thi i a weeks previotlf to tiiiii div "t h.'nriiii;. (AUUeeopy.) ll,i. 1A.M I'. lIAKlil.MA.N. .h:,lüe ol Probate. WM O. DOTT. Probate BegUter. Wi EstaUf of James P. Clement s. OTATE OF MlCHHiAN.Coumy of SSuhbii i At a Inaloo of the Probata Coort foriSie on nu ol Wiwhtenaw, holden ut ihe Probate Office, li cuy of Ann Arbur, i.n Wednaadaj, he ei hu I nih .lny o; i Fehruary, in fe year one tnonNind eighi huiKlrwl and llobty. l'resent, Wiiliani 1) Uarrnnar, .lintje of l'rubate. In the matter of the entate of Jami - deceared. On reading and flllng the petttloo, dul) verined.of WllHam s. Cl.-mei,:-, praylnu' th:ü htraiion of aid estáte ma] be urajjted U) '¦ II, Ktce, or oinu i.ther uiiablu r Therenpou it ie ordered, Ihat Monday, the fifti-etiih day or March nei, al ten o'clocfc In the forenoon, be aeslifiied for In uu l of "ald petltlon, and that tbe heirs at law of I ¦ and all oftor pmoüè Inwréeted in saiil are reqnired to appear at a r-er-ion ol ?,i then in be holden at The Probate Ufflce, nih' Ann Arbor, and show causo, I' any Uu re In-, why the praycr of the petitluner IDOOia not be rrant cd. And It Ib furthor ordered, iliai aaid petlüouel j;ive tiotlee to the persons lnterested Ol the pendency of daid petitiun, :ind tM limirin tuereof. by eaucin; a cupy ol tbta ocdei to lia'hed in Tht Ann Arbor VouHar, n ie - ..ipei printed and circulatlni; in siild i'ounty. tbree live weeks prevlous to eaiil day ui hrarluu. (A nu copy.) W U.l I.W. ;.'. U VRJUMAN, JñAlíé ui I t iibatc. WM. G. DOTY, Probate RogUtar. 1 I QOFF1NH AM) (?ASBÖ full ar o vu at martini. All orders promptly atlondod to.