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OCR Text In Aaroh I Ohl Bagar I FiivNK WlUilAV'a billiard room lias been sold to W. BIN-. Temperante meeting in Fit'ili Ward Church Sunday evcning. EtOHTSXN traps were parkMBed IV un Ales. Morrison last Friday. Prof. Pf.rry thinks b iik' of erecting a nv-idenco tlie coming season. Fiudav evening of next week oooan ib High School junior exhibition. Candidates for the varioua ciiy offices are becoming quite nuinerous. MoRI room íg to be secured by the board for i he lst ward school children. li. K. Frazer will address the Delhi Reform Club Sunday evening next. Im Fifth Ward repina an average of ten dealhs per year for the past nine years. TllE daily paper project during the coni ing Reform Club anniversary, has fallen through. Thk Uuiver.-ity wus visitad last Saturday by a large delegation of Iadic3 fiom Jaokson. _ A BOOIAIi is in preparation for Mareh 2Gth, to be given by the members of the city band. Tuis eiiy is certainly large Dough and old tnough to support a steamer Ibi iNfire department. Tuk tnaaarer of the Reform Club reported $234.48 in the treasury last Wednesdaj evt ning. Ik you wish to vote at the oomjng election, don't forget the meeting of the Board of' Reiátration. It is stated that the Michigan Central R. R. employés have had tlicir -al iries advanced 10 per cent, A TRAMP burglarized the residence of Mr?. Glover, of Lodi, a few days ago, taking a few anieles of little value. A HANDSOME, new, $100, four-oaied boat n:iiiiol trio " Frauk Hangsterfer," will be placed upon the placid waters of the Uuron soon. The Democrat names Philip Winegar and Chas. Donnelly as probable candidates for tbe Rccordership upon the Demoeratic ticket. Some old bilis of the " Lluron River Bank" were resurrected recently at the Clerk's office, of $1, $2, and $3 denominatioos. It is stated that the seats in one of the new ampithcatres wil! all have to bc ohanged beoiose the architect erred in judgment. The play of the ilooi-icr Schoolmaster Will be repeated at the opera house, this Friday evening, under the auspices of the reform club. Prop. Wilson, ot the Homeopathie College, will, providiug the roads are passable, address the Ladi refjrm club next Sabbath eveuing. W.u. Küll, known to fame as " Billy the barber," has been given twenty diysin jail to sober off, and think about tieing on the red ribbon. m The eounty superintendent:) of the poor hdve re-appointed John McDowell asoverteer of the eounty house. Several ineuibers of the Hamburg Club will address the Reform Club at the Opera House next Sunday. A wise merohant in Binghamptoa, N. Y., allows one man's talar; foradvertising, aud lic asserts that it is the iuo.-t valuable of' all tiis salesmen. There will be a teiuperance meeiing in Superior Town Hall Sunday night next. President Schumaoher and othera of this city will do the speakiog, O.v account of the crowded conlition of the fif'ih ward tobool, another room has been provided, so that now all children living in the ward can be accomiuodated. On Tuesday, Marob 23d, the eommittM ol the pioneer society wiil meet at their room in the cuurt house to receive bids for the publication of a history of this eounty. An extraordinarily good record bas been uiade by the Washtenaw lutual Fire Insaruee Companyfor the past va. moqths, The l.)sses have been $102.07. Two oeotl on the $1,000. Tuk Boards of Registration will maat on Wednesday, Mareh Sist Ëoan, from 8 o'elock, A. it, to 7 I. M. Voters who have changed tbeir residenco will do well to bear tliis ia mind. Ald. Tnos. J. Keech is to have charge of the special election to be held in Fire mVs Hall, Monday, April 8th, for' the purpoee ofvoting the aam of W.200 for fire departinent puipotes. Tuk editori of the Uuiversity Pallaüum report that after dúeharging aU indebtednen thoy expect to have a haodaoine ainnunt left over, wbtob. they propone to dónate to (faa'gymDamam fund. As regards the average nuinber of pupils in attendance upon lier public schools, Ann Arbor stands aizth in the list, with an attendance of 1,355. Tiie average nunber of pupih to each teacher is 41. The St. Lawrcnce Society, of this city, will celébrate St. Patrick's Dy, ncxt Wednesday, by a grand banquet at Hangsterfer's, during which muiio an 1 speeches wiil be interspersed. Amono the improveoients to be made the coming season wo notieo that II. K. Ailes is already making preparationa to huild on Fifth street, and Mr. Niokeli is about to ercct a ncw market on State street. Mus. A. F. Darrow was thrown from a carriage near the Medical College, Monday afternoon, and had lier hip brolten. We learn that the horse became frighteneil upon turning a corner rather i'sharp, and the accident resulted, NlXT Mondavevening, at8 o'clock P. M., Prof. Pettee will read a paper upon " The Pyramida," at the residence of Dr. E. Wells. A small adrnission fee will be charged and the proceeds given to the Ladies' Library Association. Iï ia with regret we learn that liev. K. B. Pope, pastor of Trinity M. K. '1 ObicftfO, formerly of this city, bas been called to Ohio by the probable fatal itlness of a younger brother, a minister of the Central Ohio Conference. " Tuk red ribbon people are quite jubilan over securing a promise from Kav. F. voo Schlueuibach, of Chicago, to be present at their anniversary. He will retnain in the Wty two days, the 3Oth and 3Ist. From here ie expects to go to Grand Rapid.s. Huiuii.AHs ;i ti-mpted to gain ai-eess through a window into the house of Albert Blues-, of Lodi, one night last week, but th iy wure heard by Blaess wbo iuimcdiatcly reaclied for his revolver and discharc -li itl at the retreating night prowler. Last Tuesday Nathan Salyer, 76 yesrsold, and for the past 40 years a resident of the township of Northfield, died afierra brief illnees of congestión of the lungv A good many years ago he waí electi 1 1 1 the legislature and afterwards held the sffiee of supervisor. Profs. Winchell and Stoere have uoited with the Courity Pnmological Society. Tlic former has been elected botanist, the latter ornothologist, and Prof. lligley, entouiologist, all of which are new offices, created at the late meeting of the society. An offer of the lot in the rear of the Chandler House has been made to Ihfl B form Club, on whicli tn huild an Oper House, for the sum of $3,000. The owners of the lot will take $500 in stock a il holders of adjoining property agree to donato $500 more. At the Social given bjt the .hivein C Temperance Union, at the Opett Etoase, last Saturday Digbt. the handsonte surtí ni $90 was realized. Too much cr !it canndt be given the officers of this society fot the ability and energy iu getting up the entertainment. Tuk Evening News peapatratca tl i ífll lowing upon a suffering public: " TUo woo'ïs are f uil of people vh the game of "15" and th.y all wiiie to the newspapers about ir. wliioh, at tlic present price of waste paper, is n thÏDg for the editors." At the meeting of the Reform last Wednesday evening, the emnmittee on rooms was instructed to inform the owners of the Opera House (tbrough their here) that the present corntract, expiriup April lst, would not be renewed by thein. Several changes are desirod. The regular term of tlia circuit court will commence on Tuesday next, March 16, at ten o'clock A. m. The docket contains seven cases on the criuiiual calendar ; &3 of fact ; 2 issues of law ; 3 imparlance ; chancery- firtt, 11; claus, 2 ; fourth olass, 12. Total, 7Q,. The per capita cost of educstini,' the children in this city is $16.07. As compared with some of the other leadinsr cities of the State, we fina the cost in Ui.-tr.iit t be $16.11; East Sagiausv, $10.14; 15,-ittlo Creek, $14.17; Flint, $14.36 ; Grwid llapids, $14.87; Lmsing, $14.43; Ypiilami, $14.65; Adrián, $13.41, and Sagïriaw City, $13.01. ? ' Last Sabbath, R. E. Frazer, of this city, dolivered two addresses bel'ore tbc Ypsilanti Keform Club. As ho had upon tcvcrjl previous occisions delivercd a I in that city, and refused any compensation, they very generously presented him with $100 for his services in the cause. A good deed and welldeserved. Capt. B. P . Afléiï made the presentation speech. Mr. C. R. Pattiso.N has aaio resume. 1 control of the Ypsilanti Commercial, which paper has been carried on for some time past by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore. In re-assumtng control Mr. Pattison has dispense! with the " patent inside," and re duced tho journal to a four-page folio, the printing of which i done at the home office. - i - . - - The last issue of the Kalkaskian entered upon its seventh volume. It is one of' the best papers issued in northern Michigan, and richly deserves the success which it h:i worked out for itself. Kalkaska Ootrjoti owes very much of its prosperity to llii wide-awake journal, and it s to be Boped that its enterprising publishcr, (J. 1'. Sweet, may continuo in his good work, and be amply repaid for the same. _ The Agricultural and Hurticultural Society Executive Committce, Thursdny, ajipointed Jacob H. Hieks, of Lodi, and C. M. Ilubbard, of the township of Ypsilanti, members of the Executive Committce. It was decided to offer three special pren ums y the nicest, sweetost aod ui st attractive babies under two years of ag, ' exhibited at the connty fair. It was alffl1 voted to prohibit the sale of beer aml all intoxicating drinks during fair week un the grounds. Georue Sanford Oi.ds was forn in Onondaga Town, Onondaga Co., Btate oí' New York, I82Q, atul while quite small Uis parents removed to Monroe County, town of Wheatland, N. Y., and therc i until October, 1836, at which time tliuy removed to Ypsilanti, Mich., whore he roÑded until his death, February 29, 1880. He was a man of good moral principies, strictly honest and upright in all bis dealings, and all who knew him will deeply mourn his loss. The speakers fur the Annivcrsary weft of tho Ann Arbor Reform Club will proliably be as follows : Hauirday evcDliiK.Marcli LV. Gen. 8m. Cary. Bunday afternoon, " 25, Gañí Sián. Carj. Suinl.iy eTSblng, Haren 28, i'apl. Monday " " 26, John K. Olark. Tueaday " " 30(Voñ8ch1aembac&! Wod'day " " I, " Tliursday ' April t, Itev. IliMreili h. Krlday " " t K P Saturday " " 'J, Cien. Ni-ll Dow. suniiay aftemoon, '¦ i, " " Himday evunin', " 4. To lit flllefl. Mr. R. E. Frazer, Mrs. Soluyler, Profs. Olney, Cooker, and. Steere, and quite a nuinbcr of others, have also been invited to be present, ni will do all in tbeir ]ioTfT to inaki; this, the third anniversary, a grand success. Tn a ccmpetiflve prize drill, Mondayevening, for a medal offered by Capt. Manly, the following members of Corapany A contended for the honors: T. F. Hutzel, Q. S. Pitkin, Joaeph Dictz, Mike Sheehan, N. L. Franklin and L. F. Wade. The offioers of the first regiment awarded the badge to private Wado. Lieutenant Merritt made the presentation speech, and Louis was knocked comptetely off his pins, but reeovered himself, and in a few wellcho-on words neatly accepting the badgo, whioh is a beauty. Co. A. was inspected last Monday evening at the armory, by Col. W. C. Fkzsimmona, of' Tecumseh, Lieut.-Col. E. B. Griffith, of Jackson, and Adjutant Willis Merritt, of Tecumseh, officers of the First regiment, Michigan State troops. The boys turned out Mooday afternoon and met the vi.-iiing officars at the depot, eacorting them to GoOk'i Hotel. The company was highly cominended upon their appearanoe tod proficiency as syjkliers. The compliment w;ii Uescrved and appreciatad. Capt. Miitily üikes much pride in his military Baii4. Tut; 1'. nnal opening of the new hospital and ampitheatre connecied with the Homeopathio department of tho Univentty, i-ii t.iki! placo this evening. No tickote of MminioB are inu:d, and all interestod may avail thetuselves of the privilege of attemiing. Kxercises will eommence at ¦ clock. The prograiume consists of :i prayer by K-v. Willyi Hall, of Úáa city, au addreaa of weleomc by Prof. C K. J'Vatiklin ; an inaugural address by Prof. Samuel Jones ; and addresses by Drs. I. N. KMill-c, ,,f l-'Hnt ; :.:m1 A. I. Sawyer, o!' Aionr.M-. Tn public places and private houses, upon the crs, in ofSces, anmnd the home circle, evcrywhere must the terrible words, "thirteeii, üftoen, fourteeo," reet the eara. Sometiiotís tUey come in long-drawn sighs of diopair and discouragement ; then agip in unmistakablo wrath aocompanied by strong words, bitterly denouncing the invention; and still agaiu with a sort of demonkal yell. Additions to our insane asyluni will cortainly be ncces-iary unless some pruviilential .solution is found ; and an extra judge will soon be a necessity to hear the divorce suits and other cases arisiog from bad temper. Tuk, annual meeting of the Ladies Char itaMe 1'ninn was hi 1.1 at the residence of Mi. C. (!. Clark, on Thursday afternoon, M ireh 4th. A report was made of the W9k done by the Union for tbe year that is past. It slioweJ that through tho perKrefrng latan of a few, many hearts had bien gladdened, tnany immediate wants relieved. The Charitablo Union of this fiitjj ucejo more efficiënt workers, more to be interosted in looking aftor the poor and unf'oriunate. Tho t'ollowing offieers were i lui the enMiing year: President, Mis. Ji. A. B,al; Vicc-President, Mrs. U. S. Wpqdj Seoretary, Mrs. K Steele; Tnüsirer, Mrs. C. G. Clark. Tuk M:m;h meeting of tlie Washteuaw County Poniolofieal Suci'ty was helJ at the court house last Saturday. Mr. I. W. Marfeh, uf Salem, showed up the workings of his " tvce protector" ; Me.s.irs. J. Aus tin Scott, and J. D. Haldwin made verbal rci'orts re8peo(ing the meeting of the State ;oi.-k'iy luid ut Hill-dale, to whioh they went as dt-Iogatcs ; Prof. Emil liaur spoke ii tli! best way of preserving fruit, as also tïid Mr. ManslitM. of this city, in a very pleasant and pleasing manner. N. B. Covert placed au orange tree, bearing fruit, (Spon the tablej and a number of new members were added to the list. The meeting was, full of interest to the iiiterested. ATEMi'ERANi'EconventioD for the socond Cirgressionnl district is to be lield in this city, at the Opera House, on Wednesday, MuriÉh-!4, J8SO, comincncingat 11 o'clock, r. Tlie object of the meeting ia to organize, and sesure the united efforts of all temporánea people in favor of a prohibitory rcoastitatoorutlauieudmeiit. Every tmjieraiH1.-- Amo :ation in tlie; district, whether i 1; Kil. hun Club, ( I ¦ o 1 Templar l5'lf:", lot ; of Temí" rano-1, Father Mat'tïreW otSx. Patrick's SOtiety, Wonian's Cliri-tiuri Temporalice Union, or any othcr name?, are rpueptdfo L!i:i three delejrates eènVebH m. Iti the eAning a mass meeting will be held and prominent speakriiivl VU lady delegatüa will be f'urnishod entertainment, and special rates given the men at the hotels. It is expected that a large number of delégales will be preM'nl, :uui ilic meeting bü aromiiii; one.