SEAMAN- On Friday morning. March r,ih, 1 1 1 .t f pnralybts, Marietta V., wife of the Inte Ezra C. Seaman, in the 7'2d yeur óf her age. COLEMAN- On Thursday, Marcli 4th, from the effects of a sunstroke, Thomas M., aon of James Coleman, of tliis city, iigwi 25 ye&rs. COLEMAN- On Wodnesday, March lOth, at the residence of John Finnegan, in this city, JIabï (.'ui.KMA.N, sister oí the nbove, aged '23 years, of quick aonsumption. Qn Tuesdny, ilarch 9. 1880, of pneumonia, Elinor M-, wife of John C. Fohey. and daughter of the late Charles M. Nanry, of New York City, aged ;io years and 5 monthg. WOUDEN- At the residence of lier sister, Mra. E. Treadwell, 01 this city, Mrs. Scsan P. Wokijen, aged flfty-three years. The decéased was a resident of Rclplo, N. Y., where her reraalns were taken for intcrment.