KXQIgTEKM IK U. 8, Ir,-" ""¦."l t AltD CAKADJL "3 _______ FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of Dr. Chase'H Fninlly Medicines Is the author of Dr. ('haHf' Beelpes : or, Information for Kvrrybedy, mxl tier Raétpa Hooks bearlng hl uame, mul were lirouglit about through the luquIrleKof niany of the pnxobaun of hls Bookn for soinethlng to meet thelr llngerlng and coinpllratccl tllseauod comlltlon, whlch they dld not flnd deHcrllud In liln Hooks. Tbc proprletorshlp of the MedlcineH, Dd the bolines management of the siiinr, havlng pussed lnto the hand of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITH HEADQ.UARTERS AT 3DIE?,. OHASE'S STEAM P1TIIG HOUSE ARBOR, MIC'II., We would gay to the public, that they can rest ii-suii-d that Dr. Chine'! Family MedicIik'h wlll frlve them a greater naturactlon than any otliers, for the Dlsease for whlch thelr namen Indícate them to have been prepared- equal to that of hls Books over all other books of a similar character, as shown by thelr sales, whlch have exceeded the sales of any othur, reachtng over oie million ropli'H. Glve thein a trial, therefore, and know for yourselves. Is all we ask. DR. CHASE'S GougliandWoundBalsam lias been fonnd the qulckest and most certaln cure of Couglis of nny preparatlon In use; also qulckly rellevlng Hoarseness, Soreness of the Throator Lungn, Pain orTlghtness across the Chi-st, üronchitls, Clergyman's 8ore Throat, and Consumption In all iU earller stages, Whooplng Cough, Croup, etc. Price 1 per Bottle, or 0 Bottles Tor ¦". DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevenís and cures the Pain and Dlstrcss of the Dyspeptlc after meals, and for Purlfylng and Uenewlng the Blood, quickly tontng up the Slomach, and lnvlgoratlng tlie whole Sys(f m. Price l per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For curing the Diseases of the Llver, and correctlng Blllous condltions of the System, as well as for all Cathartlc purposes. Sugarcoated; selllng for 5 oentM per lto, or 5 lti. poHtpald, for SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength Llulment, eradlcatlug Internat or exterual Pain qulcker and more perinannntly tlian any other In use. Two slzrs,- 5O i in anti 1, -or 6 large Bottles for k.1. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLASTE R Is put up In Roll or Stick Form, whlch wlll sprnl a docen Flnsters, glvlng a strengthenlng and heallng Piaster for two cents not equated by those for whlch you pay two shlllings; selllng for L5 eenUs per roll ; ïlve rolls, pottpaid, Al. Dr. CHASE'S CATARRH SNÜFF Is for the qulck cure of " Colds In the Head," and dolng all for old C'hronic Cutarrli that modlclnecando. Keiling for 5O rtH. per hottle. IN ORDERIXG Any of thene' Medicines, (lf your Druirglst has not got them,) or for any further Information In relatlon to them, address the Dr. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY, Un Arbor, Mloh. 966tr ALL FORMER YEARS OUTDONE. 356,432 GEÏNTTTIISriE SINGER SEWIN& MACHINES SOLD IN 1878, BEINO 73,620 More Than In Any Previous Year. WK WAUBANT ZVKRT MACHINE SOI.D BY UH. SOME VEEY HAED NUTS TO CEACE let. Companles have Pprnng op In every port of the L'uion for rankini? an "Iinitatinn Sinjiür Machine." Why are not similar companies forméd or makina Imitationê of other Sewing Machints t The pnhlic will draw Hu own inference. Gold is continually counter tited ; brass and tin never f 2d. The Sinter ha tak"Q the pir-jt PriM ovr all compotitorH mtire tliAn two iicmdiikd timks. WIij Alter the Chicago Firc the Kalief C'oinraltcu undf rtook to fnrnlsh eewlng machines tothe nccdy wninni of that city. AppUcacte were pormltted to Cfaoose trom ilx alfferent kinda of mHchim-H. 2,H appllcauin were taruUhed with macbinue; 'l.A-il chohiÜlnger Machinen, and 517 ditribiited thuir cboice amoiiK the five other kiud8 of machín"-. Thot gfrlK witc tO EAUN theib LiviNO on thcae mnchluee. Why dld they take Mimr For further particular cali ou AT THK SINQKR OFFICE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Who wlll xell you a Sewlng Macblne chcaper than any other man. I am aeent alo for tho DOMKSTIC' nd for tho NEW WHITE, the most popular mw. iii.i. l,i ui' In the world, havlng Kalni'd a sale excciiUd orjly by tho Sluier, In the fliurt epacu oí two years. KEPAIK1NS s Specialty- Sinjers Mide as Goud as w. SÏStf I. L. QKINNELL, Ann Arbor. FERDONLÜMBERYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactarer and Dealer In 8ACINAW GA1-SAWID LUMBER, LATH AND SHINQLES. We invito all to givc ub a cali, and examine on stock before pnrch&tlnL elsewhere. ALSü AGKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8ELL8 K1KE BR1CK. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. KEKCH, Hopt. fcb.12,'7 Uf lllTrn CENT8 TO SELLTEA, IU I IJ I'KIIHIS MKÍ.I Kift. ilullil Irrr. 11 nl1 m f,rullle'll W.,ULSOlb,ai.LwUll, l... HO-W
Patent Medicines
Dr. Chase's Steam Printing Plant
Dt. Chase's Family Medicines
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Sewing Machines - Sales & Service
Ferdon Lumber Yard
Jackson Sewer Pipe Co.
People's Tea Co.
Lumber - Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
I. L. Grinnell
James Tolbert
T. J. Keech
17 S. Main St.